Izaguirre: i didnt reply it cos it'll be time wasting. I didnt see any sense in it. Even if ur mother carries you in her womb 4 50 years, she still has no clue to what ur destiny will be, does she? She doesnt kw when you'll die. She doesnt even kw what u'l like or dislike as an infant talkless of when u'r grown up. She didnt even know d exact point of when u were conceived, neither did your dad know. Ur parents just kept on trying till the sign of pregnancy came up. Even the exact sperm cell that fertilized the egg is unknown to your both parent, the they known if you'll be male or female? Its a pity we call our parents our creator only because we refuse to think deep and straight. They cant even prevent us from dying, some of us have lost siblings while our parents are still alive.
But Allah knows all these things and beyond.
Then i ask, who is the real Creator?
He is the One who Created Adam, the One who Created your ma and your pa, the One who Created you, the One who'll Create your children and sometimes even take away our Children before our very eyes. That One is Allah.
I urge us all to think deep with open minds. 5 minutes of pure thoughts and reasoning will actually tell you that your parents are not your creator.
you didn't see any SENSE in it??? Really??? Does it even matter when exactly you're born? If not for your parents, you wouldn't even HAVE a religion! If not for your parents, you wouldn't even BE here. God didn't create YOU from clay. And you say it's a waste of time explaining why your parents are so unimportant? Amazing! What a god, to ask a child to love and worship him, who doesn't even show up in the worst of times (instead "sends" another human in his place) to give a shoulder to cry on. And place so vain to think that person was "god sent" or is and " angel".