Boys vs Girls by Roshill 2006/08/11 07:44
YoU think Only yOU can play yetti prankS on us well time in fOr our kills fellar. Come on guyS letS kill em-haba- time 2 make the galS knOw whOse da man

Rupesh 2007/10/24 09:47
Too kidi
Splinter_Cell 2007/10/25 14:08
What s that?
rider 2007/10/26 22:28
well whats the say cant live with them and cant live without them
Peranha 2007/11/07 07:48
we boys dont sit and pee, we can stand and pee
Linlinto002 2007/11/14 17:55
Nawah o
Jimj 2007/11/15 06:40
fancyface 2007/11/15 12:00
Damn weired i say
rider 2007/11/20 05:12
Well men r gr8 but cant live without girls
E-40 2007/11/26 23:08
Thats a nice 1
Linlinto002 2007/12/01 08:22
Come on
jUz-4-fUn 2007/12/02 07:22
Boy bcme weak with0ut girl..
P-JACK 2007/12/05 20:12
nid girls got weapons on their chest i surenda.
Cari 2007/12/09 22:46
Men never grow up, only their toys get more expensive/smiley
L!R!cAL-K!lleR 2007/12/15 05:33
BRAD-LEE 2007/12/17 10:36
-remember- -brad- veral julle blondines
BRAD-LEE 2007/12/17 10:36
-remember- -brad- veral julle blondines /smiley
Only4u 2007/12/29 10:32
HMMM...'just ask a simple question' look y gals wear high heels?
bad-apple 2008/01/14 17:19
Boys are always better..Boys are not chatterboxes like gals..They dont waste time and money on useless pursuits..They are perfect epitomes of simplicity.
pikachu 2008/01/18 20:15
NO bOy nO cry, wiToUT gUrL bOy cry.. HehE/smiley
Foster 2008/01/22 11:23
Why,.are gil,.very3 fast 2 cry?...wat coz?
Replies: 786

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