Boys vs Girls by Roshill 2006/08/11 07:44
YoU think Only yOU can play yetti prankS on us well time in fOr our kills fellar. Come on guyS letS kill em-haba- time 2 make the galS knOw whOse da man

RyAcJeU 2010/06/25 03:42
its/smiley here
RyAcJeU 2010/06/25 03:46
b0y2girl:c0me v vll g0 2 the place whr n01 vll c0me
girl:u vll d0 sex
girl:thn getl0st-hahaha-

RyAcJeU 2010/06/25 03:49
.thinking. dnt remmbr m0re j0ke ill check my m0ble ltr.wink.
RyAcJeU 2010/06/25 03:50
really great t0pic.devil.
virus96 2010/06/25 23:41
Nice topic...very nice one
DEADCROW 2010/07/01 01:18
Nice w0rd R0shil...but at the m0ment gurl need b0y../smiley


ghostfreak 2010/07/01 08:24
DonTundex 2010/07/02 05:33
You have said it all guys,welldone
j-culture 2010/07/02 20:25
A man ask his wife learn how to cook so dat we can sack de cook nd de wife answer him learn how to fuck so dat we sack de driver.
flexxy 2010/07/02 22:23
We ar better than them
Dejhino 2010/07/05 03:37
I don laugh die
Dekinso 2010/07/11 20:29
A lady saw a guys dick and she asked 'wat is this used for'
Jackb 2010/07/12 13:29
What 2 things in the air can make a girl pregnant? HER FEET.
Jackb 2010/07/12 13:31
Lik dis topic guyz.
Darez 2010/07/18 15:30
Sumtymes a lady nes ask is bf, why do u like watchin porns.he said:coz u re not perfect enough 2 satisfied me.u fuck get tired alwayz so quickly.
romeo1178 2010/07/20 11:00
Good of uuuuu
akimola 2010/07/24 20:24
Quote: j-culture: A man ask his wife learn how to cook so dat we can sack de cook nd de wife answer him learn how to fuck so dat we sack de driver.
ha ha ha ha i dn laf taya

Chiedozie 2010/07/29 13:16
I will say it again and again that girls are not beautiful CHIEDOZIE
Chiedozie 2010/07/29 13:22
Hello guy are Pupsis or
Schoolife 2010/07/29 14:53
There was a man that is puling in the toilet, so one woman was waiting 4 him.has his finish the woman gret him by saying that i am enjoy the odor of ur cheak.
Replies: 786

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