"Result of bad deeds" by Musafir 2013/04/30 05:59

Father of America who insulted Prophet Mohammad s.a.w and Quran died with high electric shock, you can download this image and see properly result of his bad deed :)

i hope this topic will not change in war, i hope all users do respect of others ?

missu 2013/06/10 17:21
Dear it is my sleeping time i will remove your misconception
missu 2013/06/10 17:25
Again i want to tell u pastor is a proved christian more tomorrow just now bye u can send your posts i will read and rep
missu 2013/06/10 17:29
ly tomorrow Insa Allah gud night I can use high level english too i am a teacher of english GOOD NIGHT
Musafir 2013/06/10 17:51
Quote: outlaw:

Burning a book is still better than killing innocent people, which the 9/11 muslim terrorists did.
Not you but your hate for Muslims is saying this. Because you cant prove that it was done by Muslims ? Prove it if you can ?

Musafir 2013/06/10 18:46
Quote: outlaw: You are a muslim and i don't hate you. Am i allowed to hate islamic terrorists or is that also islamophobia now? I don't have to prove it. Muslims took responsibility. It is typical of islamic terrorists to take pride in the killing of innocent people.
Again you are going wrong /smiley you cant join the word "terror" with Islam, Dr Naik said well, If you move the label of Judge, then Judge will become killer.

missu 2013/06/11 02:50
DEAR outlaw u have strong thinking that muslims r terrorists u do not want to accept the truth and the truth is
missu 2013/06/11 02:54
ISLAM and TERROR r opposite of each other what the others do in the skin of muslims to malign islam and muslims so
missu 2013/06/11 02:56
U should dovelop your own thinking inspite of relying on the thinking of biased media
Musafir 2013/06/11 05:18
Quote: outlaw: Yeah, "Dr" Naik has used that stupid logic to defend Osama. That doesn't change the fact that some very devout Muslims happen to be extremely violent and dangerous terrorists. You can't simply disown them.
no one borns terrorist but others make them. Dont forget whats happening in Kashmir & kargil, at Indian border millitants are raping muslim womens, they keep gun on father head and says brother to rape sister. @ Outlaw giving big speeches is very easy for you, i always see your long debates with others but when you face the fact or if it happens with you, a question rises that' what you will do ??
If your father is hanging between life and death and you his life is based only if you rapes your sister and mother, now what you will do after this math ? ?? Sorry if my words hurt you. Go and see thousands of Kashmiris are crying and complaining Indian Army s this behaviour but its very sad to say, that Indian government is sleeping.

missu 2013/06/11 10:30
Dr outlaw i opposed your term islamic terrorist now u r using muslim terrorist i never used term christian terrorist
missu 2013/06/11 10:33
Dr outlaw in kasmir if people have taken guns in their hands,u call them terrorist if taking revenge is terrorism,
missu 2013/06/11 10:36
Then bhagat singh,rajguru,sukhdev,asfaqulla khan,lala lajpat rai, tilak will b considered terrorist i know u will say
missu 2013/06/11 10:38
say they did not kill innocence but u know they were not in z catagory security
missu 2013/06/11 10:41
u give foolish suggestion that kasmiris should raise arms against indian army will u tell me will it b possible for a
missu 2013/06/11 10:43
region'people to fight a nation's army
missu 2013/06/11 10:45
So again i say u to use your own thinking,logic not of media
missu 2013/06/11 11:00
dr outlaw Thanx for willing to come this point that islam and terror r opposite of each other and for your kind info
missu 2013/06/11 11:04
in punjab punjabis kill a lot of person were they terrorist and dr they were not muslims,in assam ulfa kills a lot of
missu 2013/06/11 11:09
a lot of persons what naxlite do they r not muslims so muslims were not,are not,will not b the terrorist others can b
Eeprom1.1 2013/06/11 12:47
i will burn the kohran also but ive been told shxt dont burn ,so instead i shall use as emergency toilet paper

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