So says the book by Kumz 2011/04/06 19:33
2:177 of the quran mentions that the virtuous are those who, give away their wealth to relatives,orphans,etc. Also those who show patience in hardship and adversity,and in times of distress.

It goes on to say that such are true believers,and such are god fearing.

DotmonKing 2011/04/08 08:56
Quote: Kumz: but then again, god already KNEW this would he's all knowing. So does this mean god is ignoring yours and many there's plea to save us from such anguish?
Allah saves those who He will, i do not question Him. For muslims tho, we take this world as nothing. Life starts after death.

DotmonKing 2011/04/08 09:00
Quote: outlaw: Well, that's the first issue Kumz has raised i mean. She wanted to know if her charitable deeds are more important in the eyes of god than her unIslamic beliefs. And my question was whether it's immoral to judge beliefs over actions, because i think it should be. I was totally on topic.
Secondly, you continue to ignore all my posts about eternal torture for not believing, which is again a profoundly evil concept, not worthy of a supreme being.
i have answered this already, not just once. Seems you seek different answers from what i'm saying, then you can continue asking. Just make sure not to make insults again, i'l overlook this one.

DotmonKing 2011/04/08 09:03
Quote: outlaw: Just for the record, i didn't bring adultery and fornication into the AIDS discussion. Looks like you are clearly saying in the above post that no undeserving person ever gets AIDS. But we just proved that wrong with the child example, at which point you did a volte face and blamed AIDS on Science. This is what i had meant by the double standard.
do not blame God on the evil that men do. Blame yourselves for your own actions. Allah will not be responsible for your evil deads.

DotmonKing 2011/04/08 09:09
Quote: outlaw: Would you not agree that a patient and merciful being can never, under any circumstances, send people to hell?
you cant eat your cake and have it all, only the greedy will wish that. hell is there to serve a warning while you are still alive and to serve as a home for those who deny their Lord and do evil.
Isnt Allah all patient and merciful? If He wills, He'll wipe you out as soon as you commit a grievious sin, but He is patiently waiting for you to save your own soul by turning to Him in repentence and shunning evil

of course Allah is ever patient and merciful.

DotmonKing 2011/04/08 09:14
Quote: outlaw: Well, whose plan was Iblis?
Allah created Iblis with free will as He created you and I. Its was the will of iblis to disobey Allah. Just like man too also disobey Allah. If it was the will of Allah for you to disobey Him, He wont have sent hundreds of thousands of prophets to warn us.

DotmonKing 2011/04/08 09:25
Quote: outlaw: God makes Iblis. Iblis makes homosexuality. God does nothing to stop Iblis. So obviously God approves of what Iblis has done. In other words, God approves of homosexuality.
do Allah approve of murder? Stealing? Alcoholism? Fornication? etc etc No He doesnt. You do this thngs out of your own free will cos iblis has convinced u that without doing those things, you're nothing, without doing them you cant call yourself a real man or woman. homosexuality is a grievious sin, not only that. Its also dirty in the eyes of man via logic and reasoning. If you wish it, you can take iblis as your friend, but he is your open enemy. By the will of Allah, you will win over iblis. But only the righteous will win such battle...

DotmonKing 2011/04/08 09:30
Quote: outlaw: What insult? /smiley And no you haven't answered the one about the profound immorality of eternal torture.
maybe you should go back and read the thread again. I'm sure you'll find answers. I'll be jobless to keep repeatin myself over and over again.

DotmonKing 2011/04/08 09:37
Quote: outlaw: Man, i dont even know where to begin. I guess at this point i have to stop to preserve my sanity. I just don't understand how you manage to put all those threats of hell and the words "patient and merciful" in the same sentence. SO much wrong with that on so many levels. That just makes me sad. You're forced to love a god that you are also supposed to fear. That's the essence of sado-masochism. The essence of a master-slave relationship. Just..sad.
dont waste your time being sad for me. Be sad for your own soul. Yep i fear Allah and only Allah. He's above all reasonings and thoughts. And who said i was forced? My reasoning has brought me up to were i am today, by the will of Allah.

I bow my head in worship to Him, i praise and honour Him name cos He alone is praiseworthy. My name is Nurudeen (the light of islam). May Allah bless my parents for giving me such a name. Amin.

Goodluck to you brother

DotmonKing 2011/04/08 09:48
Quote: outlaw: But you see God set in motion a plan that facilitated all those behaviors. Free will was his idea we didn't ask for it, did we? And if you're going to argue that god is omniscient, then he knew well in advance giving us free will WILL result in all those behavious he dislikes. He can't blame us for that now
He expects you to be strong so as to overcome all those. Not by going to the gym and building muscles, but by being steadfast to Him.

He gave us free will so we can rule over this world and be grateful to Him in return. The angels have no free will, Allah's will is their will. Do you think you can stand the sight of an angel? But He asked them to bow down to Adam. Such was how highly He puts man.

Kumz 2011/04/09 02:51
I've read somewhere that Allah forgave a prostitute simply because she removed her shoe,fetched water using it from a well and gave the water to a dog dying in thirst. Pls be kind enough to explain. Thanks.
Kumz 2011/04/09 03:04
Quote: Izaguirre: Allah created Iblis with free will as He created you and I. Its was the will of iblis to disobey Allah. Just like man too also disobey Allah. If it was the will of Allah for you to disobey Him, He wont have sent hundreds of thousands of prophets to warn us. if god knew our past,present and future, why send prophets to preach? Ok say that that's how he communicated with the people. But then why stop at Muhammad? And the quran mentions that Jesus was a prophet. But obviously god wouldn'tve known,before sending him, that ppl are going to believe him to be the son of god. And by sending so many prophets and books, shouldn't he have known that he himself would create wars and hatred among his dear servants?

Kumz 2011/04/09 03:25
It all comes down to the one fact. Why create people at all and make them go through the hardship if life,when he already knew everything? Surely we're not lego people for him to build and play with for his and his angel's amusement?and then after all that,he puts only "whom he wills" into heaven.
-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2011/04/09 03:30
Quote: haris: indonesia is muslim majority nation.. But it is not an Islamic nation..
And your point is what? They are Muslims right? or are you trying to say they aren't good enough and God put his wrath on them? How about the Floods and stuff in Pakistan? Whats your opinion as to why God did that?

-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2011/04/09 03:57
Quote: Izaguirre: Did you read the story of prophet Job??? whom was grieviously sick for most part of his life? That was a test for him. How about the test other prophets met? other nations? Yep indonesia is the worlds largest muslim country but they've remained with their Lord after the disaster.
secondly Allah allows nature to run its course and He doesnt alter it. Thus you can view it as a test for the people and you can also view it as completely natural... The people of Japan arent muslims, are they?
Oh another magical test, and Pakistan and everybody else who is whacked and killed by the same almighty God its just a silly little test to see if they remain faithful? So god says hmmmmm...let me see how many people can i kill today..100,000 or 200,000 and lets see if they remain faithful!! Absolute nonsense and absurdity..and totally illogical. And nowhere did i say anything about just Muslim nations dude, so Go back and read what i said. The same God you worship kills and kills happily and enjoys eternal torture..what sort of God likes doing those things? /smiley Have an answer do you? Im sure you'll do your best.

DotmonKing 2011/04/09 07:17
Quote: outlaw: I'm actually glad you are religious. Since you said in an earlier post that its the fear of hell which keep you from becoming a cannibal. I woudln't want to take that fear away and unleash a cannibal.
first of all, i can confirm to you that you cant take islam away from me neither can you take me away 4rm islam. I have a strong mindset with my beliefs.
Secondly if i didnt believe in God, its not in my nature to become a canibal. I will still be a good person, tho Allah can re-structure me to whatever He wishes. I stand as a muslim and till i die i'v be a muslim till i enter into my grave... Insha Allah

DotmonKing 2011/04/09 07:33
Quote: outlaw: Wait a minute, God EXPECTS? If you are omniscient and already know what's going to happen, it's foolish to expect otherwise. God creates Iblis with prior knowledge that he wont bow to Adam, and he still expects him to do it? Doing something that God hasn't already foreseen is impossible, because that would mean God's foreknowledge was wrong. And God can't be wrong. He expects us to do the impossible?
You can re-write you own destiny to either good or bad... Allah is All-knowing and capable. Yep this has been confusing to so many, mankind doesnt have a one way destiny. All the ways ur destiny might follow, Allah knows that. Allah knew iblis could choose to bow to adam (thats one destiny), Allah also knew iblis could also refuse to bow down to Adam (thats another destiny). Now Allah gave mankind and Jinn freewill to choose for themselves, Allah knows what you might or might not do up to when you'l die. Thats why Allah says, man is responsible for his own actions. If Allah had tabled just a one way destiny for us all, then the subject of freewill cnt be accomplished and also He wont be able to blame us for what with do.

So for every man, u sure have a path of destiny which will lead u to the heavens and you sure have a path of destiny which wil lead you to hell. Its the path of the right and the path of the left. Do not blame Allah for what u do , blame urselves for erroring ur souls. He gave you freewill to see how strong you can be, but most of us are lossing the battle against iblis. Indeed Allah is all-knowing and merciful. Allah made u a mini-god of ur own world. Thats how merciful He can be.

DotmonKing 2011/04/09 07:47
Quote: Kumz: I've read somewhere that Allah forgave a prostitute simply because she removed her shoe,fetched water using it from a well and gave the water to a dog dying in thirst. Pls be kind enough to explain. Thanks.
yep i'm not sure but i think that was during the time of Moses. That prostitute will be amongst the righteous on the day of ressurection cos Allah has decreed it so.
But do not make the error of comparing pre Jesus/Muhammed (peace be upon them) era to now. Now we have a fully established rule of worship. Muhammed (peace be upon him) is the seal of all prophets and Islam tho was practice by all prophets but it wasnt fully established until the comin of the last prophet. Now you cant just fetch water with your shoe from a well, gv it to a dog and go to the heavens for that singular act because we not have a concrete and established way of worship and which must be dully followed.
Tho u'l stil earn a big reward for such generous act... But like i askd in the opening pages, will it be enuf to save you? No it wont. Man now must worship Allah if he wishes to be successful in the afterlife

DotmonKing 2011/04/09 07:58
Quote: Kumz: if god knew our past,present and future, why send prophets to preach? Ok say that that's how he communicated with the people. But then why stop at Muhammad? And the quran mentions that Jesus was a prophet. But obviously god wouldn'tve known,before sending him, that ppl are going to believe him to be the son of god. And by sending so many prophets and books, shouldn't he have known that he himself would create wars and hatred among his dear servants?
Allah sent very many prophets to their people... Yes. But Allah sent down only for books. Torah (old testament) to Moses. Zaburah to David. Injeel (new testament) to Jesus and the Qur'an to Muhammed.

Plz also read my post i just made on destiny which i quoted outlaw. I'm sure u'l understand better about the subject of Jesus just as i explained that of iblis.

The torah, zabur and injeel earlier send were corrupted by man. Thus Allah says in the Qur'an. ''We have sent down to you the Qur'an to correct and to confirm what was before you''.

To correct and to confirm, to correct the errors in the previous books and to also confirm the truth in the books. Thus that makes the Qur'an an all-in-one book.

Any muslim who neglects the existence of those previous books is not a true muslim. But the Qur'an is above all others and it alone should be relied upon.

DotmonKing 2011/04/09 08:01
Quote: Kumz: It all comes down to the one fact. Why create people at all and make them go through the hardship if life,when he already knew everything? Surely we're not lego people for him to build and play with for his and his angel's amusement?and then after all that,he puts only "whom he wills" into heaven.
i think i'v just answered this in the post wer i talked of man as mini-god. Also read the post about destiny thats b4 it.

DotmonKing 2011/04/09 08:04
Quote: -DeMoN_OvErLoRd-: Oh another magical test, and Pakistan and everybody else who is whacked and killed by the same almighty God its just a silly little test to see if they remain faithful? So god says hmmmmm...let me see how many people can i kill today..100,000 or 200,000 and lets see if they remain faithful!! Absolute nonsense and absurdity..and totally illogical. And nowhere did i say anything about just Muslim nations dude, so Go back and read what i said. The same God you worship kills and kills happily and enjoys eternal torture..what sort of God likes doing those things? /smiley Have an answer do you? Im sure you'll do your best.
i doubt if i'l answer this cos you havnt been reading this thread, if u have u'l find and answer already..such topics have been over sum very many pages ago bro.

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