.........Share the laugh ;-D......... by MAHESH_K 2012/03/04 17:08
.hi. Hi guys m back again ...... Posting some humourous n funny jokes -lol- stay tuned to get latest up dates......enjoy......
One day, I ask my grlfrnd: tell me the name who made u Pregnant..
She replied: if u eat 12 Bananas can u tell me which one maade u fat..!!!!! .lol.

Darkness 2012/03/06 11:57
so funny! /smiley
Cmpunk 2012/03/06 12:08
Nice jokes bro
MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 13:56
Guys thank u all for the comment n there will be more soon /smiley hope u keep enjoying. . . . . . . . . -hahaha-
MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 14:28
Bitter Truth ... "If Money Ever Grew On Trees. . . Girl's Would'nt Mind Dating With Monkeys" Very True... /smiley . . . . . . . . /smiley for good girls = m sry for this. . . ./smiley
MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 14:32
How Should A TEACHER Be ? -Should Be Absent At Least 3 Times A Week -Should Come In Class 10mins Late And Left The Class 10 Mins Earlier -Should Not Give Any Homework And Assignments -Should Not Ask Any Questions To Students -Should Not Disturb The Students By Teaching While They Are Talking............ -hahaha- /smiley /smiley
MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 14:37
Dear Girls ! If A Guy Pauses A Video Game Just To Text You Back . . .
. .
. Marry Him /smiley -hahaha-

MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 14:43
Our Phones Fall,We Panic /smiley Our Friends Fall, We Laugh! :-D Shame On Us .... /smiley. . . . /smiley. . . . /smiley
MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 14:46
Boys Read At Ur Own Risk..!! . . Your Girlfriend Is: . . . Smart. Intelligent. Sweet. Talented. Excellent. Romantic. . . . .And . In Short She Is Your S.I.S.T.E.R. !! .... /smiley...... /smiley ....... /smiley
MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 14:49
Height Of Bravery For Girls ..
.. ..
.. Moving Out Of House Without Make-up /smiley /smiley.. -hahaha-

MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 14:58
Fantastic Answer For , Why Didn't U Receive My Call? .
. .
. .
. I Was Dancing At My Ringtone... /smiley /smiley /smiley

MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 15:10
Height Of Begging!! A Sleeping Beggar Puts Up A Notice Board In Front Of Him: "Please Do Not Make Noise By Dropping Coins Offer Notes" /smiley -hahaha-
MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 15:18
HEART T0UCH!NG ST0RY A B0y L0ved A Girl But Never Pr0p0sed Her. 0ne Day He Decided T0 Tell Her At 1:00 Am At Night. He Type: "i L0VE Y0u" And Sent !t, After A Few Sec0nds He G0t A Msg But He Dec!ded T0 See It The Next Day F0r Surprise And Slept. Next Day, He Read The Msg And Becme S0 Sh0kd Bcoz !t Was Wr!tten: . . . . . . . Dear Cust0mer, Msg Sndng Failed Due T0 Insuficient Balnce. Please Recharge Ur Acc0unt /smiley /smiley
MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 15:31
ONCE A MAN WENT TO THE DOCTOR AND SAID : Doctor!! Doctor!!! I Just Have 40 Seconds To Live /smiley Doctor Replied: OK Please Wait A Minute /smiley /smiley
MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 15:34
Mother: Why Did You Get
Such A Low Mark On That Test? Johnny: Because Of Absence. Mother: You Mean You Were Absent On The Day Of The Test? Johnny: No, But The Kid Who Sits Next To Me Was Absent -hahaha- copying. . . .

MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 15:46
HEIGHT OF BADLUCK :p Boy: Marry Me.. ? Girl: Do You Have A House.. ? Boy: No.. Girl: Do You Have A BMW Car.. ? Boy: No.. Girl: How Much Is Your Salary.. ? Boy: No Salary.. But,.. Girl: No But. You Have Nothing.. How Can I Marry You.?? Leave Please.!! Boy: (talk To Himself) I Have One Villa, 3 Property Lands, 3 Ferrari, 2 Porsche.. Why I Still Need To Buy BMW.?! How Can I Get The Salary When Actually I'm The BOSS........ -hahaha- /smiley
GhAyAl 2012/03/06 17:00
Killer pjz
MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 17:18
Quote: GhAyAl: Killer pjz
/smiley -hahaha-

MAHESH_K 2012/03/07 09:40
Q: Why There R Different Types 0f Blood Groups ... ? . . . . . . . . . . . . A: So The Mosquitoes Can Enjoy Different Flavors ... /smiley . . . . . . /smiley /smiley
MAHESH_K 2012/03/07 17:02
1st Man: Which Is The Best Month To Get Married..? 2nd Man: Octemb Ruary.. 1st Man: Don't Be Silly, There Is No Such Month 2nd Man: Exactly.. ......... /smiley -hahaha-
MAHESH_K 2012/03/07 17:04
If Someone Steps On Your Foot & Asks: "Did I Hurt You . . .?" Step On Theirs (Harder) & Ask,: "Can You Feel My Answer...?" .lol. /smiley

#45 Fun & Comedy
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