Boys vs Girls by Roshill 2006/08/11 07:44
YoU think Only yOU can play yetti prankS on us well time in fOr our kills fellar. Come on guyS letS kill em-haba- time 2 make the galS knOw whOse da man

Hameed 2009/10/21 16:33
One child dog ask its mother,who is my father(loudly).
Then, the mother reply child dog shoooo! Don't shout. Because, urs daddy read this mesage now.

Shush14 2009/10/21 19:43
The biggest joke you ever heard is:
womens r more intelligent then mens.

JEFF4REAL 2009/10/25 16:54
3 tip to break a mirror 1 throw stone on mirror, 2 take mirror and just drop it,3 u jst stnd b4 mirror & SMILE.
GOODNESS 2009/10/25 18:10
A woman was bathing in a bathroom with her son & dboy now saw his mum's private part.den dboy nw ask hs mum watz dis....
GOODNESS 2009/10/25 18:13
.......She nw ansad dis is ur father's garage where parked his car every night.
Kingolu 2009/10/27 04:11
I'm banging 15 ladies at d same time.nd 1 of dem told me she wanna 2 cut my dis ting coz she feling like eating it
Etinosa22 2009/10/27 04:58


JEFF4REAL 2009/10/31 19:42
I'am very hapy dat my parent did nt have any female child.
merliona 2009/11/01 10:40
dia was a vilag dat de dont no wat is dia was a plan pasin by. den an old woman used a basket and put unda d it.
airwalk610 2009/11/01 16:09
A.YDOT 2009/11/02 00:46
KOOL men rule
nathyb 2009/11/02 02:16
Girls always think they are in control,we guys are jst flowing coz u can't do witout us
ALHOU 2009/11/04 16:13
De beauty of life does not only depend on how happy u r, but on how happy others can becoz of u.
Nil666go 2009/11/05 10:50
Girls r very cock hungry
Nil666go 2009/11/05 10:51
aaanil 2009/11/05 10:55
grl r the factory...
virus96 2009/11/06 04:00
A man had misunderstanding with his wife, so with the annoyance the wife asked the husband, do u think there's anything u can do that i can't do? The man said yes, what is that asked by the woman. I go peepee standing up, and u go peepee bending down
virus96 2009/11/06 04:05
A man regains his sense of direction after three kisses, while a woman losses her's after different touches
virus96 2009/11/06 04:29
If a girl is a challenge face her, if a girl is a game play her, if a girl is a dream realise her, but if a girl is in love f**k her
sagluv2 2009/11/06 08:58
joke: girls r best!
Replies: 786

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