Boys vs Girls by Roshill2006/08/11 07:44 YoU think Only yOU can play yetti prankS on us well time in fOr our kills fellar. Come on guyS letS kill em-haba- time 2 make the galS knOw whOse da man
Sexy-sweety2007/07/27 15:45 url are borin jus face it gals r beta
Nucleus2007/07/30 11:13 listen guys, gals may b lost witout guys bt it wrks both ways -nod2-
Prak2007/08/05 11:31 What I personally believe is that both of us are incomplete without the other....
Tug2007/08/11 10:11 Am old am a lady i moved from fresh 2 powdered milk OK nowanda old women dont have babies.
Tug2007/08/11 10:24 da main thing makin guys fall 4 gals is gentlenes & hearty, but we 4get da sam thins can b spelt backwards so easil by guls
Tug2007/08/11 10:56 75% of dem gulz R beautyz and cutyz and untrust worthy kip mixin guyz up, only the 10% R soft N gentle and so so tight. 5% R cool but kip them selves centered. Well, da Otha 15% dey R way off
Nichole2007/08/11 14:12 U guys r lame.d girls vs guys is way beta
Ossomoscar2007/08/15 01:56 Halo give ur attention.!I'm a man but i can have a baby.Haha....
AdilaSefia862007/08/21 13:05 Why man 0wez mke me hurt. .I hate d feling. .Huh
SpArKo2007/08/22 15:55 because of this -bodybuild-
Dashman2007/09/01 11:47 Girls r wine nd we r bar shop keeper
Sri1232007/09/02 16:25 Wohow rightly said. One scientific solution i'm giving, that guys i've more brain substance then gals in weight. Maximum limit of Guys is 650 gms and girls have maximum only 550gms
Dark_Boy2007/09/04 03:57 mens r menr,and grls cant achve the boys
Thanosfinest2007/09/06 09:16 Aw ladies come on u know u whack
Fanta2007/09/13 11:05 1234567890 1234567890 DO U KNOW WHAT IS THIS.GUESS I DONT GIVE U THE CORRECT ANSWER
JimJones2007/10/09 21:21 da most common thing dat hapens in relationships jst hapend 2 me just found out dat my gal is a whore dampn her real hard is my way out