.........Share the laugh ;-D......... by MAHESH_K2012/03/04 17:08 .hi. Hi guys m back again ...... Posting some humourous n funny jokes -lol- stay tuned to get latest up dates......enjoy...... One day, I ask my grlfrnd: tell me the name who made u Pregnant..
She replied: if u eat 12 Bananas can u tell me which one maade u fat..!!!!! .lol.
MAHESH_K2012/08/22 22:17 A Man's Feeling :....
"It feels Like a Mini heart attack when I dont find my Mobile in my pocket ..
& its almost like Heart Fail when I see it in my Girlfriend's hand !
MAHESH_K2012/08/22 22:18 Two Best advices for safe life :
1. Always speak the truth, no matter how bitter harsh it is ..
2. Run immediately after saying it..
MAHESH_K2012/08/22 22:19 Gals have two major problems with their wardrobe:
1. Nothing to wear &
2. No place to keep her clothes.
Guys have two major problems with their laptop:
1. Nothing to watch &
2. No space for anything new..!!
MAHESH_K2012/08/22 22:20 When my parents are asleep
Me: "Shh they are sleeping."
When I'm asleep
Parents:"Lets vacuum the house for 3hours."
MAHESH_K2012/08/22 22:22 Apple = Vitamins
Vitamins = Power
Pwer = Work
Work = Money
Money = GF
GF = Tension
Tension = Heart Attack
Heart Attack = Death
See what all prblms an apple can make
MAHESH_K2012/08/22 22:24 Two Tigers were resting under a tree..
Suddenly a RABBIT passed very fast
Tiger could not make out & asked
"What was that?"
2nd Tiger smiled and said:
Fast Food...
MAHESH_K2012/08/22 22:25 Millions of people write Love Letters.
But everyone send there 1st love letter mostly to me,
Just imagine how lucky I m!
Great words
Said by
** DUST BIN **;-D
MAHESH_K2012/08/22 22:26 Your Ex-GirlFriend Asking If u Can StillBe Friends After A Break-Up..
It is Like..
A Kidnapper Telling U To Keep In Touch.!!
MAHESH_K2012/08/22 22:30 Some Funny
Signboards ...
@ Pizza Shop
"7 Dayz Widout Pizza
Makes 1 Weak"
In No-smoking Area
"If V c Smoke, V'll
Azume U r On Fire
n Take Apropaite
Action"@ Car Dealership
"D Best Way 2 Get Back
On Ur Feet.
Miss A Car Payment"
@ Maternity Room Door
"Push . Push . Push" ...
MAHESH_K2012/08/22 22:34 A Heart Touching Message
"We Need
Six Months Vacation
Twice A Year. . . "
MAHESH_K2012/08/22 22:39 Having 1 child makes you a parent but having 2 makes you a refree.
Marriage is a relationship in which 1 person is always right and the other is always husband.
You can't buy love but you pay heavily for it.
Wife and husband always compromise, husband admits that he's wrong and wife too agrees withhim.
Our language is called the mother tongue because the father never getsa chance to
MAHESH_K2012/08/22 22:40 Flirting is like a game of chess one wrong move and you are...
. .
. married -hahaha-
MAHESH_K2012/08/22 22:41 Boyfriend : Please keep me in your brain, not in your heart..
Girlfriend : How funny, why not heart..?
Boyfriend : Because
Your heart is housefull and brain is empty,
more empty space means more comfort
MAHESH_K2012/08/22 22:42 Boy: I Love you..? !
Girl: Hahahahaha =p
Boy: I Won't Live without you..? =(
Girl: Hahahahahahaha =p
Boy: I Will Die For You..? =!!
Girl: Hahahahahahahaha.. =D
Boy: I will Gift You a Gold Ring..? =x
Girl: Awwwww..Promise ??? ? =D
Boy: Hahahahahahhahahahahahahaha ;P