Boys vs Girls by Roshill 2006/08/11 07:44
YoU think Only yOU can play yetti prankS on us well time in fOr our kills fellar. Come on guyS letS kill em-haba- time 2 make the galS knOw whOse da man

AlhajiMusa 2021/08/08 03:10
Dr Alhaji Musa, spiritual
Have you be passing through issues which you can not understand how and why they are happening, such as broken marriage,lost of jobs, business crumbling, heart 💖 broken.and you av look forward to see the end of the problem, here is your you need your x/wife/husband, back,do you want to boom your business,or you need love charm.or you are passing through afflictions,Which you no it's spiritual, just WhatsApp Dr Alhaji Musa, for spiritual get what you deserve.remember spiritual control the physical.whatsapp+2349155283711

Sugarstick 2021/09/03 04:19
Oh my gosh! [ing][/img]
Oghenegare 2021/09/12 01:03
Nurudeen 2021/11/11 13:23
Iredia 2021/11/11 13:52
2WapWorld_Care 2021/11/14 11:48
Teri gaagn
Replies: 786

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