.........Share the laugh ;-D......... by MAHESH_K 2012/03/04 17:08
.hi. Hi guys m back again ...... Posting some humourous n funny jokes -lol- stay tuned to get latest up dates......enjoy......
One day, I ask my grlfrnd: tell me the name who made u Pregnant..
She replied: if u eat 12 Bananas can u tell me which one maade u fat..!!!!! .lol.

MAHESH_K 2012/03/05 17:52
Quote: Vipul: -hahaha- Fine jokes
thank for the comment bro . . . . . . There will be more soon. . . . . . . /smiley

EpIcInCoGnItO 2012/03/05 19:09
Good ones. Enjoyed/smiley
MAHESH_K 2012/03/05 21:38
Quote: EpIcInCoGnItO: Good ones. Enjoyed/smiley
thanks for the comment bro . . . . . /smiley . . . . . .

MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 09:21
MOM ALWAYS SAID... "Money Doesn't Grow On Trees" Mom!!!! Money Is Made From Paper & Paper Comes From Trees. Therefore Your Argument Is Invalid ......../smiley
MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 09:25
KID :- Why Some Of Ur Hair Are White Dad ? DAD : - Every Time A Son Make His Dad Unhappy , One Of His Father's Hair Turns White ..... ... ... KID :- Now Understand Why Grandpa's Hairs Are All White..... /smiley
MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 09:28
Boy: I'm Searching For The Most Beautiful Girl..!! Girl: Look I Came For You..!! Boy: That's Nice! Now Help Me To Find Her..! . . . . . -hahaha-
MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 09:34
Teacher Fell Asleep In Class And A Little Naughty Boy Walked Up To Him, Little Boy: "Teacher Are You Sleeping In Class?" Teacher: "No I Am Not Sleeping In Class." Little Boy: "What Were You Doing Sir ?" Teacher: "I Was Talking To God." The Next Day The Naughty Boy Fell Asleep In Class And The Same Teacher Walks Up To Him... Teacher: "young Man, You Are Sleeping In My Class." Little Boy: "No Not Me Sir, I Am Not Sleeping." Angry Teacher: "What Were You Doing.??" Little Boy: "I Was Talking To God." Angry Teacher: "What Did He Say??" Little Boy: "God Said He Never Spoke To You Yesterday..." /smiley . ......... /smiley
S3RIAL_KILL3R 2012/03/06 11:31
_ HorTiculTurisT_ 2012/03/06 11:49
-hahaha- Oh nice very laughfull jokes thanks 4 sharing with us -
MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 09:43
Height Of Fb Addiction: A Boy's FACEBOOK Status- I'm Online On Fb During Lecture. Haha .
. Comment 4m His Teacher: Get Out Of The Class Now /smiley .......... PRINCIPLE ( Liked ) the Comment.. . . . . -hahaha- /smiley

MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 09:46
Dear Computer Users, I Do Appreciate Your Kind Attitude Towards The Other Keys Of Keyboard! But Why Do You Press All The Keys Softly & Hit Me With Your Full Power? Yours Sincerely, Enter Key . . . . . /smiley
MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 09:49
If People Commit Suicide Because Of Too Many Problems, .
. When Will My... .
. Maths Book Commit Suicide ??? It Has Tons Of Problems...... /smiley

MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 09:53
Why Girls Live Longer Than Boys???? .. ..
.. .. Scientific Studies Have Proved That .. ..
.. "SHOPPING" Never Causes HEART ATTACKS, But, . .. "PAYING The "BILLS" Does. .. .. . . -hahaha-

MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 09:57
Once A Girl Askd Her Bf : Why We Have Units To Measure Weight, Height & Distance But Not Love, Friendship & Trust? . Boy Thought For A While........ .
. Took Her In His Arms, Looked Deep In Her Eyes & Said ' Look Girl, DONT Eat My Brain! I Have Already Failed In Physics ' /smiley /smiley

MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 09:58
Two Girls Were Arguing When The Teacher Entered The Room. The Teacher Says,Why Are You Arguing? One Girl Answers, We Found A Ten Dollar And Decided To Give It To Whoever Tells The Biggest Lie. You Should Be Ashamed Of Yourselves, Said The Teacher,When I Was Your Age I Didnt Even Know What A Lie Was. The Girls Gave The Ten Dollars To The Teacher. . . . . . . . /smiley
MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 10:06
Killing English 1. Principal To Student..." I Saw U Yesterday Rotating Near Girls Hostel Pulling Cigarette... ? " 2. Class Teacher Once Said :" Pick Up The Paper And Fall In The Dustbin!!!" 3. Once Teacher Said...."I'm Going Out Of The World To America.." 4. "..DON'T TRY TO TALK IN FRONT OF MY BACK.." 5. Don't..laugh At The Back Benches...otherwise Teeth And All Will Be Fallen Down..... 6. It Was Very Hot In The Afternoon When The Teacher Entered.. She Tried To Switch The Fan On, But There Was Some Problem. And Then She Said " Why Is Fan Not Oning" (ing Form Of On) 7. Teacher In A Furious Mood... Write Down Ur Name And Father Of Ur Name!! 8. "shhh... Quiet... The Principal Is Revolving Around College" 9. My Manager Started Like This "Hi, I Am Madhu, Married With Two Kids" 10. "will U Hang That Calendar Or Else I'll HANG MYSELF" 11. LIBRARIAN SCOLDE ," IF U WILL TALK AGAIN , I WILL KNEEL DOWN OUTSIDE" 12. Chemistry HOD Comes And Tells Us... "My Aim Is To Study My Son And Marry My Daughter" 13. Tomorrow Call Ur Parents Especially Mother And Father 14. "why Are You Looking At The Monkeys Outside When I Am In The Class?!" 15. Lab Assistant Said This When My Friend Wrote Wrong Code.. "I Understand. You Understand. Computer How Understand?? 16. Seeing The Principal Passing By, The Teacher Told The Noisy Class.. "Keep Quiet, The Principal Has Passed Away" 17. Once Teacher Told "If U Talk So Loudly I Will Stand Uping U" 18. Teacher To Students:don't Spit Outside, The Understanding People Will Suffer 19. I Have 3 Daughters, All Are Girl . . . . . . /smiley /smiley -hahaha-
Tamanna 2012/03/06 10:19
Mmmmm ok to bad the spelling are confusing
MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 10:27
Quote: Tamanna: Mmmmm ok to bad the spelling are confusing
I m sry for that /smiley

_ReYeZ_ 2012/03/06 10:39
awesme man .lol.
MAHESH_K 2012/03/06 10:47
Quote: _ReYeZ_: awesme man .lol.
thank for the comment bro . . . . . /smiley. . . . .

#45 Fun & Comedy
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