So says the book by Kumz 2011/04/06 19:33
2:177 of the quran mentions that the virtuous are those who, give away their wealth to relatives,orphans,etc. Also those who show patience in hardship and adversity,and in times of distress.

It goes on to say that such are true believers,and such are god fearing.

DotmonKing 2011/04/14 15:10
Quote: -DeMoN_OvErLoRd-: Once again you go on the thing of Insults etc etc when you CANNOT answer /smiley Thats what you always do. You always use my same reasoning when you try to attack me, /smiley Above is an example/smiley And again you use the provoking nonsense when i ask you questions which you cannot answer. /smiley EOD END OF DISCUSSION
the post you quoted sums you up bro and thats the truth. Here in faithzone, there is no question to which anyone can ask me that i wont answer. We all know what faithzone has made us become individually, i'v never been banned for an issue in faithzone. I have a clean slate in faithzone. My record speaks for itself. But how can i have such a clean record if i do attack people? I dont do such and the honest ones amongst you will agree... It doesnt befit anyone here to tel me that i've inherited a bad name here in faithzone.

Zeast 2011/04/14 19:25
Quote: Kumz:
That is the opinion of one person who doesn't believe in god. /smiley and what about Zeast, hero,haris and a few others whom I can't remember,who were unbelievably rude to the ones who dont believe in god? They even bring out personal matters when they run out of come backs. So you could say...both believers and non believers are the same as humans. And no. I'm not a cannibal although I dont believe in god. In fact, most Buddhist are vegetarians.
. /smiley am sh0cked by the way. My dear sista when wZ i rude to ye o to ny0ne else in dz lil stead? Bt i undstan yua plans. C ! I posted in yua topic. Peace iz yurz. /smiley

Kumz 2011/04/15 08:04
Quote: Izaguirre: you'r point was well understood but you fail to understand me. You wana jumble up everything together so it'll look the same. In class i was thought that 'action' and 'reaction' are opposite. You cant tel me its thesame. All im tryin to say is when you insult a man and he insults you bk, its you who started it that's the perpertraitor of evil, nt the man. Thus my sister, its not thesame. Hope you get it now
the fact remains that believers and non believers of god are the same when it some to insulting.

Kumz 2011/04/15 08:06
Quote: Kumz: I I suppose your god kept you in his womb, made sure he ate the right food to make sure you'll be healthy, and gave birth to you with all the labour pain and all,huh? And I suppose your father was seated comfortably at home,watching tv all day,while your god laid the food on the table and sponsored your education. Why did god create parents at all then? He could've just kept using clay for each and every being instead of making our parents do all the work for him? Why?
And then comes this question.

Kumz 2011/04/15 08:07
Quote: Zeast: . /smiley am sh0cked by the way. My dear sista when wZ i rude to ye o to ny0ne else in dz lil stead? Bt i undstan yua plans. C ! I posted in yua topic. Peace iz yurz. /smiley
and I'm shocked that god would give you such a short term memory.

Zeast 2011/04/15 09:30
Quote: Kumz: and I'm shocked that god would give you such a short term memory.
/smiley m extrmly sori iv i did so bt i surly rememba i've neva bn rude to ny0ne at 2wap. Anythn else ma dear sista.

DotmonKing 2011/04/15 11:13
Quote: Kumz: the fact remains that believers and non believers of god are the same when it some to insulting.
its not the same cos no sin is incured when retaliating. Its that simple. Believers cant be your fool just cos they are believers.

I hope you now understand

DotmonKing 2011/04/15 11:27
Quote: Kumz: And then comes this question.
i didnt reply it cos it'll be time wasting. I didnt see any sense in it. Even if ur mother carries you in her womb 4 50 years, she still has no clue to what ur destiny will be, does she? She doesnt kw when you'll die. She doesnt even kw what u'l like or dislike as an infant talkless of when u'r grown up. She didnt even know d exact point of when u were conceived, neither did your dad know. Ur parents just kept on trying till the sign of pregnancy came up. Even the exact sperm cell that fertilized the egg is unknown to your both parent, the they known if you'll be male or female? Its a pity we call our parents our creator only because we refuse to think deep and straight. They cant even prevent us from dying, some of us have lost siblings while our parents are still alive.

But Allah knows all these things and beyond.

Then i ask, who is the real Creator?

He is the One who Created Adam, the One who Created your ma and your pa, the One who Created you, the One who'll Create your children and sometimes even take away our Children before our very eyes. That One is Allah.

I urge us all to think deep with open minds. 5 minutes of pure thoughts and reasoning will actually tell you that your parents are not your creator.

-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2011/04/15 12:56
Quote: Izaguirre: the post you quoted sums you up bro and thats the truth. Here in faithzone, there is no question to which anyone can ask me that i wont answer. We all know what faithzone has made us become individually, i'v never been banned for an issue in faithzone. I have a clean slate in faithzone. My record speaks for itself. But how can i have such a clean record if i do attack people? I dont do such and the honest ones amongst you will agree... It doesnt befit anyone here to tel me that i've inherited a bad name here in faithzone.
And what has this have to do with the issue at hand may i ask, as we all know this zone is biased completely and utterly and always has been. So you being banned from here wont happens long as thats still the case.But you have been banned outside of here /smiley All you do constantly is sprout un-backed up quotes and passages without quality evidence to back it up but hearsay and nothing more.

"The question is: is the way the universe began chosen by God for reasons we can't understand, or was it determined by a law of science? I believe the second." "Because there is a law such as gravity, the Universe can and will create itself from nothing.

"There is a fundamental difference between religion, which is based on authority [imposed dogma, faith], [as opposed to] science, which is based on observation and reason. Science will win because it works." Stephen Hawking /smiley

DotmonKing 2011/04/15 18:21
Quote: -DeMoN_OvErLoRd-: And what has this have to do with the issue at hand may i ask, as we all know this zone is biased completely and utterly and always has been. So you being banned from here wont happens long as thats still the case.But you have been banned outside of here /smiley All you do constantly is sprout un-backed up quotes and passages without quality evidence to back it up but hearsay and nothing more.

"The question is: is the way the universe began chosen by God for reasons we can't understand, or was it determined by a law of science? I believe the second." "Because there is a law such as gravity, the Universe can and will create itself from nothing.

"There is a fundamental difference between religion, which is based on authority [imposed dogma, faith], [as opposed to] science, which is based on observation and reason. Science will win because it works." Stephen Hawking /smiley
so many questions in one post. How many will i answer? Hmm Allah has made me such a man in faithzone.
If i may ask, you are those biased against you? Its sad for man not to notice that his own atitude was responsible for his shortcomings. We had no muslim mod who was a consistent faithzone user. The 3 mods who were consistent here were kumz, spoon and bloody odity and none of them were muslims. So how could you possibly be complaining of bias? I had none fighting for me or supporting me, no 2wapper can help me as much as i can help myself. And thats why i also never report anybody. We are all responsible for our own dealings and shortcomings.

2ndly your question has already been answered by itself. You choose science and i choose God. Whatelse do you wana hear?

DotmonKing 2011/04/15 18:38
Quote: outlaw: The word 'test' has nothing to do with the contradictions in your beliefs. It's a matter of logical inconsistency. Epicurus put it the best way:
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?”

Please explain what you mean it's all a 'test'.
inna lai Allah qul shein qadir, Allahu qul shein qadir. Indeed Allah has power over all things, Allah has power over all things. Allah is above all capable.

Allah says ''Mankind was created in hardship''
Allah says ''We created man in the best of statures then brought him down to the lowest of the lows''.

From those quotes you should realise that he is above all capable. Didnt He ask you to persevere during the times of hardship and be steadfast unto Him? For whatever befalls you is from His. So that you may be amongst the righteous in the hereafter? This world is not in anyway your home, the afterlife is your eternal home. As long as man lives, he should know that he will cry and he will laugh, he will be happy and he will be sad, those are the puts to which Allah has put every living soul. The earlier you accept the way of your Lord, the better for you. I pray you dont keep asking the same question till death overtakes us. Allah says ''for some people, no matter how much you warn them they will not belief''. Even when they said to Moses, tel your God to give us a sign, when the sign came they still not believed. Their hearts have been hardened like stone and they have been cursed to the path of mis-leading

DotmonKing 2011/04/15 18:56
Quote: outlaw: Like i said before, i have made no personal attacks on you. You can’t accuse me of being rude to you personally. Between the two of us, I’ve been more committed to the topic at hand. You on the other hand have been evading questions related to the discussion and going on about how atheists are rude and not righteous, etc. So it’s quite clear who’s adding more value to the forum. The forum is called faith/beliefs, not religious monopoly. I even told you one of MY beliefs and sincerely offered you a chance to ask questions about it. I think it was quite dumb of that “atheist” to generalize atheists like that. What gives her the right to speak for me?
One of your beliefs is that all atheists should burn in hell. You want me to RESPECT that? I have a better idea. Why don’t we work on mutual respect. You admit for ONCE that you do not believe all atheists should burn in hell, and that people should be judged on the basis of their actions and deeds, not on the basis of who they are. I don’t care what your holy book says, i just want YOU to accept those perfectly reasonable terms of mutual respect.
So Allah knows there are other gods and respects them? I would like you to elaborate that point please. I fail to understand why there is a hell for non-muslims if Allah Himself believes in the existence of other gods.
1st of all i should tell you that religious attacks are more severe that personal attacks.

2ndly thanks for telling us why you're here. I'd said it before that you're all hear waiting for me to say what we wish to hear. If i say things from the Qur'an that all unbelievers will go to hell. 1st of all, its not my own words, its that of the Qur'an. 2ndly that gives you no right to insult islam or any muslim in response. If you cant cope, plz kindly say away from islamic threads. You being here should be with the consent that you'll be polite. And you can create threads of your own beliefs too. Thats why i dont enter non-islamic threads, so that none will accuse me for anything. If i quot

DotmonKing 2011/04/15 19:04
Quote: outlaw: Like i said before, i have made no personal attacks on you. You can’t accuse me of being rude to you personally. Between the two of us, I’ve been more committed to the topic at hand. You on the other hand have been evading questions related to the discussion and going on about how atheists are rude and not righteous, etc. So it’s quite clear who’s adding more value to the forum. The forum is called faith/beliefs, not religious monopoly. I even told you one of MY beliefs and sincerely offered you a chance to ask questions about it. I think it was quite dumb of that “atheist” to generalize atheists like that. What gives her the right to speak for me?
One of your beliefs is that all atheists should burn in hell. You want me to RESPECT that? I have a better idea. Why don’t we work on mutual respect. You admit for ONCE that you do not believe all atheists should burn in hell, and that people should be judged on the basis of their actions and deeds, not on the basis of who they are. I don’t care what your holy book says, i just want YOU to accept those perfectly reasonable terms of mutual respect.
So Allah knows there are other gods and respects them? I would like you to elaborate that point please. I fail to understand why there is a hell for non-muslims if Allah Himself believes in the existence of other gods.
As for your last question. Allah has no equals and He doesnt believe in the existence of any other gods cos they're nothing before Him. Its man that chose to worship these things.
I earlier said Allah says do not insult their gods. The logic behind such statement is simple. Those gods are harmless to Him but the followers of those gods will view an insult to their gods as trouble making and thus it might bring about a fight, war, killings etc.

Thus Allah is just discouraging against troublemaking due to the consequences that might follow.

DotmonKing 2011/04/15 19:19
Quote: outlaw: I brought that up because i was confronted with that by a muslim here who thought my atheism was comparable to a son denying his father’s existence. If there is actually a god, the father-son comparison is quite appropriate i think.

I have evidence to believe he did, actually. A DNA test will confirm that. That’s substantive evidence that he created me.

Do you realise what you’ve just said? If he is the one who has written my destiny and scripted my entire life from birth till death, what justification does he have to torture me? Unless torturing me was part of his plan right from the beginning. In which case, he created me for the sole purpose of torturing me in the end. If he created me, I’d grant him the right to torture me because i am his property after all. But he still has no justification and doesn’t deserve to be worshipped. His moral standard is lower than that of my real father who would never hurt me even if he controlled my destiny. In fact being in control of someone’s destiny is all the more reason to not torture someone because the said controller is ultimately responsible for everything.

We have seen that. Allah needs to learn from his creation what love and forgiveness really is.
i was smiling when i was reading this. I see the constant fear. Allah has warned us, He has told us before hand where we might end up. But you thing only of yourself on the part of the left. What of those who had destinies to go to heaven but end up in hell.

Allah writes the destiny of man but He hasnt created man to become His zombies whom He'll say go left and they'll go, go right and they'll go. He has permitted you to obey or disobey Him by simply giving you freewill. You are responsible for you own deeds, if you believe in Him, He'll help you become move steadfast and righteous.
If i have a 'rigid' destiny, why does He asks me to pray to Him for the sake of my own soul? We dont pray 'for' Allah, we pray 'to' Allah for ourselves. Allah wants none to end up on the left, but some

DotmonKing 2011/04/15 19:29
Quote: outlaw: This post should be reported to admins. If one decides to become a part of this forum, they must be willing to put their faith/beliefs under scrutiny. If you see no problem responding to logical questions about your faith which you perceive as "insults" with ad hominem attacks, then you are clearly not in the right frame of mind to be a part of this forum, much less moderate it. Our statements about your faith are backed with reason and you would help your case better if you responded with logic and reason as well, instead of calling names.
scrutiny such as insults? Haha you must be joking bro. I do not blame you tho, you make such post cos you have no faith. I dont call anyone names, if i do i know those who would have already reported me long ago. neither am i a moderator of faithzone. If you check stats, you'll see ''all forums''.

And plz, you're free to always report cases to admin.

DotmonKing 2011/04/15 19:39
Quote: outlaw: That's interesting because it's religion which first came up with this concept of nonbelievers and hellfire for not believing, etc. So when an atheist calls such a concept stupid and the doctrine that preaches it evil, then he/she is merely retaliating. Funny how retaliation is okay when it's done in the name of God.
haha so christianity and judaism promises heaven to atheist? Haha i am unaware of such.

Now i say this seriously bro, i dont wana find you on the back foot... Plz in ur subsequent and future post, dont use the words evil or stupid on our doctrine again. You have used such words in this forum not once and not twice and not trice. But i overlooked them all. Now i give my warning. Thanks to you. I have insulted none from the start neither have i for once called any of you's mindset or judgement as 'evil'. Plz respect islam as i respect you. Thanks

DotmonKing 2011/04/15 20:06
Quote: outlaw: Izaguire, i humbly suggest you take a break and let someone else do this job of "defending your faith from insults" as you see it. It's obvious you keep posting not because you want to contribute something of value, but just to prove something to yourself. You deleted our posts you thought were not "necessary", yet you go on about your record in faithzone and other topics in the past as if all that has anything to do with this topic at all. Please sir, contribute or quit.
i should take a break? Hmm i laugh... There is no question to which i havnt answered but for as long as you keep waiting to hear what i wont say, you'll keep having that feeling and i'm certainly sure you'll keep waiting. If i havnt been answering then why are you still here? About 250 posts and you'll still here? Haha its bcos ur urge to be here is insatiable. You wont be here again if i wasnt talking sense. You said u wanted to quit at midway point only for you to quote me again the next day. I'm sure you wont place such important on my post if i was talkin rubbish. Its not me who's waiting bro, its you.

On the part of me talking about my history here. I understand that my history here in faithzone doesnt please you but why wont i refer to it when i get accused wrongly of my past? If it were u, im sure you would too bro.

Enjoy ur stay in the thread bro. One thing that makes me happy is that the name of Allah is constantly praised in this thread, if i had been presented by an impossible task by one of you, i'd have stopped or leave by now. But i say over and over again, there is no question i havnt answered, if the answers dont satisfy you, then maybe you should believe in what you wish. I believe none dragged you here and it shouldnt be too dificult to leave. But i'd be happy if you stay and keep asking, but remember... I wont say what you wish to hear. Learn to accept our beliefs as ''our own way'' and not seeking conjuctures that'l link it to urs.

jaQui 2011/04/15 20:48
Quote: Zeast: . /smiley am sh0cked by the way. My dear sista when wZ i rude to ye o to ny0ne else in dz lil stead? Bt i undstan yua plans. C ! I posted in yua topic. Peace iz yurz. /smiley

i must agree,u've neva bn 'rude' 2 any1/smiley

Spoon 2011/04/16 01:29
Quote: Izaguirre: 1st of all i should tell you that religious attacks are more severe that personal attacks.

2ndly thanks for telling us why you're here. I'd said it before that you're all hear waiting for me to say what we wish to hear. If i say things from the Qur'an that all unbelievers will go to hell. 1st of all, its not my own words, its that of the Qur'an. 2ndly that gives you no right to insult islam or any muslim in response. If you cant cope, plz kindly say away from islamic threads. You being here should be with the consent that you'll be polite. And you can create threads of your own beliefs too. Thats why i dont enter non-islamic threads, so that none will accuse me for anything. If i quot
actually religious attacks isnt worse than personal, its the other way around, and the reason y is becsuse every1 has different views and beliefs with religion but when its a personal attack ur attacking that person its 1 on 1 not just a view of a structure. for instance i cld say i dont like the way a group of buildings r built and designed by 1 particualar group of designers that is my view but if i said i dont like a person because they smell thats a personal attack which is taken more seriously

Kumz 2011/04/16 03:06
Quote: Izaguirre: its not the same cos no sin is incured when retaliating. Its that simple. Believers cant be your fool just cos they are believers.

I hope you now understand
lol!funny how you so easily disregard "patience in hardship and in times of distress" in 2:177 just by saying it's no sin to retaliate. Or are you twisting the words of the quran for your own benefit?

Replies: 216

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