So says the book by Kumz2011/04/06 19:33 2:177 of the quran mentions that the virtuous are those who, give away their wealth to relatives,orphans,etc. Also those who show patience in hardship and adversity,and in times of distress.
It goes on to say that such are true believers,and such are god fearing.
Quote: Kumz: Why did he not safe guard the other books just the same?why did he,knowingly,let them be altered by the people?if he didn't,there'd have been less wars and less bloodshed in his name.
who told you there'l be less bloodshed? 1st world war wasnt religious, was it? How abt d 2nd? 9gerian civil war decades ago wasnt religious. You cant guess the future of this world with its past, mankind's reasoning is too limited for that.
Quote: Kumz: Indeed! I can't imagine my father letting me and my brother murder each other over two different books that we think is better than the other.he'd come out of his room,stay among us and help us understand better.he'd not send his brother or friend to confront us.and mind father is only human.
yep your father is in everyway limited, as all humans are. Im glad u ended tr post with human.
Allah is nt human, neither is He ur father. He is ur Creator and He's limitless.
Quote: outlaw: Word salad with bullshxt sauce. That doesn't answer the question at all. If Allah is omniscient, our destinies are predetermined. Everything about our lives and choices we will make has been foreordained, including the changes Allah plans to make to our destinies. This basically means we don't really have any choice and free will is an illusion. Sorry, you can't bend basic rules of logic to make allowance for Allah's omniscience. You can't say 2+2=3 because Allah says so. You have to admit that either our free will is a facade or Allah isn't all-knowing.
if you've been pre-destined to hell, you will certainly end up there. But why do you think Allah sent messenger's to you? If He knew you destiny cant be altered? Of course He knows what's about to befall you but He want you to be saved and you can only be if you follow Him.
Quote: panache: that wasnt a satisfactory answer.. theres difference of opinion within every religion no matter which came up when. Even though Muhammad was sent last yet Islam has sects like Shias and Sunnis. So sending him last didnt really help you see! Instead if he was sent at the very beginning and safe guarded the Quran atleast we wouldhv been following the same holy book and recognizing the same God now. Pretty lazy this Allah must
shia and sunni only? There'll be many more sects to be born. Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) said so himself. Allah does what He wills.
Quote: panache: You are a Muslim, the bias is obvious. I say Allah has one more religion up his sleeve. A new prophet with a whole new revised edition of the Quran is coming soon!
My God doesnt lie in His books. A new prophet? When the end time is near? Thanks for suck joke, u made me laugh alot. Thanks
DotmonKing2011/04/10 19:50 Thanks to you all for keeping this thread peaceful upon over 100 posts. Great!
Quote: Izaguirre: You dont ask questions, you make conclusive post but you understand nothing. I'l be glad to answer questions like Why didnt He stop at the 1st books etc etc. Tho are sensible and polite question. But say He made mistakes upon your ignorance means you've already come to your own conclusion tho you're ignorant about what you're talking about. You have you own opinion already, thus i have nothing to answer to you.
In other words, I maybe correct,but you don't agree?
Quote: Izaguirre: yes i believe Allah sent down those books but man has corrupted it thus it shld be disregarded. Informations in those books that are the same with those in the Qur'an... We accept them. All others should be left alone.
Hmmm.... I dunno really.... All these were written by mere humans. They may all be just as corrupted as the New Testament.
Quote: Izaguirre: mother theresa? Who is she? I've heard that name but i dont know her. Thus she hasnt touched my life in any way and how has she touched yours?
oh... I see! So unless a person touches your life and mine, god doesn't bother with them? Or are you trying to say that you really can't answer that question with all honesty? may quote all questions asked,but you hardly ever stay on point when answering them. You type in a whole lot of words,but hardly 10% of it is related to the actual question.
Quote: Izaguirre: yep your father is in everyway limited, as all humans are. Im glad u ended tr post with human.
Allah is nt human, neither is He ur father. He is ur Creator and He's limitless.
again you avoided the actual POINT of the post you quoted here. Yes my father's a mere human. But he obviously loves us more than this god of yours does. My father is there for me to see! You can't see and touch things when they're DEAD AND GONE. If god was limitless,there's a whole lot more he can do. At least as much as my father does. My father does a whole lot more than god does!!!he'd work,come home and still have enough time to be with us. God just sits up there watching us like a reality TV show,which he apparently knows the ending of!
Makes him sound like a big old bully,really. Like a school head master who favours some students over the others, just cz their mothers got him first class tickets to Florida. Get my point? He favours those who bribe him. Is that not so?
Quote: Izaguirre: if you've been pre-destined to hell, you will certainly end up there. But why do you think Allah sent messenger's to you? If He knew you destiny cant be altered? Of course He knows what's about to befall you but He want you to be saved and you can only be if you follow Him.
um if we pre-destined to hell y if we dnt believe shld we believe when it wont change where we will end up since we pre-destined
Quote: Izaguirre: mother theresa? Who is she? I've heard that name but i dont know her. Thus she hasnt touched my life in any way and how has she touched yours?
Tell you what...bother a little. Use Google. Use books. Find out about Mother Theresa. Weird though that you dont know about her. Since you said you went to a Christian school and all. Oh well...not my issue that you dont bother to see outside the box.
Quote: Kumz: In other words, I maybe correct,but you don't agree?
do you know what ignorance is? How can you be correct when you dont know what you're saying? What you're concluding? I dont 'think' you may be corrent. I 'know' you're wrong but i choose not reply cos you've made ur own conclusions and i think you should hold onto them... Tho they're certainly great error but i will watch you become steadfast with ur error without trying to oppose or correct you.
Those who wanna ask, i will answer and may Allah give them open minds to listen. But those who wanna conclude clear error upon half knowledge, i will watch them become steadfast via their conjucture on the path of misleading without altering a word in response.
Quote: Kumz: Hmmm.... I dunno really.... All these were written by mere humans. They may all be just as corrupted as the New Testament.
corruption and Qur'an are 2 words that dont go together. Certainly. I thnk this is my 4th post of dis same subject. Like i earlier said, mankind will die upon trying to alter the Qur'an. If you thnk otherwise, the gv me the slightest or smallest proof
Quote: Kumz: oh... I see! So unless a person touches your life and mine, god doesn't bother with them? Or are you trying to say that you really can't answer that question with all honesty? may quote all questions asked,but you hardly ever stay on point when answering them. You type in a whole lot of words,but hardly 10% of it is related to the actual question.
example of such questions...?
You expect me to fill ur bellies with your wishes (answer), then why are you asking me when you already have the kinda answer you desire in your minds? Its a pity i cant say what you wish to hear, thats a fact. There is none of my quotes that doesnt have clear answer to the questions ask, but my answers take you a step forward then 3 step backwards cos after taking that step forward, you're now presently with yet more questions again and you just keep asking and asking. At the end you'll find out that you've been walking in circles... Thus you've ended up confusing yourselves.
Why are you confused? Cos you dont know Allah, neither do you know islam. You might have a Qur'an in ur hand but you know what you're looking for in it, looking for controversial verses that'l leave you more confused and aimless. The least question someone holding a qur'an will ask is to be asking about Allah. God, thats really a case. In chapter 2 alone, you'll get to know Allah so well. But i believe you've been skipping those.
Then i'l ask a question. Why did you decide to read the Qur'an? To condemn islam or to accept islam or u'r insearch of a true faith? I believe you'll never sincerely answer this.
Quote: Kumz: again you avoided the actual POINT of the post you quoted here. Yes my father's a mere human. But he obviously loves us more than this god of yours does. My father is there for me to see! You can't see and touch things when they're DEAD AND GONE. If god was limitless,there's a whole lot more he can do. At least as much as my father does. My father does a whole lot more than god does!!!he'd work,come home and still have enough time to be with us. God just sits up there watching us like a reality TV show,which he apparently knows the ending of!
your father does a whole lot more than Allah? I believe Allah will ask you to say that again on the day of judgement then He'll call upon your father to over-rule His verdict on your soul if he can. Then we'll know who does more. I'm heavily smiling now my friend.
Quote: Kumz: Makes him sound like a big old bully,really. Like a school head master who favours some students over the others, just cz their mothers got him first class tickets to Florida. Get my point? He favours those who bribe him. Is that not so?
Do you know what old is? Look in the mirror and you'll get an answer. Allah and wrinkles? Doesnt match.
Quote: Spoon: um if we pre-destined to hell y if we dnt believe shld we believe when it wont change where we will end up since we pre-destined
nah... You cant end up in hell if you believe and do righteous deeds. Allah re-writes the destiny of His righteous slaves. thus if you become one, Then your destiny changes. Allah is most-forgiving and most-compassionate.
Quote: Kumz: Tell you what...bother a little. Use Google. Use books. Find out about Mother Theresa. Weird though that you dont know about her. Since you said you went to a Christian school and all. Oh well...not my issue that you dont bother to see outside the box.
i've read the works of many great people maybe more than you. Julius Ceaser, Augustus, socrates, plato, aristotle etc etc. Mother Theresa never reached half of their heights in terms of work and influence. Perhaps maybe i read about those far greater.
Mother Theresa... I dont know her, and i never bothered. Those men i mentioned, they're not in the box, are they?