outlaw: This is interesting. You are saying something completely opposite now. Earlier you were saying that muslims can't be terrorists and that 9/11 wasn't even carried out by muslims. Now you seem to be saying that muslim terrorists are wronged people and the indiscriminate havoc they are wreaking across the world is a "revenge" for what is happening in Kashmir.
Okay let's do it your way. Let's try the "what if it happened to you" approach. Let's say your muslim neighbor murders a non-muslim. Instead of getting their revenge on your neighbor, let's say the murder victim's friends come to your house and kill you and your family. Would you call that justice? I mean they are wronged people so it's okay for them to go on a random killing spree, right? Wrong.
I am all for revenge. If the Kashmiris are being tortured by Indian army, then take up arms against the Indian army. But placing a bomb in a crowded market in Hyderabad and killing a bunch of innocent Indians who have absolutely nothing to do with what is happening in Kashmir is not justice or revenge. It is terrorism.
where did i mentioned in that post that that terrorists are muslims or because of whats happening in kashmir they @ muslims became terrorist for revenge
i just gave an example to which you yourself converted on muslims, I can just laugh on your logic or an idea which you are using to quote me, but you are still small in age and experience too. If i mentioned name of "MUSLIM AS BECOMING TERRORIST FOR REVENGE" show it ???? its a challenge
and i will submit.