"Result of bad deeds" by Musafir 2013/04/30 05:59

Father of America who insulted Prophet Mohammad s.a.w and Quran died with high electric shock, you can download this image and see properly result of his bad deed :)

i hope this topic will not change in war, i hope all users do respect of others ?

missu 2013/06/15 13:48
u r not a judge islam is a great religion and i am its follower a true follower who defeated a white
missu 2013/06/15 13:51
your anti muslim anti islam thinking cannot and will not change my image as a true muslim
missu 2013/06/15 13:53
i never went to a brothel so i cannot belive do muslim women go there
missu 2013/06/15 13:56
u mean only christians r white go to kasmir and know this truth i am your nightmare
missu 2013/06/15 13:58
U r anti muslims so u r not relible source and i have no need to go there
missu 2013/06/15 14:01
idiot where did i say by race u too r giving me now bad smell
missu 2013/06/15 14:02
U cannot will not win me in your whole life
missu 2013/06/15 14:05
a lady cannot satisfy another lady u know dr lady i will come back u can post more posts
missu 2013/06/15 14:20
u r a lady u have experience thanx and u do not know brooms never speak dr lady and u do not know i used word white foru
missu 2013/06/15 14:21
without word lady
missu 2013/06/15 14:23
i can see clear despair on your unveiled face
missu 2013/06/15 14:25
your dictionary is blank now go and search word in your akka google
missu 2013/06/15 14:29
u r calling yourself a man then today is a black day for masculine community i am ashamed to know this
missu 2013/06/15 14:32
in that post count both word limit liar and i know christian lady does not cover face for clinton
missu 2013/06/15 14:35
Ha ha ha goat herder,cow herder,sheep herder poor knowledge i will b back
missu 2013/06/15 14:50
Then do not hide ur identity i am ready defeat u second time
missu 2013/06/15 14:54
i am not afraid of u come out fm fear tell your identity
missu 2013/06/15 14:56
I am also indian u r woman i am man now your religion?
missu 2013/06/15 15:00
stupid religious identity do not fear
missu 2013/06/15 15:06
Then very poor religion is your my religion is great it is useless to ask u then your religious identity
Replies: 571

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