So says the book by Kumz 2011/04/06 19:33
2:177 of the quran mentions that the virtuous are those who, give away their wealth to relatives,orphans,etc. Also those who show patience in hardship and adversity,and in times of distress.

It goes on to say that such are true believers,and such are god fearing.

Spoon 2011/04/11 01:24
Quote: Izaguirre: nah... You cant end up in hell if you believe and do righteous deeds. Allah re-writes the destiny of His righteous slaves. thus if you become one, Then your destiny changes. Allah is most-forgiving and most-compassionate.
hold on according to u and ur beliefs we can do rightous but if we dnt believe in allah we still go to hell, wot if we believe in a different God and still do rightous just like mother tersea and she has now been recentlly ordained a saint so she has done way more than most

Kumz 2011/04/11 06:58
Quote: Izaguirre: example of such questions...?
The question I asked about Mother Theresa, why god expects us to believe in him and worship him 5 times a day (to which you just keep chasing your own tail) etc, etc.

Quote: Izaguirre: You expect me to fill ur bellies with your wishes (answer), then why are you asking me when you already have the kinda answer you desire in your minds? Its a pity i cant say what you wish to hear, thats a fact. There is none of my quotes that doesnt have clear answer to the questions ask, but my answers take you a step forward then 3 step backwards cos after taking that step forward, you're now presently with yet more questions again and you just keep asking and asking. At the end you'll find out that you've been walking in circles... Thus you've ended up confusing yourselves.

Why are you confused? Cos you dont know Allah, neither do you know islam. You might have a Qur'an in ur hand but you know what you're looking for in it, looking for controversial verses that'l leave you more confused and aimless. The least question someone holding a qur'an will ask is to be asking about Allah. God, thats really a case. In chapter 2 alone, you'll get to know Allah so well. But i believe you've been skipping those.
I'm not in the habit of skipping even i line or word when I read.see...confused will be those who were not brainwashed since childhood.confused will be those who have more love in their hearts than this god who lets ppl rot in a hell just cz they sinned,after giving them free will and letting loose an angel whom he knew would go bad.

Quote: Izaguirre: Then i'l ask a question. Why did you decide to read the Qur'an? To condemn islam or to accept islam or u'r insearch of a true faith? I believe you'll never sincerely answer this.

I'm reading the quran for the same reason I read the bible,Harry Potter, The Lost Symbol, Angels and eons etc. /smiley Because I love reading books.

Kumz 2011/04/11 07:06
Quote: Izaguirre: your father does a whole lot more than Allah? I believe Allah will ask you to say that again on the day of judgement then He'll call upon your father to over-rule His verdict on your soul if he can. Then we'll know who does more. I'm heavily smiling now my friend.
I'm heavily amused myself, actually.if god wants to ask questions,why wait till this "day of judgement"? I have a mouth now. I'm responsible now as I will be in a million years for what I say,whether it's right or wrong.

Kumz 2011/04/11 07:11
Quote: Izaguirre: Do you know what old is? Look in the mirror and you'll get an answer. Allah and wrinkles? Doesnt match.

Bribe? With what?
lol!now this amused me even more!so you like to go down to the level where you wanna try personal attacks?again?really?lol!now that's pathetic...!

And yes.bribe him.with the so called prayers and worship,five time s a day.

Kumz 2011/04/11 07:13
Quote: Izaguirre: i've read the works of many great people maybe more than you. Julius Ceaser, Augustus, socrates, plato, aristotle etc etc. Mother Theresa never reached half of their heights in terms of work and influence. Perhaps maybe i read about those far greater.

Mother Theresa... I dont know her, and i never bothered. Those men i mentioned, they're not in the box, are they?
and you say I'm ignorant!lol! Oh might not get me here...but I know many here who will actually laugh at this post of your.

Musafir 2011/04/11 09:04
I think dotmon has already given you answer /smiley other thing is if you wants to know detail about any thing any question you must find it in google, because here no one is such a scholar to explain you details regarding your question.
This doesnt mean Muslims dont have any answer of your any question, but my this opinion to you is just because i think we must maintain peace here, if i or any other clears your doubt ARE YOU GOING TO LEAVE BUDDHISM AND ARE YOU GOING TO ACCEPT ISLAM /smiley
Question here is nothing but its proof that you are trying to manipulate other religion.
You can see most of Muslims here make topic regarding BELIEFS OF ISLAM and they dont manipulate other religions in todays time of 2 wap.

There are some Muslims who are making topics on christiant and other religions i request them to stop annoying other religions and MAKE TOPIC REGARDING YOUR BELIEFS /smiley
I request Admins and i give them one opinion, my opinion is to make one forum with name
in this forum one is allowed to ask his question and his reply will be given by moderator of that religion within 48 hours.
For example, if your question is regarding Islam DOTMON KING will reply if he is ready to hold this responsiblity.
In faith forum it will not be permissible for any user to make any topic on other religion nor it will be allowed to question regarding other religion.
Only and only permission will be given is EXPRESS YOUR FAITH AND POST YOUR BELIEFS.

Spoon 2011/04/11 09:27
Quote: THE_HERO: I think dotmon has already given you answer /smiley other thing is if you wants to know detail about any thing any question you must find it in google, because here no one is such a scholar to explain you details regarding your question.
This doesnt mean Muslims dont have any answer of your any question, but my this opinion to you is just because i think we must maintain peace here, if i or any other clears your doubt ARE YOU GOING TO LEAVE BUDDHISM AND ARE YOU GOING TO ACCEPT ISLAM /smiley
Question here is nothing but its proof that you are trying to manipulate other religion.
You can see most of Muslims here make topic regarding BELIEFS OF ISLAM and they dont manipulate other religions in todays time of 2 wap.

There are some Muslims who are making topics on christiant and other religions i request them to stop annoying other religions and MAKE TOPIC REGARDING YOUR BELIEFS /smiley
I request Admins and i give them one opinion, my opinion is to make one forum with name
in this forum one is allowed to ask his question and his reply will be given by moderator of that religion within 48 hours.
For example, if your question is regarding Islam DOTMON KING will reply if he is ready to hold this responsiblity.
In faith forum it will not be permissible for any user to make any topic on other religion nor it will be allowed to question regarding other religion.
Only and only permission will be given is EXPRESS YOUR FAITH AND POST YOUR BELIEFS.
problem with that last request most staff r muslim here so where does that leave others that have different beliefs where we r a minority? r they going to add staff for those minorities? if that was the case kumz wld b added back for buddism and me for kemetic spiritualism, then u wld have a staff for atheist and gothics and wicca, they all beliefs which r followed by ppl here

-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2011/04/11 11:40
Quote: Izaguirre: i know you well and you know me well. You set out to provoke with the slightest ways but i'm ever cool. How could i have replied ur same question more dan once in this thread if i dont have a logical explanation? You want a special reply directed to you? Perhaps you should press harder lol. I'l become a nuissance to keep repeatin the samething.
As long as it is about islam and only islam, if 10 more people join in this thread, i'l still have an answer to every question and i'l still be on top... Insha Allah.
I invite you again to answer the questions Logically! if you cant do that without insinuating that I'm provoking then dont answer simple as that, you want to use the provoking issue as a defense to not answer thats ok too, and its clearly obvious that you cannot /smiley As Outlaw says.'The Defense rests" My questions have been answered by your inability to answer. Thank you enjoy your day. I do feel sorry fr you though, you are lost. I hope one day you find your way.

panache 2011/04/11 14:01
Quote: Izaguirre: shia and sunni only? There'll be many more sects to be born. Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) said so himself. Allah does what He wills.
rofl! you deviate from the main track and type whatever random gibberish comes to your mind when you read a text! I ask again..Why didnt God send Muhammad with the Quran and establish Islam on earth at the very beginning?

panache 2011/04/11 14:16
Quote: Izaguirre: My God doesnt lie in His books. A new prophet? When the end time is near? Thanks for suck joke, u made me laugh alot. Thanks
Weird.. When your prophet makes a statement it becomes the ultimate truth of life and when me, another human with flesh and blood just like him, does the same im scoffed at!

DotmonKing 2011/04/11 14:23
Quote: Spoon: hold on according to u and ur beliefs we can do rightous but if we dnt believe in allah we still go to hell, wot if we believe in a different God and still do rightous just like mother tersea and she has now been recentlly ordained a saint so she has done way more than most
i'v heard of many who were ordain saints but still worship the devil behind closed doors. I'm not accusing mother theresa of anythng, all im sayin is that only Allah knows what we do in secret.

Allah didnt say believe in Me and ended there.
Allah didnt say do righteous deeds and end there.
Allah says those who believe in Me AND do righteous deeds.
Thus the faith of a muslim murderer or homosexual is like the same with the faith of a good unbeliever... As an unbeliever tho, you definately cant be evil free. Adultery, fornication, alcoholism, cheating, gambling, betting, smoking, homosexualism, eating of pork and dog etc etc... Any unbeliever here free from all those? I'd luv to see some stats now.

panache 2011/04/11 14:26
Quote: Izaguirre: i've read the works of many great people maybe more than you. Julius Ceaser, Augustus, socrates, plato, aristotle etc etc. Mother Theresa never reached half of their heights in terms of work and influence. Perhaps maybe i read about those far greater.

Mother Theresa... I dont know her, and i never bothered. Those men i mentioned, they're not in the box, are they?
forget Mother Teresa.. what about Buddha, Nanak, Mahavira, Vivekanand and others who apparently came to earth with the same purpose as your prophet? Are they all going to be burnt in hell for not bowing to Allah?

Spoon 2011/04/11 14:29
Quote: Izaguirre: i'v heard of many who were ordain saints but still worship the devil behind closed doors. I'm not accusing mother theresa of anythng, all im sayin is that only Allah knows what we do in secret.

Allah didnt say believe in Me and ended there.
Allah didnt say do righteous deeds and end there.
Allah says those who believe in Me AND do righteous deeds.
Thus the faith of a muslim murderer or homosexual is like the same with the faith of a good unbeliever... As an unbeliever tho, you definately cant be evil free. Adultery, fornication, alcoholism, cheating, gambling, betting, smoking, homosexualism, eating of pork and dog etc etc... Any unbeliever here free from all those? I'd luv to see some stats now.
im sure NO1 is free of sin, yet that doesnt mean we will all go to hell does it? just as we wont all go to hell if we dnt believe in allah yet we do rightous things, thats 1 thing u need to accept heaven isnt made up of just muslims so saying we will only go there if we believe in allah is a false statement sorry if that annoys u but if there is a heaven and hell that wld b a fact

DotmonKing 2011/04/11 14:29
Quote: Kumz: The question I asked about Mother Theresa, why god expects us to believe in him and worship him 5 times a day (to which you just keep chasing your own tail) etc, etc.

I'm not in the habit of skipping even i line or word when I read.see...confused will be those who were not brainwashed since childhood.confused will be those who have more love in their hearts than this god who lets ppl rot in a hell just cz they sinned,after giving them free will and letting loose an angel whom he knew would go bad.

I'm reading the quran for the same reason I read the bible,Harry Potter, The Lost Symbol, Angels and eons etc. /smiley Because I love reading books.
then i'm very certain you cant understand even a sentence in the Qur'an. Its a book of wisdom and strong purpose.

-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2011/04/11 14:32
Quote: Izaguirre: i'v heard of many who were ordain saints but still worship the devil behind closed doors. I'm not accusing mother theresa of anythng, all im sayin is that only Allah knows what we do in secret.

Allah didnt say believe in Me and ended there.
Allah didnt say do righteous deeds and end there.
Allah says those who believe in Me AND do righteous deeds.
Thus the faith of a muslim murderer or homosexual is like the same with the faith of a good unbeliever... As an unbeliever tho, you definately cant be evil free. Adultery, fornication, alcoholism, cheating, gambling, betting, smoking, homosexualism, eating of pork and dog etc etc... Any unbeliever here free from all those? I'd luv to see some stats now.
And you are righteous and perfect and without sin and never done any of these things right? Take a good deep look inside yourself, i guess you must wrestle with Guilt every single day of your life./smiley You speak as if you pretend to know everything there is about your religion and more, i say to you are you an Imam? Do you have such knowledge that you can say everything correctly here? Are you a hard liner? Or would you consider yourself a moderate? /smiley thanks /smiley

DotmonKing 2011/04/11 14:32
Quote: Kumz: I'm heavily amused myself, actually.if god wants to ask questions,why wait till this "day of judgement"? I have a mouth now. I'm responsible now as I will be in a million years for what I say,whether it's right or wrong.

whether its right or wrong. I love that statement. I wish you'll be able to bear d consequences... But none cn bear it, not even iblis himself

DotmonKing 2011/04/11 14:39
Quote: Kumz: lol!now this amused me even more!so you like to go down to the level where you wanna try personal attacks?again?really?lol!now that's pathetic...!

And yes.bribe him.with the so called prayers and worship,five time s a day.
personal attacks? Kumz you know me well, i dont instigate attacks. I defend well with what the opposition attacks me with. Its like tai-chi, jet li said ''stay calm and use the opposition's energy to beat him''. I rebuff attacks to where its coming from. I didnt bring up the word 'old' did i? You did.

Thus its in the best interest of everyone of us to post politely. So we wont have to eat what we started. Thanks

panache 2011/04/11 14:44
Quote: Spoon: im sure NO1 is free of sin, yet that doesnt mean we will all go to hell does it? just as we wont all go to hell if we dnt believe in allah yet we do rightous things, thats 1 thing u need to accept heaven isnt made up of just muslims so saying we will only go there if we believe in allah is a false statement sorry if that annoys u but if there is a heaven and hell that wld b a fact
rofl.. thats right! No muslim is free of sin so Allah is sending them to hell and we kafirs are going to hell anyway. That means everyone is going to hell so why the hell are we arguing? Lets raise a toast to that!

DotmonKing 2011/04/11 14:51
Quote: outlaw: You miss the point again. If i can be saved despite the fact that God has already foreseen me burning in hell, it means God's initial foreknowledge was incorrect. I have to simply make a choice to be saved and God's foreknowledge of me burning in hell will be proved wrong. If you argue now that God was gonna know i will be saved, then THAT would have been his foreknowledde instead of me burning in hell. See the paradox? Either He shouldn't have made both claims (that he is all-knowing and we have free will) or he has to now admit one of the two is a lie. In either case, he is rendered fallible.
i enjoy reading ur posts cos u dnt take time to read wat you wana post. You talk as if the God who has predestined you is different from the God that'l save you. Thus u need God to prove God wrong. Very funny and confusion. You wana pray to Him, worship Him so that you cn prove Him wrong? Haha plz bro, take more time with these thngs b4 posting. Allah is One, He is He who has predentined a servant to be doomed, then help the servant to be steadfast and righteous and He re-writes that servants destiny with the people of the righteous. Allah is in all forms capable and willing. Mankind is helpless without Him. You cant prove Him wrong, you cn only pray to Him to save you.

Verily, Allah has power over all things

Spoon 2011/04/11 14:53
Quote: Izaguirre: i enjoy reading ur posts cos u dnt take time to read wat you wana post. You talk as if the God who has predestined you is different from the God that'l save you. Thus u need God to prove God wrong. Very funny and confusion. You wana pray to Him, worship Him so that you cn prove Him wrong? Haha plz bro, take more time with these thngs b4 posting. Allah is One, He is He who has predentined a servant to be doomed, then help the servant to be steadfast and righteous and He re-writes that servants destiny with the people of the righteous. Allah is in all forms capable and willing. Mankind is helpless without Him. You cant prove Him wrong, you cn only pray to Him to save you.

Verily, Allah has power over all things
oops wrong again i know many of us r far from helpless without him, actually i think we quiet happy and strong without allah

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