Boys vs Girls by Roshill 2006/08/11 07:44
YoU think Only yOU can play yetti prankS on us well time in fOr our kills fellar. Come on guyS letS kill em-haba- time 2 make the galS knOw whOse da man

Peter 2006/11/16 18:39
A man went 2 a prostitute after d game he refused 2pay-u know y ? The guy told her u enjoyed it likewise i so whos gona pay
Worsie 2006/11/25 09:19
U guys are freaks lol u making my head spin
Shakkes 2006/11/26 14:52
Girlz they think the world only goes around them
Supaman 2006/12/10 04:14
Gals gotta beautifull skull located btween their two ears,but a hole thro one ear 2 otha,n tiny brain they dnt use it offten,created troubl 2 got us out of they tryin 2 poses this world 2 /smiley
prin200 2006/12/26 16:22
to b honest men rules da world but woman r in control.
Wayne 2006/12/27 07:58
Y do we 1nt 2 kil them i love gals the cn sit on my face anyday lol i mean head hehehe
Power 2006/12/27 10:36
roswel v/s i
dArK_buTterfLy 2007/01/02 21:21
what do u call a guy whos dick...? its simple. worsie/smiley
Splinter 2007/01/03 06:54
2 women r talkin 1 says 2 the otha ul neva gues wat hapend 2 me 2day i got stuk in an elevator 4 an hour so the otha women turns around nd says dats nothing i was stuk on da escalator 4 6hours
Splinter 2007/01/03 07:03
A guy finds a genie lamp nd rubs it da genie says il grant u 1wish da guy says i wish i was irresistable 2 women 2min l8a *poof* he was turnd into a credit card
Dashman 2007/01/03 15:53
Guy & god happy without girl belive it u got joy of life buddy
Richard 2007/01/04 15:39
Why are you ladies trying to be the best but do you know that without men you will not be in this world
Richard 2007/01/04 15:41
Why are you ladies trying to be the best but do you know that without men you will not be in this world
Richard 2007/01/04 15:41
Why are you ladies trying to be the best but do you know that without men you will not be in this world
Richard 2007/01/04 15:42
Why are you ladies trying to be the best but do you know that without men you will not be in this world
Richard 2007/01/04 15:52
And if there is no release of sperm there will not be children so boys are the best
Aquamarine101 2007/01/14 19:21
I love this place
HUSSAIN 2007/01/15 04:17
Boys is the best and girls is agly.and very sexy is the girl.
LowdoGg 2007/01/16 16:39
This almost like war..
AVIATOR 2007/01/22 09:58
why do bald man ve hole in their pockets? bec they wanna run their finger through their hair!
Replies: 786

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