Boys vs Girls by Roshill2006/08/11 07:44 YoU think Only yOU can play yetti prankS on us well time in fOr our kills fellar. Come on guyS letS kill em-haba- time 2 make the galS knOw whOse da man
Skat2008/10/14 05:50 A lady tells her man,i demand good manners in bed just like @ d dinner table! d man climb into bed slowly,smile n say honey would u pls pas me d vagina? @ any moment,we are on top.
cissar2008/10/19 17:38 you guys are really eating them up when was the last time a girl pee while standing
Dashman2008/10/22 04:24 Girls r tragedy joker... We laff on tragic situation .. Nw they hv no home nd nt out world space.
Gabriel2008/10/22 21:53 A woman told her son 2 stay by d door dat nobody shud enter d house til she comes back frm d market but som1 came looking 4 d mother and boy break d door and carryit 2 d market 2 message d mother.what a sensible boy
Torres2008/10/23 10:38 An italian went to an american store nd told him he want to buy a tv set pointing at it d american got angry ........
Torres2008/10/23 10:42 ..... nd said he dont want to sell again d italian pleaded but he decline then d italian asked why .........
Torres2008/10/23 10:45 .....then d american smile nd said is only an italian dat calls a tv set a MICRO WAVE OVEN d end.
Elow2008/11/08 04:18 AS stomp d yard once sad 'one word bitches'
Password2008/11/27 09:11 I love the girls but i must say... Why does women take out on us? I know they love us and cant live without us we are the ketchup in their spaguetti jajaja
SexyBaby2008/12/23 09:21 Gurls r d best man! Just admit it! No guy in dis world can stay without a gurl! N if u think u can live without a gurl den i bet u'r dreaming
ELVISROYN2008/12/23 21:00 Hello,guys lmaging if ADAM refuse to eat the apple giving
Be EVE what wil happen,
Elow2008/12/24 20:23 True-lllyyy boy cant live with out gal bcus am in luv with britney spears and 4dat i will cot it off