Boys vs Girls by Roshill2006/08/11 07:44 YoU think Only yOU can play yetti prankS on us well time in fOr our kills fellar. Come on guyS letS kill em-haba- time 2 make the galS knOw whOse da man
rock_chaser2010/02/15 12:01 If girls dont want to impress the boys then whv do they do they do try to look so much gorgeous because all gals ane not lesbians
_SUPERBRAT_2010/03/09 16:53 Ha ha ha very gud comdy.
Kennyklien2010/03/11 14:24 girls are guyz ctnly not mine.
Kennyklien2010/03/11 14:26 she askd me 2 enta her instd of telln me wot she wantd guess wot?i told her den open urself.
Padyt2010/03/14 00:44 A girl can kill over a person loves
Omotoso772010/03/14 11:27 Male and female he created
Keffy2010/03/15 20:02 Haha niCe1 there lol watCha soo on about mel i knOw yoU galS are losers wid out guyS cuz yoU alwayS keep talkin about Robbie williams laSt time i checked he waS a Guy -rofl- -haha
Isholaa2010/03/24 17:40 One day thy was a pastor invited to mitv with femi, femi:i have hear about u dat u are a powerful man pastor:yes,i'm a powerful pastor,i have pray 2 many pp, femi:what do u use, pastor:i use d blood of jesus, femi:i use to see body gauidewith u why, pastor:don't u no dat d blood of jesus is 4 protection & it had finshed ad no protection so i need protection i don't want to die dat is why