"Result of bad deeds" by Musafir 2013/04/30 05:59

Father of America who insulted Prophet Mohammad s.a.w and Quran died with high electric shock, you can download this image and see properly result of his bad deed :)

i hope this topic will not change in war, i hope all users do respect of others ?

missu 2013/06/11 15:47
Unacceptable view u r not judge nor empire and my opionion u r obstinate,blind to truth,biased bye
missu 2013/06/11 15:51
Islam is a religion and muslim is a cast
missu 2013/06/11 15:55
in one of your post u said to me sore,stubborn,loser...such word r used by a judge of debate not by debator now no
missu 2013/06/11 15:58
NO my dear novice i mean religion do not act person act then why derogatory word is connected with the name of religion
missu 2013/06/11 16:01
That words pricked u but that were in the middle of debate and not like a judge in the end
missu 2013/06/11 16:03
BYE becoz it is useless to debate with a biased person
missu 2013/06/11 16:11
in general what a novice reply
missu 2013/06/11 16:17
And i also tried to tell u what is islam and i am happy i could remove misconception from your mind
missu 2013/06/11 16:22
u r still blowing your own trumpet u r not judge here who is deciding v or d u r yourself a debator here
missu 2013/06/11 16:26
Still wrong word becoz the so called wrong doers were muslim or in the skin of muslims others i am no more interested
missu 2013/06/11 16:29
It is your thinking becoz u want to blow your own trumpet and i cannot help u more
missu 2013/06/11 16:34
U did not see,meet,know me neither so called muslim how can u say he is more pious to me do not b sucking baby
missu 2013/06/11 16:38
maybe or maynot b u use such word to prove your believe,fact,news r suspective
missu 2013/06/11 16:40
It is my namaz time namaz e isha(night prayer) bye
missu 2013/06/11 16:44
Do not b like a nursery babe
Eeprom1.7 2013/06/11 19:05
hes not come back ,perhaps allah has apprehended him and punish harshly for reason a little with the enemy

Zeast 2013/06/11 19:36
Quote: outlaw: Go read your namaz. Wouldn't want you to miss it on my account and make allah angry. You can come back later and post your juvenile insults.
. . . Do ye 've any acc0unt ma dear bruda ? Or do ye belive 0n acc0unts? /smiley

Musafir 2013/06/11 20:28
Quote: outlaw: This is interesting. You are saying something completely opposite now. Earlier you were saying that muslims can't be terrorists and that 9/11 wasn't even carried out by muslims. Now you seem to be saying that muslim terrorists are wronged people and the indiscriminate havoc they are wreaking across the world is a "revenge" for what is happening in Kashmir.

Okay let's do it your way. Let's try the "what if it happened to you" approach. Let's say your muslim neighbor murders a non-muslim. Instead of getting their revenge on your neighbor, let's say the murder victim's friends come to your house and kill you and your family. Would you call that justice? I mean they are wronged people so it's okay for them to go on a random killing spree, right? Wrong.

I am all for revenge. If the Kashmiris are being tortured by Indian army, then take up arms against the Indian army. But placing a bomb in a crowded market in Hyderabad and killing a bunch of innocent Indians who have absolutely nothing to do with what is happening in Kashmir is not justice or revenge. It is terrorism.
where did i mentioned in that post that that terrorists are muslims or because of whats happening in kashmir they @ muslims became terrorist for revenge /smiley i just gave an example to which you yourself converted on muslims, I can just laugh on your logic or an idea which you are using to quote me, but you are still small in age and experience too. If i mentioned name of "MUSLIM AS BECOMING TERRORIST FOR REVENGE" show it ???? its a challenge /smiley and i will submit.

Musafir 2013/06/11 20:38

missu 2013/06/11 22:01
not juvenile insult say right and mature rebuke and which u deserve too
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