"Result of bad deeds" by Musafir 2013/04/30 05:59

Father of America who insulted Prophet Mohammad s.a.w and Quran died with high electric shock, you can download this image and see properly result of his bad deed :)

i hope this topic will not change in war, i hope all users do respect of others ?

kangaman 2013/06/15 17:55
on the quiet i think missu is really a islamic terrorist supporter ,id confidently guess 90% people would state that theese pillocks killing themselves and others for the great evil islam ,would say islamic terrorist is just what they are .and the sooner EVERY LAST 1 These islamic terroists are DEAD then the better for everyone ,then maybe the leftovers ones who dont eant jihadi crap would get better name
missu 2013/06/15 17:55
o anti muslim pastor is ghost for u and i am nightmare
kangaman 2013/06/15 17:57
oh missu i missed you earlier darlings /smiley /smiley
Manal 2013/06/15 17:57
Quote: kangaman: on the quiet i think missu is really a islamic terrorist supporter ,id confidently guess 90% people would state that theese pillocks killing themselves and others for the great evil islam ,would say islamic terrorist is just what they are .and the sooner EVERY LAST 1 These islamic terroists are DEAD then the better for everyone ,then maybe the leftovers ones who dont eant jihadi crap would get better name

Terror is posting?/smiley

Manal 2013/06/15 17:58
Quote: outlaw: Why is musafir quiet now? I'm still waiting for him to end the debate with his 4 posts. Ab toh 4 posts se kafi zyada hoge bhai when are you going to end it? And what exactly are you planning? I hope you don't end it with a suicide attack on all of us /smiley

Pinochio needs to rest/smiley

kangaman 2013/06/15 18:00
Quote: missu: o anti muslim pastor is ghost for u and i am nightmare
you are about as much a nightmare as a dead mouse /smiley its your islam that's the nightmare and its to yoursrlves you fkn mugs ,just think insteaf of praying on that doormat instead you could be sticking a tail on some hot milfs

Zayeedat0 2013/06/15 18:00
that allah judgement for his misdeed, it makes me to remember a story in prophet era(saw), that a christain abused him and the holy quran and after his death(christain man) the grave rejected him
kangaman 2013/06/15 18:02
shurrup manal im still fantasize about you -hot- you need oiling
Manal 2013/06/15 18:02
Quote: outlaw: pinochio is a good name for him /smiley he lied in his first post and refuses to accept it.

His pinochio since

Manal 2013/06/15 18:02
Quote: kangaman: shurrup manal im still fantasize about you -hot- you need oiling

Hahaha/smileyeeprom when will u be a man?

Musafir 2013/06/15 18:04
Quote: outlaw: Aren't you going to address my posts, debate champ? Calling them flooding is the easy way out. A true debate champion like you should address all my posts. Otherwise people will think you are a coward. /smiley Not good for your reputation as the best debater 2wap has ever had.
Atleast you agreed that I am best debator of 2 wap. And if you want to address me your defeat, stick on topic instead of giving bad words to muslims and flooding topic with your funny posts, this is good example of running away from topic.

Again i am coming to topic and let me address you back of hundred flooded posts by you /smiley I proved in topic that Indian Army are with registered identity and cant be fake, who are killing innocent peoples in kashmir, now i want you to prove me my challenge ???

If you want victory prove when i said kashmiri muslims becoming terrorist for revenge ? A blame which you put on me when i was on 4 th or 5 th post /smiley you cant and will never prove it ?
Accept your defeat or keep on flooding topic and enjoy your sex scam with users.

English correction - debator not debater.

missu 2013/06/15 18:04
ganduni u have forgot english
kangaman 2013/06/15 18:04
manal no joke id love to be a man with you....now dont start me going or ill be cracking one off again /smiley
kangaman 2013/06/15 18:06
Quote: outlaw: No hot milfs he made it clear in one of his posts that he prefers the company of bearded men.
oh dear so i guess his idea of porn movie id "life and times of grizzly adams"

Manal 2013/06/15 18:07
Post 805/smiley
Manal 2013/06/15 18:08
Quote: kangaman: manal no joke id love to be a man with you....now dont start me going or ill be cracking one off again /smiley

Haha then act as ur age,be real good man

missu 2013/06/15 18:08
kanganman is a dancing monkey here
Musafir 2013/06/15 18:11
Quote: outlaw: Why is musafir quiet now? I'm still waiting for him to end the debate with his 4 posts. Ab toh 4 posts se kafi zyada hoge bhai when are you going to end it? And what exactly are you planning? I hope you don't end it with a suicide attack on all of us /smiley
Musafir will only quiet when he will die /smiley and i answed your question before that debate was over on my 4th to 5th post when you failed to prove my challenge of proving blame which you put on me. And i also explained you that now i am playing with you -hahaha- till you remain flooding your victory dance you will see my face against your dancing ass.

kangaman 2013/06/15 18:12
Quote: Manal:

Haha then act as ur age,be real good man
i cannot act my age as id be have stopped shaving and have a beard and this would only encourage sexual advances from missu ,,i cannot even kiss missu as hed chosen to glue mens pubes about his body due to puberty delay thing

Manal 2013/06/15 18:15
Quote: kangaman: i cannot act my age as id be have stopped shaving and have a beard and this would only encourage sexual advances from missu ,,i cannot even kiss missu as hed chosen to glue mens pubes about his body due to puberty delay thing

Then be childish always

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