So says the book by Kumz 2011/04/06 19:33
2:177 of the quran mentions that the virtuous are those who, give away their wealth to relatives,orphans,etc. Also those who show patience in hardship and adversity,and in times of distress.

It goes on to say that such are true believers,and such are god fearing.

DotmonKing 2011/04/08 01:58
Quote: outlaw: So basically everybody who has AIDS is a filthy fornicator. That poses an interesting question. What about a new born child who contracts AIDS from his mother? Is that God's will too?
the new born child wil almost certain die an infant then go and reside in the heavens with prophet Abraham... Thus his soul has been saved and no harm has befallen him, he's better than those who waste their lifetime denouncing their God. What will be their gain after death?

DotmonKing 2011/04/08 02:06
Quote: outlaw: That's basically saying good and bad things happen to all people in a completely random fashion, like they would in a universe with no god.
Always remember that your last statement is just a fantasy. Nothing can be without God. He is the first and the last, the biginning and the end... And verily unto Him is our return. The universe runs its course as Allah ordained it to do, nature, destiny, the sun, moon, earth all run their courses as Allah ordains. The are all creations of the Soveign Lord. He is He who created man from clay and He is He who'll raise our decayed bones to full flesh and blood up to your very finger tip on day of Judgement.

Kumz 2011/04/08 05:25
Quote: Izaguirre: The universe runs its course as Allah ordained it to do, nature, destiny, the sun, moon, earth all run their courses as Allah ordains.

If so... Why'd you mention
Quote: Izaguirre:
Allah allows nature to run its course and He doesnt alter it.
when asked about the Indonesian earthquake?

I do realise now what outlaw pointed out. I suppose if a whole nation suffers from a famine, the believers are being tested, and the non believers are simply being punished.

Kumz 2011/04/08 07:07
Quote: Izaguirre: i believe i've already answered your 1si question here with my 2nd post... if you get rewarded for the charity you do... will that be enough to save your soul? i even remember giving an example with exam.
So you mean to say that no amount of charity nor leading a fair and just life is not gonna help us after death unless we believe in god? In other words,most amount of marks are given for believing in him? So even a thief or murderer would have a better "life after death" as u say,if he believes god before he dies?rather absurd,dont you reckon?
Quote: Izaguirre: Secondly, you say God is not modest. its one thing to disbelief and its another thing to condemn, i'm sure the soul of that student of yours wont forgive you after realising that thats what your doing with the Qur'an... to extract contexts and to condemn.
1:21 People,worship your lord who created you and those before you,so that you may become righteous.

Now there we see modesty(?) There are so very many who dont believe in odd who are righteous,still.

My student's mother gave me the book and said "read it with an open heart.",and that's precisely what I did. But from the very beginning itself, I had more questions than answers. Which is why I'm here asking...

Quote: Izaguirre: Thirdly, yep we are servants of God. What more can you be to the One who already know your past, present and future? He was aware of your coming before you were born and He is fully aware of when you'll die. Slave of Allah, Servant of Allah... I am proud to admit that i am one
Slave? Honestly? But doesn't the quran mention about freeing slaves???? Why has he slaves himself??? Pls... I'm confused. =S

Kumz 2011/04/08 07:11
Quote: Izaguirre: its not only by wealth you can be charitable, prayers for someone else is charity, helping by other means even if its just a word of advice is charity. Allah is not unfair with His creations
but of amount of charity is gonna make him happy,unless people believe in him,pray for him and call themselves his slaves?

Kumz 2011/04/08 07:19
Quote: Izaguirre: people dont want to serve God but their tone shows signs of fear of the fire... It takes nothing out of God if the whole of mankind decide not to worship Him. He is He who had destroyed many creations in the past... The creations during the time of prophet Noah were wiped out with rain falling from the heavens and gusshing out from the grounds. The creation during the time of prophet Lut were wiped out with stones raining from the sky because they engaged in homosexuality.
What more unconditional love and forgiveness do you still seek? The heavens and hell is real and if Allah should take away hell... the whole of mankind would have become canibals by now... mankind would have self destruct already. Can your ask the government of your country not to punish thieves, murderers, traitor etc anymore and that all prisons in your country to be destroyed siting your view as unconditional love and forgiveness... i give you just 6 months and no soul will be walking freely in your country. 3 years later, only the thugs will be alive... Then what is the gain of your women and children? the weak?

We ask too much sometimes, things that are not real and ideal... May Allah save those whom He wills from hell which will be fueled by man and stone. Amin
since everything was his plan and he knew the beginning and the end, i suppose homosexuality was also his plan? And then he destroys what he himself created cz its wrong? So he created wrong things?? Why? To test people? But then again, if h e already knows what we're gonna do, which path we choose, why test us at all? He already knows! What's the point in heaven and hell if he already knows? What's the point in creating us and making us live a short life to determine where we should end up if he already knows where we heaven or hell.

Spoon 2011/04/08 07:30
um mr dotmon another question in regards to the aids wot if sum1 with aids had a cut and they brushed by sum1 else or held a baby and it dripped ona scratch(which babies do scratch alot) and as a result the other person or baby contracted aids, how is that the other person/babies fault?
haris 2011/04/08 07:33
Quote: -DeMoN_OvErLoRd-: So the earthquakes and Tsunamis that have hit people are because they didn't believe in God eh? Hmmm as I understand Indonesia is a Muslim nation so why would God want to destroy them? Can you please explain why God has been killing everybody lately..Thank you.
indonesia is muslim majority nation.. But it is not an Islamic nation..

Spoon 2011/04/08 07:45
um im on the understanding that muslim is the ppl of the islamic belief um if thats the case demons question still stands since God taken out a majority of a muslim based country and the non believers as well which isnt the majority there
DotmonKing 2011/04/08 07:59
Quote: outlaw: Wrong. Children born with AIDS don't always die as infants. In most cases, and with the kind of medical care we have today, a child born with AIDS can easily live for 20+ years. So you still owe me an answer on that one.
20+ years? May Allah save us from the anguish of nursing a child and then take the child from us just went he becomes a adult and wanna start doing things to make the parents happy. Of what use is it to nurse a child that'll die at 20+ years? Is like asking for bigger trouble, after much financial waste.
I rule out this one.

DotmonKing 2011/04/08 08:04
Quote: outlaw: One thing you haven't addressed is what you think of God's moral standard. Is it not immoral to judge beliefs over actions? That's the whole point of this topic.
are you kumz? And you are wrong, the point of this topic is because she thinks she was refered to as righteous and God-fearing because of her charity work.

Kumz 2011/04/08 08:08
Quote: Izaguirre: 20+ years? May Allah save us from the anguish of nursing a child and then take the child from us just went he becomes a adult and wanna start doing things to make the parents happy. Of what use is it to nurse a child that'll die at 20+ years? Is like asking for bigger trouble, after much financial waste.
I rule out this one.
but then again, god already KNEW this would he's all knowing. So does this mean god is ignoring yours and many there's plea to save us from such anguish?

DotmonKing 2011/04/08 08:10
Quote: outlaw: And I'll rephrase the AIDS question because I'm very curious to know your response: If AIDS was invented by god just to teach a lesson to the homosexuals and adulterers, then children shouldn't get it in the first place. I mean children don't inherit most diseases from their parents. Why this lapse in the case of the only disease SPECIALLY invented and reserved for fornicators?
firstly, who told you aids was created because of fornication and adultery? What of those that contract it via barbing clippers, syringe, needles etc? I think it was first contracted from an animal... Thus i'l call it one of the short-comings of science.... For those who worship and believe science is the epitome of everything.
I rule out this one too

Kumz 2011/04/08 08:11
Quote: Izaguirre: are you kumz? And you are wrong, the point of this topic is because she thinks she was refered to as righteous and God-fearing because of her charity work.
actually you're both wrong... The topic says "so the book says..." And I opened this topic to clear out my questions as I read the book. /smiley

Kumz 2011/04/08 08:12
Oops! "so says the book"!
DotmonKing 2011/04/08 08:15
Quote: Kumz:
If so... Why'd you mention when asked about the Indonesian earthquake?

I do realise now what outlaw pointed out. I suppose if a whole nation suffers from a famine, the believers are being tested, and the non believers are simply being punished.
i stand with your last statement. Also i'l add this, believer might be punished too... If such nation indulges in major acts that Allah doesnt approve of. Test or punishment, both are applicable for the believers. Not only test

DotmonKing 2011/04/08 08:23
A muslim who's a murderer? He wont make heaven, ur charity without believing in Allah is not enough, an unjust ruler/leader who's a muslim wont make heaven. An homosexual muslim wont make heaven.

For a fact, not all muslims will make heaven. But the most grievious sin of all are those who deny their Lord, Allah says that they havnt harmed Him but they've harmed their own souls.

Now there is a balance.

DotmonKing 2011/04/08 08:32
Slave? Honestly? But doesn't the quran mention about freeing slaves???? Why has he slaves himself??? Pls... I'm confused. =S[/quote]

slaves... Do you compare yourself with Allah? The One who created you? Dont even think it. That person you've hired to work for you, are you the one that created that person? Never compare the acts of man with the acts of God, you'll fall deeper in sin and disbelief. May He forgive you.
Exalted be His name. He is Allah and He is One. None is before Him and none is After Him, He was neither begotten nor Has he beget any. None can compare to Him.

DotmonKing 2011/04/08 08:37
Quote: Kumz: but of amount of charity is gonna make him happy,unless people believe in him,pray for him and call themselves his slaves?
pray for Him? Haha to get richer or what? You do not pray for Him, you pray to Him for your own sake, for the sake of your loved ones etc etc.

And yep He is happy for those who turn to Him in repentance. He is happy cos you've saved your own soul. Allah says I'm most happy when my sinful slave turn to me in repentance.

Allah is most patient and merciful.

DotmonKing 2011/04/08 08:52
Quote: Kumz: since everything was his plan and he knew the beginning and the end, i suppose homosexuality was also his plan? And then he destroys what he himself created cz its wrong? So he created wrong things?? Why? To test people? But then again, if h e already knows what we're gonna do, which path we choose, why test us at all? He already knows! What's the point in heaven and hell if he already knows? What's the point in creating us and making us live a short life to determine where we should end up if he already knows where we heaven or hell.
you can rewrite your own destiny for good. Homosexuality isnt His plan, iblis (devil) planted it in the heart of man so as to further mislead them. Iblis was responsible for the sickness and afflictions of prophet Job, Iblis was responsible for eve to eat the forbidden fruit. Iblis is a Jinn, who was raised to the heavens to join the angels because he worshipped Allah extremely. But after the creation of Adam, Allah ordered all the angels and iblis to bow down to adam but iblis was arrogant, jealous and refused. He was consequently casted out of the heavens. Asked Allah to grant him long life up until judgement day promising to mislead as many as he can of the children of Adam. Allah granted and says... ''Those who believe in Me and are steadfast will never be mislead''. Iblis will be the 1st to enter the fire, may Allah save us from being amongst those who'll accompany him. He is your open enemy, so beware.

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