Boys vs Girls by Roshill2006/08/11 07:44 YoU think Only yOU can play yetti prankS on us well time in fOr our kills fellar. Come on guyS letS kill em-haba- time 2 make the galS knOw whOse da man
Zuma2008/01/28 21:44 we all n0 that boys 'll always b the best coz of we give a special thing 2 de girls ''sperms''
SPIKEDANGELUS2008/02/28 02:36 Blonde Girl likez 2climb trees in shortskirt.Evday bunch o guys gadr round n enjoy da view.blonde is puzzld-asks redhead y they do da?-cuz they lookin at ur panty,dnt let dem c!
Amber2008/02/28 13:30 A women and her son when 2 barried her husband she put on the answ machine be4 leave the house somewhere else a man on holiday send his wife an email but send it 2 the wrong adres when mother amd son got back she listen 2 the msg she read honey i did arive save and they busy prepare ur place u wil join me soon but plz bring cool clothes with be cause its very hot down here she fainted just there thinking shes going 2 die
P_zane2008/03/06 04:23 Yaya man rules bt u cnt leave them u cnt leav without them
P_zane2008/03/06 04:29 A man in A ntlanta said ma son is so naughty he made ol ma servants ds is imposible coz d son is 7yrs old. D master said h e piercd ol d condomz with a sharp object thats ryt nd ol of them got pregnant
KittyCat2008/03/14 17:13 I've mens must have baby they will die before delivery
GoThiC-GhOsT2008/04/30 14:47 Boys needs a girl for a couple.,
Sri1232008/05/19 01:22 Nature made boys more beautiful then girls. You see to other animal like lion, peacock, dog, cat, bull etc etc. So in case human, it'll not differ i think..
Sri1232008/05/19 01:25 Do you know? Only girl mosquito bite us? So what lesson we are getting here? Yes guys you are right
Lopesi20032008/05/19 10:47 Do u knw we are d 1 who produced ur sperm?