Funny short tales 4 by Crownstar2015/07/04 04:41 If we cannot laugh at ourselves, life will become a dull and stifling experience. Life can be a challenge; of that there is no doubt. But if we take a moment to stop and see the joke, we can change our entire day. To those that take life seriously, we may see humor as an obstacle in our paths. The truth is that jokes are funny because they contain a grain of truth about life that would not be able to be shown through any other medium. A funny joke or poem has the power to point out subtle ironies of life that I might get shot in the head for if I were to say them straight out. Humor has the capacity to point absurdities about the way we live our lives in a non-threatening way.
Read part 1 here Read part 2 here Read part 3 here Thank U -coin-
Crownstar2015/07/04 05:57 [b]NB: This attempt at jocularity is in no way designed as an attempt to draw inappropriate attention to, or ridicule the manner in which certain elements of language are delivered, by those good people whose native language is not English, but a language originating from one of the European countries such as Deutschland or the Netherlands etc.
It should be also noted that despite the unfathomable complexity of the English language, many people from countries such as Deutschland, still manage to master English and speak the language fluently.
We can all laugh a little at each others quirks of language, provided it is done in the spirit of love and joy.[/b]
Crownstar2015/07/04 06:01 A man and his wife were playing golf. The man tees off and his ball veers way off to the right, breaking the window of a house.
The wife says you must go and apologize and pay for the window. Both the man and his wife walk up to the house, ring the door but no one answers. He opens the door and inside, next to the window he sees a broken vase with his golf ball laying on the floor. Suddenly a man comes out of a nearby room, the golfer starts to apologize for breaking his window and the vase. The man inside the house says, No, dont apologize, I am a genie and have been stuck in that vase for 10,000 years, you have
rescued me and I owe you deeply. For helping me I will grant three wishes. I will give you one, your lovely wife one and I would like to keep one for myself. He asks the man what he wishes for. The man thought awhile and said, I wish for a million dollars. The genie waves his hand and said, A million dollars, its yours, it has been deposited into your bank account. He asks the wife what is her wish. She says, I wish for a condominium in Hawaii. The genie waves his hand and says, A condominium in Hawaii, its yours. The genie continues, Now it is my turn. He thinks for
awhile and says, You know its been 10,000 years since I have had a woman, could I make love to your wife? The man thinks for a while and says, Honey, he gave us a million dollars and a condominium in Hawaii, the least you could do is make love to him. She agrees and they both go to the back bedroom. After making passionate love, the woman says, I cant believe
that my husband let you do this to me. The genie says, And I cant believe that your husband still
believes in genies.
Robinhood2015/07/04 06:14 good Teacher with good Student continues class
jaQui2015/07/04 07:10 Exellent jokes sweety .
Keep posting n sharing, maybe some ppl will get alive and laf at themselves for never lafing.hehe.
A Professor was traveling by boat. On his way he asked the sailor: Do you know Biology, Ecology, Zoology, Geography, physiology? The sailor said no to all his questions. Professor: What the hell do you know on earth. You will die of illiteracy. After a while the boat started sinking. The Sailor asked the Professor, do you know swiminology & escapology from sharkology? The professor said no. Sailor: Well, sharkology & crocodilogy will eat your assology, headology & you will dieology because of your mouthology.
-hahaha- Nice one Michealoji...
Smarty2015/11/02 16:50 If you could have any kind of robot what would it be?