Boys vs Girls by Roshill 2006/08/11 07:44 YoU think Only yOU can play yetti prankS on us well time in fOr our kills fellar. Come on guyS letS kill em-haba- time 2 make the galS knOw whOse da man
Mecoozitto 2009/02/25 12:39 I don't knw y, wen eva d fowl get's 2 a strenge land it wil lift one leg up
Fromheart 2006/11/14 12:42 Girls r said to be grown up when they starts wearing bra nd boys r said to be grown up when they starts removing them
jay5 2008/10/12 17:07 I only drink 2 make my wife look prettier.
Splinter 2007/01/03 07:03 A guy finds a genie lamp nd rubs it da genie says il grant u 1wish da guy says i wish i was irresistable 2 women 2min l8a *poof* he was turnd into a credit card
Dashman 2007/01/03 15:53 Guy & god happy without girl belive it u got joy of life buddy
Peter 2006/11/16 18:39 A man went 2 a prostitute after d game he refused 2pay-u know y ? The guy told her u enjoyed it likewise i so whos gona pay
Peter 2006/11/16 18:33 If u think boyz are not better dan girls then inpregenate ur self
Blackrose 2006/09/03 03:40 Women give and 4give while man get and 4get
jumper 2007/05/21 11:54 You know we al are talking english here and know you and the only chick have to talk a languag that doesnt even xist ho should i read wat yo just wrote
Bugs-bunny 2006/08/11 11:47 A woman was pulled over by a blond woman speedcop ! cop sais: can i see your drivers licence ? Woman takes out her litl make up mirror and gives it to the blond cop. Cop sais: oh,you can go,i see youre a cop 2 !
KurtCobain 2006/08/11 14:01 Whats the difference between a battery and a woman? A battery has a positive side
KurtCobain 2006/08/11 14:03 Did u hear about the guy who finally figured out woman? He died laughing before he could tell anybody
Asher 2006/08/11 15:17 they r not jokes, but all of them r true! -rofl-
Fbi 2006/08/11 15:54 Q:how do you paralize a woman from the waist down? You mary her!
latrine 2006/08/11 20:50 Why is a battery better than a women ...cause it got a positive side
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