Boys vs Girls by Roshill2006/08/11 07:44 YoU think Only yOU can play yetti prankS on us well time in fOr our kills fellar. Come on guyS letS kill em-haba- time 2 make the galS knOw whOse da man
remmydee2008/08/05 21:16 girl are like... the more they...the more they ???
gRim_ReapeR2008/08/07 16:01 Here's a dirty one. How strong is da milk in a girls nipple? It can grow a b*ne.
oluse2008/08/11 10:43 if we guys can cooperate and never woe girls just for two month u wil see the girls begging us on their dat we shol marry them
Xmikky2008/08/13 12:12 Xmikky s in d house let everybody became to laughter. Yeah d thing don happen. There was a woman who has a grl, whenever dis grl is comin from skul she always come along wit her boy frnd nd there s dis mango tree on d way to their home nd whenever their comin they will pluck some. So one day d boys now told d grl u cant climb dis tree, d grl replied i can. Then climb it the boys said but the grl said let it b 22moro. When she get home she told her mom. The mom said dont mind them they only want
Xmikky2008/08/13 12:20 Want to look at ur paint. The 2nd day on their way comin home. Now come nd climb d tree b4 they finished the sentence she had already climbed the tree, the boys were sayin yeah you re now a boy. When she got home she told her mom again i ve climbed the tree. Haa i told u not to climbed the tree dat they only want to look at ur paint. The grl told her mom the paint that ve already off
Ceazerone2008/08/14 12:20 I hat jocking about ladies bt 1 tin i know about them is dat d slim ones wont stop getting slimer and d fat ones wount stop getting fatter
Dope_LTD2008/08/15 18:23 Emm... I dnt knw wahat i say