"Result of bad deeds" by Musafir 2013/04/30 05:59

Father of America who insulted Prophet Mohammad s.a.w and Quran died with high electric shock, you can download this image and see properly result of his bad deed :)

i hope this topic will not change in war, i hope all users do respect of others ?

missu 2013/06/11 12:51
i use mobile not comp or lap
missu 2013/06/11 12:53
what in assembly one person present and what about punjab
missu 2013/06/11 12:57
Dr outlaw here another mushroom eporam i first reply then to u eporam your type person can use bible too for this becoz
missu 2013/06/11 12:59
lunatic person has no sense
missu 2013/06/11 13:03
then mr outlaw first put your house in order then teach other there were a lot of innocence in jalianwala bag
missu 2013/06/11 13:06
now use here word hindu terrorist or sikh terroristu will give your poor reply they were not proved hindus or christian
missu 2013/06/11 13:10
then mr outlaw go to your people and teach them lesson of peace if u cannot then bring english translation or regional
missu 2013/06/11 13:12
language quran u will find path of peace if u and others read honestly
missu 2013/06/11 13:15
Poor eporam u do not deserve any reply so u can jump and dance here as much as u wish becoz putting pearls before swine
Eeprom1.1 2013/06/11 13:18
missu your really just hiding your true feelings for me /smiley catch you later sexy bum /smiley love you bigtimes
missu 2013/06/11 13:19
My dear outlaw your memory is poor read my statements again i oppose word islamic terrorist and why will u blam media
missu 2013/06/11 13:21
becoz u say they do not belong to u
missu 2013/06/11 13:25
Dr outlaw again expressed your hate against islam so u used word islamic terrorism as a reality which was never nor will
missu 2013/06/11 13:28
and dear your and biased media's likes and dislikes will also not change the truth and the truth is ISLAM /smileyEACE
missu 2013/06/11 13:32
Again u r using word islamic terrorism which wrong if use abusive word with your father's name and i say i do not hate
missu 2013/06/11 13:34
father and i say my haterd is not against your father
missu 2013/06/11 13:37
I suggest u open your mind for islam change your thinking then debate with media's view keeping in your brain and heart
missu 2013/06/11 13:42
Dr world respect and love muslims it is media and a few person who hate muslim and that is like pinch of salt in flour
Eeprom1.1 2013/06/11 13:42
islamic terroists just watch any news it wont be long before that appropiate words comes up
Eeprom1.1 2013/06/11 13:43
islamic nutjobs is also great saying fully appropiate
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