.........Share the laugh ;-D......... by MAHESH_K2012/03/04 17:08 .hi. Hi guys m back again ...... Posting some humourous n funny jokes -lol- stay tuned to get latest up dates......enjoy...... One day, I ask my grlfrnd: tell me the name who made u Pregnant..
She replied: if u eat 12 Bananas can u tell me which one maade u fat..!!!!! .lol.
MAHESH_K2012/08/24 17:16 I saw her on Facebook and i added her..
but .
when i saw her on out side and i deleted her :-P
MAHESH_K2012/08/24 17:20 Husband texts to wife on cell..
"Hi,what r u doing Darling?"
Wife: I'm dying..!
Husband jumps with joy but types "Sweet Heart,
how can I live without U?"
Wife: "U idiot! I'm dying my hair.." Husband: "Bloody English Language!"
MAHESH_K2012/08/24 17:23 Girl to Boy:
"If u hug me once more like that, i will be urs
. .
. .
. .
Boy:-"THANKS FOR THE WARNING....!" -hahaha-
MAHESH_K2012/08/24 17:30 Boy1: Meet my wife Tina.
Boy2: Oh! I know her.
Boy1: How?
Boy2: We were caught sleeping together.
Boy1: What the hell?
Boy2: during lecture in maths class.
Think wise...
MAHESH_K2012/08/24 17:32 A young blonde woman is distraught because she fears her husband is having an affair, so she goes to a gun shop and buys a handgun. The next day she comes home to find her husband in bed with a beautiful redhead. She grabs the gun and holds it to her own head.The husband jumps out of bed, begging and pleading with her not toshoot herself. Hysterically the blonde responds to the husband, ''Shut up...you're next!''....
Quote: MAHESH_K: Teacher: "Amy, what do you call the outside of
a tree?"
Student: "No idea miss"
Teacher told angrily: "Bark, Amy".
Amy: "Bow Wow Wow Miss" (dog)
MAHESH_K2012/08/31 01:30 man1 to man2: Your friend is kissing your wife in your home. man2 rushed home angrily. After half an hour, he came back and slapped the
man1. man2: You fool, he is not my friend.... ..
MAHESH_K2012/08/31 01:37 Dual Heart Attack Message By A Girl.
1st Message: Lets Breakup Now, Its All Over 2nd Message: Sorry-Sorry, That Was Not For You -hahaha-
MAHESH_K2012/08/31 01:43 Teacher: If I Gave You 2 Cats, And Another 2 Cats And Another 2, How Many Will You Have? lil jonny: Seven Sir Teacher: No, Listen Carefully. If I Gave You 2 Cats, And Another 2 Cats And Another 2, How
Many Will You Have? lil jonny: Seven Teacher: Let Me Put It To You Differently. If I Gave You 2 Apples, And Another 2 Apples And
Another 2, How Many Will You Have? lil jonny: Six. Teacher: Good. Now If I Gave You 2 Cats, And Another 2 Cats And Another 2,How Many Will
You Have? lil jonny: Seven!!! Very Angry Teacher: Where Do You Get Seven From lil jonny: Because I Already Have One At Home......
MAHESH_K2012/08/31 01:54 Man Calls Obama: I Want To Be The President Of America Obama: Are You Stupid? Man: Is It Necessary?
MAHESH_K2012/08/31 01:58 A Little Boy Was Selling Parachutes.
Little Boy: Buy This Parachute And Land Safely On The Ground During Emergency Customer: What If This Does Not Open When Needed? Little Boy: Youll Get Your Money Back .....
MAHESH_K2012/08/31 02:09 An Airline Introduced A Special Package For
Business Men.
Buy Your Ticket Get Your Wifes Ticket Free.
After Great Success,
The Company Sent Letters To All The Wives
Asking How Was The Trip? All Of Them Gave A Same Reply.. "Which Trip ?"..........-hahaha-
MAHESH_K2012/08/31 02:20 A man was telling his neighbor,
I just bought a new hearing aid.
It cost me four thousand dollars,
but it's state of the art. It's perfect. Really, answered the neighbour .
What kind is it?
MAN:Twelve thirty.
MAHESH_K2012/08/31 02:22 When a Guy does Something Wrong! Girl : You broke my Favorite Lamp!
Boy : It was an Accident... I didn't mean to..!
Girl : I can't believe you did this.
Boy : I'm Sorry.. !! When a Girl does Something Wrong! Boy : You Lost My Dog??!!!
Girl : It was an Accident. I didn't mean to!
Boy : I can't believe you did this.
Girl : I already feel bad about it..!! Stop making me feel Worse..!!
Boy : I'm Sorry..!!
MAHESH_K2012/08/31 02:25 Teacher: If you have 10 chocolate cakes
someone asks for 2,
How many do u have left? Me: 10 Teacher: Ok, Well what if somebody forcibly takes 2 of the cakes,
how many would u have left then ? Me: 10 and a dead body.-hahaha-
MAHESH_K2012/08/31 02:30 2 mans were fixing a bomb in a car.
man1 : What would you do if the bomb explodes while fixing.
man 2 : Don't worry, I have a one more.