So says the book by Kumz 2011/04/06 19:33
2:177 of the quran mentions that the virtuous are those who, give away their wealth to relatives,orphans,etc. Also those who show patience in hardship and adversity,and in times of distress.

It goes on to say that such are true believers,and such are god fearing.

DotmonKing 2011/04/11 14:58
THE HERO... Yep i agree with you that these people are not here to gain anything, thats why we keep walking in circles and answering the samething over and over again. They wish to keep pushing till i commit an error so that Islam can be slandered. Thats one 1 reply keeps leading to 3 new questions. But i am calm and by the will of Allah, i will be calm all through. Tho i am tired already.
DotmonKing 2011/04/11 15:02
Quote: outlaw: That defeats the whole purpose of having a discussion forum. Like you said, information can be looked up on google too. But a forum exists for the purpose of discussion and debate. I'd like my beliefs to be discussed, analysed, reviewed and criticised here. If that hurts my feelings, i would stop coming here altogether. But i don't want this forum to turn into a lame copy-paste zone where no debate is encouraged.
and whats your belief if i may ask? I'd be glad if you have one. Maybe u mite wanna answer sum questions too

-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2011/04/11 15:05
Quote: Izaguirre: THE HERO... Yep i agree with you that these people are not here to gain anything, thats why we keep walking in circles and answering the samething over and over again. They wish to keep pushing till i commit an error so that Islam can be slandered. Thats one 1 reply keeps leading to 3 new questions. But i am calm and by the will of Allah, i will be calm all through. Tho i am tired already.
You have not managed to answer anything successfully at all as yet...thats why with my questions you fall short n silent, you constantly use excuses not to answer intelligibly and or logically.You have your opinion and others have their opinions and also the questions many are asking you seem to only answer with religious passages. Do you not have your own mind here? Or are you Overwhelmed and lost so much you cannot think freely anymore? And if the thread and questions are tiring you so much, just close the thread simple. Thats what will happen eventually...and it will be a very much ..lets say biased closing of it.

panache 2011/04/11 15:06
Quote: Izaguirre: Allah is One, He is He who has predentined a servant to be doomed, then help the servant to be steadfast and righteous and He re-writes that servants destiny with the people of the righteous. Allah is in all forms capable and willing. Mankind is helpless without Him. You cant prove Him wrong, you cn only pray to Him to save you.

Verily, Allah has power over all things
These are the kind of posts that make me feel sorry for you. It seems like you are more of reminding yourself of the greatness of allah..recapitulating what you have been taught all your life. Have we shaken your faith by any chance?

-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2011/04/11 15:06
Quote: outlaw: I have several beliefs. One of my beliefs is that people shouldn't make claims they can't back up with logic/proof/evidence/reason. Would you like to ask a question?
Exactly bro, lol.

-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2011/04/11 15:17
Quote: outlaw: I bet he doesn't think people who don't believe in an invisible magic man in the sky can have any beliefs at all.
I must say you just made me burst out laughing /smiley ..But your right /smiley

-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2011/04/11 15:21
Quote: outlaw: I'm quoting my post again because i feel severely let down by Izaguire's silly reply. To test the hypothesis of an omniscient God against the concept of Free Will, i made an "if-statement" about being saved, which can be seen clearly above. Izaguire took that one little statement out of context and completely ignored the rest of the post, thus missing the point by several light years. If anyone with an iota of intellectual dishonesty and reading comprehension wants to address my post, please do so.
Ask him if he has ever heard of Occam's razor, that will put rest to most peoples fantasy theories of the ever present all knowing all seeing omnipotent omnipresent Magic man! Because Occam's razor is pure logic. /smiley

-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2011/04/11 15:32
Quote: outlaw: It is indeed the most succinct argument against the need for a prime mover if there ever was one. Explaining it to a religious person or expecting them to understand it is an entirely different matter though, mainly because they don't want to understand it. The pigeon shuts his eyes and pretends the cat isn't there.
I tawt a taw a puddy cat ..I did I did i did taw a puddy cat /smiley

-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2011/04/11 15:52
Quote: outlaw: /smiley You did! You did tee a putty tat!
/smiley...Im going to bed now...I feel satisfied LOL night night

DotmonKing 2011/04/11 19:42
Quote: outlaw: I have several beliefs. One of my beliefs is that people shouldn't make claims they can't back up with logic/proof/evidence/reason. Would you like to ask a question?
no i have no question for you bro cos you dont have any faith. I'd rather face those that have a faith

DotmonKing 2011/04/11 19:53
Oh Allah thank you for ending this long and boring conversation. They kept trying to force me into error but by Your grace i didnt, they tried to frustrate me but by Your grace i stayed calm and didnt run away. They are not here to learn anything about Your religion, they seek to slander it thru our own errors but by Your grace i made none.
Then they said ''you havent answered anything yet''. How could i have answered anything in their eyes when i never said what they truelly wished to hear? Their answers are in their bellies and again Allah is on top, Islam is on top.
There is no compulsion is religion. Whatever good you do, you do it for ur own soul and whatever evil you do, you only hurt your own soul.

May Allah help us on the path of being righteous. Bye

-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2011/04/12 02:16
Quote: outlaw: You keep telling yourself that. The reality is for anyone to see who takes the time to read this thread. You weren't even honest in dealing with the questions, let alone helpful or coherent.
Ya know, I feel really satisfied he cannot answer /smiley

panache 2011/04/12 04:33
Please forgive me all those things I said. I’ll no longer betray you, Lord. I will pray to you instead.
And I will say “Thank you, thank you, thank you God. Thank you, thank you, thank you God.”
Thank you God for ending this boring conversation. Now please fix my eye infection /smiley

panache 2011/04/12 04:45
Somebody scratched me near my right eye last night and i have developed an infection there.. boo-hoo-hoo! And you wretched beings will still say theres no God. Im not offending Him anymore i want my swollen painful eye fixed /smiley
-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2011/04/12 07:44
Quote: panache: Somebody scratched me near my right eye last night and i have developed an infection there.. boo-hoo-hoo! And you wretched beings will still say theres no God. Im not offending Him anymore i want my swollen painful eye fixed /smiley
See the Pharmacist or Doctor, sometimes they perform miracles!!! /smiley

Musafir 2011/04/12 08:03
Quote: Spoon: problem with that last request most staff r muslim here so where does that leave others that have different beliefs where we r a minority? r they going to add staff for those minorities? if that was the case kumz wld b added back for buddism and me for kemetic spiritualism, then u wld have a staff for atheist and gothics and wicca, they all beliefs which r followed by ppl here
If there will be no staff regarding other religion then that post/request will be deleted or other option is it will remain in topic until it would not be answered by satisfied staff of that religion /smiley no other user will be permitted to quote him/her regarding that question, only user of that religion will be permitted to quote only one in good manner to clear the question.

-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2011/04/12 08:21
Quote: THE_HERO: If there will be no staff regarding other religion then that post/request will be deleted or other option is it will remain in topic until it would not be answered by satisfied staff of that religion /smiley no other user will be permitted to quote him/her regarding that question, only user of that religion will be permitted to quote only one in good manner to clear the question.
Then that would be biased and totally wrong now wouldn't it?

Spoon 2011/04/12 08:44
Quote: THE_HERO: If there will be no staff regarding other religion then that post/request will be deleted or other option is it will remain in topic until it would not be answered by satisfied staff of that religion /smiley no other user will be permitted to quote him/her regarding that question, only user of that religion will be permitted to quote only one in good manner to clear the question.
if that was done no1 else will b able to speak of there beliefs. oh wait thats wots happening now

-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2011/04/12 10:14
Quote: Izaguirre: Oh Allah thank you for ending this long and boring conversation. They kept trying to force me into error but by Your grace i didnt, they tried to frustrate me but by Your grace i stayed calm and didnt run away. They are not here to learn anything about Your religion, they seek to slander it thru our own errors but by Your grace i made none.
Then they said ''you havent answered anything yet''. How could i have answered anything in their eyes when i never said what they truelly wished to hear? Their answers are in their bellies and again Allah is on top, Islam is on top.
There is no compulsion is religion. Whatever good you do, you do it for ur own soul and whatever evil you do, you only hurt your own soul.

May Allah help us on the path of being righteous. Bye
Thank you Imam Dotty for your words of greatness and authorized by all that allow your wondrousness to tell everything as thee know all and everything yay verily ye are forever a wonder..........NOT

DotmonKing 2011/04/12 13:57
Quote: outlaw: You keep telling yourself that. The reality is for anyone to see who takes the time to read this thread. You weren't even honest in dealing with the questions, let alone helpful or coherent.
how could i be helpfull to those who wana taunt islam? I'm helpful and most loyal to islam alone. None of you could prove anything that i said to be wrong. Could you? Not in a single post could u counter me to surrender. I'm most happy

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