Boys vs Girls by Roshill 2006/08/11 07:44
YoU think Only yOU can play yetti prankS on us well time in fOr our kills fellar. Come on guyS letS kill em-haba- time 2 make the galS knOw whOse da man

Slim 2008/09/29 11:37
A prostitute once had his father as his client.
Abjbaba21 2008/09/29 17:04
If t
Duncan_tjat 2008/09/29 21:44
TerrY-G 2008/09/30 22:16
He he girl do u have a muscular body like me /smiley

Sexybone 2008/10/06 00:28
There was this girl who was so ugly and horrible-looking,not even her beauty can be compared 2 that of a 40 years old turtle.
Sexybone 2008/10/06 00:34
One day,she attended a costume party,wearing a very ugly without a costume.
Sexybone 2008/10/06 00:40
Actually,she was wearing a make-up without a costume. And d party was rated 'strictly beauty'.
Sexybone 2008/10/06 00:47
When she got into the party hall,everyone was admiering her, believing that,her true appearance was her own costume.
Sexybone 2008/10/06 00:56
Suddenly,a guy walked to her and coplimented her,dat,she was putting-on the best costume. She felt so flattered,
Sexybone 2008/10/06 01:06
Coz'no guy has ever approached her ever since she was born. D MC grabed the mic,and told everyone 2 take-off their mask. D guy tuk-off his own and told d girl 2 take-off her's.
Sexybone 2008/10/06 01:18
But she replied and told him,dat she wasn't wearing any mask! And out of shock d guy shouted:Jeeeeesus. D bouncers came 2 know wat was goin-on,and wen there discovad how ugly d girl was,they had no oda choise dan 2 send her away,dat was abt, 3am.
Sexybone 2008/10/06 01:19
But she replied and told him,dat she wasn't wearing any mask! And out of shock d guy shouted:Jeeeeesus. D bouncers came ,2 know wat was goin-on,and wen there discovad how ugly d girl was,they had no oda choise dan 2 send her away,dat was abt, 3am.
Sexybone 2008/10/06 01:23
Meanwhile at dat same time,d devil was roaming around seeking 4 who 2 devour.
Sexybone 2008/10/06 01:34
When d devil saw d girl,out of shock,he also shouted "bloooood of Jesus. And while he was running,he kept on shouting:blood of Jesus,blood of Jesus,blood of Jesus...!
Sexybone 2008/10/06 01:49
Have u seen d most beatiful girl in 2wapworld? She couldn't even come 419 in d beauty pagent she had with d 420 species of frogs.
2wayz 2008/10/07 00:59
The sky without start is like sleep without drm just like the girls without the boys is not complete
sunkey 2008/10/07 04:45
we will let the girls 2 no that we are d real boys
Gam4runner 2008/10/10 08:27
What's d use of those round things at ur back side or those two kkrud at ur front side when there's no guy to press then?
It's like a barber in the vulture's world. Wetin vulture get to do wit barber?

jay5 2008/10/12 17:07
I only drink 2 make my wife look prettier.
Adtop 2008/10/13 10:32
Replies: 786

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