"Result of bad deeds" by Musafir 2013/04/30 05:59

Father of America who insulted Prophet Mohammad s.a.w and Quran died with high electric shock, you can download this image and see properly result of his bad deed :)

i hope this topic will not change in war, i hope all users do respect of others ?

Musafir 2013/06/15 18:15
Quote: outlaw:

First of all, yes it is debater. Debator is wrong. /smiley

You are so naive. You can't even discern sarcasm. If you want my honest, sarcasm-free opinion, you are a pathetic debater. So no, i haven't agreed on anything. It was sarcasm. Get with the program.

Speaking of running away from the topic, why are you running away from the fact that your first post was a lie? I will agree indian soldiers are killing muslims only if you agree first that terry jones is alive and you deliberately used wrong information to make your point.
My topic was not on terrorism or terrorists. It has nothing to do with arguments we are doing to defeat each other.

missu 2013/06/15 18:15
outlaw your moral is weak it depends on saying pastor is alive and u will accept indian army's attrocities lol u r liar
Musafir 2013/06/15 18:17
Quote: outlaw: Listen pinochio, if you want to keep ignoring my question then fine. I will also ignore your sore loser bullshxt then. The truth is you used a lie in your first post and for a religious man to lie about his god's punishment, i can't think of anything more pathetic.
Bringing again and again topics first post me pastor is not conclusion of our debate, it is only your game to turn debate which you had already lost.

kangaman 2013/06/15 18:19
missu did you cheer at 911 thats started you terrorist support or did you happen to find some secret page hidden within that book of evil you hold so dear ...something has corrupted you thats for sure you should be tryingto shag as many as you can for yourself not living your live in planned script... Barrrrrttttttr
missu 2013/06/15 18:19
Let me console weeping outlaw and kanganman
Manal 2013/06/15 18:19
Ahhhh this debate makes me hungry/smiley
Musafir 2013/06/15 18:21
Quote: outlaw: But why did you use false news?
I never said that my news is false, bro come on dont change topic, i like to debate with you on terrorism. I will ask you to prove my challenge till this topic here. Come on come on. Prove it prove it /smiley

missu 2013/06/15 18:23
Poor outlaw u forgot words sometime u resort smilies sometime sis
Manal 2013/06/15 18:23
Post number 826
kangaman 2013/06/15 18:25
Quote: Manal:

Then be childish always
which grown up ways???? Oh yeah do as told or shutup or allah will send bolt of lightning to punish......brainwashed 4 sure .. I do what i want when i want ,no reljoius book of shxte changes my daily routine howanout you mugs /smiley dont you grt married untill rid thay crap or youll get treated maybe worse than a dog .how peaceful and respecting is that? You need a propper un brainwashed man not a tyrant bully

missu 2013/06/15 18:25
outlaw do not forget u have pussy
Manal 2013/06/15 18:27
Quote: kangaman: which grown up ways???? Oh yeah do as told or shutup or allah will send bolt of lightning to punish......brainwashed 4 sure .. I do what i want when i want ,no reljoius book of shxte changes my daily routine howanout you mugs /smiley dont you grt married untill rid thay crap or youll get treated maybe worse than a dog .how peaceful and respecting is that? You need a propper un brainwashed man not a tyrant bully

What I will do if ur mom teach u that kind of manner,no more medicine for u I guess/smiley

Musafir 2013/06/15 18:27
Quote: Manal:

Pinochio needs to rest/smiley
In the name me muslimah you are sister me devil ?

missu 2013/06/15 18:28
I will b back anytime
Musafir 2013/06/15 18:28
Quote: Manal:

Pinochio needs to rest/smiley
In the name me muslimah you are sister of devil ?

Manal 2013/06/15 18:29
Quote: kangaman: which grown up ways???? Oh yeah do as told or shutup or allah will send bolt of lightning to punish......brainwashed 4 sure .. I do what i want when i want ,no reljoius book of shxte changes my daily routine howanout you mugs /smiley dont you grt married untill rid thay crap or youll get treated maybe worse than a dog .how peaceful and respecting is that? You need a propper un brainwashed man not a tyrant bully

Are u happy when abusing others? Are happy when all bad words came into ur mouth? What u win from that?

Musafir 2013/06/15 18:30
Quote: missu: I will b back anytime
I liked your spirit /smiley go and do your works, let this morons bark -hahaha- come again with long bamboo to insert.

Manal 2013/06/15 18:31
Quote: Musafir: In the name me muslimah you are sister of devil ?

Tell that ur ur mother and to ur sister!

missu 2013/06/15 18:32
manal kangan man has no parent,child,wife u know enuch ...
Musafir 2013/06/15 18:32
Quote: outlaw: Musafir is it debator or debater, did you check yet? /smiley Another thing you are ignoring because you are wrong.
Do this makes you winner of this debate /smiley if i did mistake in English hahaha, come on real topic which we are debating instead of counting hairs of my dash/smiley

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