.........Share the laugh ;-D......... by MAHESH_K 2012/03/04 17:08
.hi. Hi guys m back again ...... Posting some humourous n funny jokes -lol- stay tuned to get latest up dates......enjoy......
One day, I ask my grlfrnd: tell me the name who made u Pregnant..
She replied: if u eat 12 Bananas can u tell me which one maade u fat..!!!!! .lol.

Rebellion 2012/11/09 21:19
Quote: MAHESH_K: A: I'm in a big trouble!
B: Why is that?
A: I saw a mouse in my house!
B: Oh, well, all you need to do is use atrap.
A: I don't have one.
B: Well then, buy one.
A: Can't afford one.
B: I can give you mine if you want.
A: That sounds good.
B: All you need to do is just use some cheese in order to make the mouse come to the trap.
A: I don't have any cheese.
B: Okay then, take a piece of bread and put a bit of oil in it and put it in the trap.
A: I don't have oil.
B: Well, then put only a small piece ofbread.
A: I don't have bread.
B: Then what is the mouse doing at your house?....../smiley

he is searching for the same things I think/smiley

--BooM-ShAnKaR-- 2012/11/28 04:08
/smiley .lol.
MAHESH_K 2012/11/28 18:07
Quote: GhoSTRiDeR: he is searching for the same things I think/smiley
-hahaha- maybe...

MAHESH_K 2012/11/28 18:09
Quote: --BooM-ShAnKaR--: /smiley .lol.

MAHESH_K 2012/11/28 18:10
Enjoy /smiley
MAHESH_K 2013/01/20 07:49
A Girl To A Tattoo Artist: How Much Do U Charge For Tattooing An Animal Just Above My Knee?
Artist: -100 For Tiger, Rabit And Lion, But For Girraffe Its Free. /smiley

The_Torpid 2013/01/22 12:43
Good Jokes!!Enjoying These!!.enjoy.
MAHESH_K 2013/01/22 16:48
Quote: _rOckin_Arij33t_: Good Jokes!!Enjoying These!!.enjoy.
glad u r enjoying it bro /smiley

Kingaadi 2013/01/23 02:37
share kar bidu
MAHESH_K 2013/01/23 13:40
Quote: Kingaadi: share kar bidu
i have done it /smiley

metalchris 2013/01/23 18:53
Thanks dude
MAHESH_K 2013/01/24 09:17
Quote: metalchris: Thanks dude
welcome bro /smiley

MAHESH_K 2013/02/13 20:33
All Samsung Officials Are Withdrawing Their Children From School, As The First Thing Children Are Being Taught Is ___ .
. A For Apple -hahaha-

MAHESH_K 2013/02/13 20:34
Define A Woman.... .
. Someone Who Can Talk 4 Hours While Standing At The Door . .
. But She Won't Sit ... Because Shes Getting Late... /smiley

MAHESH_K 2013/02/13 20:38
At A Bus Stand, A Doctor Got Heart Attack After Reading A Book's Name..!! Guess The Name Of That Book..?? . . . . . . . . . "How TO Become A DOCTOR In 30Days".. *150/- /smiley
MAHESH_K 2013/02/13 20:46
Amazing Truth : When Your Mom Decides To Be In Your Room While You Are On The Computer.. . You Just Switch To GOOGLE And Stare At It..!! /smiley /smiley
MAHESH_K 2013/02/13 20:48
For Indians!!
Dear Lays Manufacturer U Forgot To Mention One More Thing In The List Of Ur Ingredients. . . . . . . Air 85% /smiley

MAHESH_K 2013/02/13 20:52
Height Of Good Luck....!... Teacher: Hey over there! Stand Up. Tell Me Two Pronouns..
. Student: Who? Me? Teacher: Very Good.....Sit Down /smiley

MAHESH_K 2013/02/13 20:59
Impact Of Job Change: A Taxi Passenger Touched the Driver On Shoulder to Ask Something Driver Screamed, Lost Control Of The Car, Went Up On The Footpath & Stopped Few Centimeters Frm A Shop The Driver Said: "Don't Ever Do That Again, U Scared Me" Pasengr Apologized N Said: "I Didn't Realize A Litle Touch Wud Scare U So Much" Driver Replied: "Sorry, It's Not Ur Fault Its My 1st Day As A Cab Driver, I've Been Driving A Van Carying Dead Bodies For Last 25 Yrs...... /smiley
S-ALI.RAZA 2014/02/02 09:58
/smiley hahahahahahahaha
Replies: 384

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