Boys vs Girls by Roshill2006/08/11 07:44 YoU think Only yOU can play yetti prankS on us well time in fOr our kills fellar. Come on guyS letS kill em-haba- time 2 make the galS knOw whOse da man
BAADSHAH2011/11/30 00:52 Boy: I can kiss u even without touching u
Girl: U cant
Boy: Lagi 20/20 ki
Girl: 0k... ...
Boy: Tightly kissed her
Girl: Hey u touched me
Boy: To le na 20 rupe roti q hai
Olatunjitayo2011/12/01 21:20 One day me and my girl we are playing and she ask me that if it can possible to kiss a person and the person will not know i ans her that it can possible and i toid her that im coming i went to go an auy sleeping drug i mix it with water i gave it to her she drank it and she sleep an i started kissing her even if i want to sleep with i will do and she want know and when she wake up i toid her about the kissing and she said i win
Olatunjitayo2011/12/01 21:25 Because they want to see what they are jumping for
michael4charles2011/12/03 01:23 what is different between a woman & a remote control
Dark_Boy2011/12/08 10:34 I tink a women
have very fast memory
Click-me2011/12/11 17:33 Lol means lot of love my mom use it many times. Lol
Trax2012/01/13 12:04 girl-what time is it,when an elephant sits on your car? Boy-it's time to get a new car.
Cmpunk2012/01/15 16:11 Some Girls r gud n some r bad like witch.
harsha2012/01/16 15:12 a girl tie a belt for boy that she love's that boy she tell's that is friendship belt,if she hate's that boy she tell's that is rakhi. by @nnur.
harsha2012/01/16 15:26 in the world girls are not done any sacrifice for boys and boys are done many sacrifice for girls,that is boys we are great. by @nnur.
Joy2012/01/18 20:15 Men are so important in a woman's life 2 d extent dat almost evri woman's problem they are always there.can u spell woman witout man,menstruation witout men,menopause witout men.definately guys are d bomb u deserve kuddos
Joy2012/01/18 20:17 Men are so important in a woman's life 2 d extent dat almost evri woman's problem they are always there.can u spell woman witout man,no :-Omenstruation witout men,menopause witout men.definately guys are d bomb u deserve kuddos