"Result of bad deeds" by Musafir 2013/04/30 05:59

Father of America who insulted Prophet Mohammad s.a.w and Quran died with high electric shock, you can download this image and see properly result of his bad deed :)

i hope this topic will not change in war, i hope all users do respect of others ?

missu 2013/06/15 15:08
u have felt a lot of insult already
missu 2013/06/15 15:11
Idiot i do not know your so called god and religion nor i have interest in it
missu 2013/06/15 15:14
idiot eat mangoes do not count trees and u r eating mangoes i mean u r understanding and replying
Manal 2013/06/15 15:14
Boys boys pls kindly respect each other,whatever religion u have just respect it/smiley
missu 2013/06/15 15:20
U can run away i give u safe passage do not make lame excuses
missu 2013/06/15 15:27
U coul not cannot and will not win go and enjoy match hiding your face and breast
missu 2013/06/15 15:30
ok bye today i will b back i am your nightmare
missu 2013/06/15 15:45
U better know i am your nightmare u cannot sleep
missu 2013/06/15 15:49
Big hair long post make no effect on me go enjoy match i give a chance i will b back anytime bye
missu 2013/06/15 15:52
I was sitting on your breast as a victor
missu 2013/06/15 15:55
I have offered and will offer my namaz i do not make excuse of match and do not want b offline
missu 2013/06/15 15:56
Then i won your big boobs
missu 2013/06/15 15:58
poor lass what do u think no matter for me
missu 2013/06/15 15:59
Justnow bye yours nightmare
missu 2013/06/15 16:01
Where is it written muslims hater
Manal 2013/06/15 16:11
Quote: missu: Dr manal here is male(missu)and female(outlaw) so do not call boys boys


Manal 2013/06/15 16:18
Stop now let's have some cool conversation
Manal 2013/06/15 16:24
Quote: outlaw: it's gone too far for that /smiley

The topic title was abt in bad deeds,just do good deeds/smiley

Manal 2013/06/15 16:26
Quote: missu: Then i won your big boobs

/smileyoutlaw is man ,he doesn't have big boobs/smiley

Manal 2013/06/15 16:29
Quote: outlaw: I've been doing some good deeds in this topic. When missu started calling me lady, i tried to offer him sex. He refused the sex and started calling me a slut christian lady. /smiley That's what happens when you try to do a good deed.

Real muslim should respect any religion

Replies: 571

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