"Result of bad deeds" by Musafir 2013/04/30 05:59

Father of America who insulted Prophet Mohammad s.a.w and Quran died with high electric shock, you can download this image and see properly result of his bad deed :)

i hope this topic will not change in war, i hope all users do respect of others ?

missu 2013/06/14 14:38
still u do not reply my question how can other country 'army come there?what kind of liar,hypocrite,lame excuser u r!
missu 2013/06/14 14:49
and dear what kind of kid u r musafir's suggestion the consultation between two batsmen on the ground
Musafir 2013/06/14 14:53
Quote: outlaw:

Hey, first of all, you didn't "win" anything. Secondly, whether or not you have said that kashmiri terrorists are muslims doesn't change the fact that they are muslims.

As for indian army killing kashmiris, if you refuse to accept that muslims terrorists are real muslims, can you prove that the army men killing them are real indian army? Consider it my challenge.

Hey, first of all, you didn't "win"
anything. Secondly, whether or not you have said that kashmiri terrorists are muslims doesn't change the fact that they are muslims.

Still you are unable to prove that they are muslims and terrorists. they are Muslims is fact for you but they are not terrorist . And you are failed to prove it is my victory

As for indian army killing kashmiris, if
you refuse to accept that muslims
terrorists are real muslims, can you
prove that the army men killing them are
real indian army? Consider it my

Is Indian Government mad to give labels and uniforms to soldiers ? Dont you know that every single soldier has registered record with photo and identity certificate before taking soldier position /smiley Is Indian Government eating shxt or sleeping, so they are unaware of strangers holding Ak 47 at border. Bro, talk senseless or give up

missu 2013/06/14 14:53
o u then how can that army b fake
missu 2013/06/14 14:56
Dr outlaw do not behave like a dog's tail
missu 2013/06/14 14:59
that is like dance of peacock in the forest
Musafir 2013/06/14 15:02
Quote: outlaw:
Because the ongoing argument was about terrorism. Then you came in and said blah blah kashmiri muslims blah blah revenge. Either your were saying kashmiri muslims are terrorists, or you just brought up an unrelated point which had nothing to do with the topic. Poor debating skills if you ask me.
Totally misused post, I brought Kashmiris blah blah to prove you that Indian Army is more bigger terrorist then terrorists. in my blah blah i no where said that Kashmiri muslims became terrorist for revenge, it was your own blah blah which you are again barking here again and again -hahaha- poor logicl skill i would say. And yea, my point was and is very related to topic its not a blah blah or pointless / useless blah blah.

missu 2013/06/14 15:04
o dear truth is bitter and u r loser if a crow sits on the top of a palace he cannot b an eagle
missu 2013/06/14 15:09
Like u a pakistani player used word amateur for sachin in sachin's first match and u know what this amateur did so u ...
missu 2013/06/14 15:13
dr how can anyone learn from out=defeated law=legal
missu 2013/06/14 15:15
and u r not a fifa player so shut up and rub your face in dust novice
missu 2013/06/14 15:19
oh so u r also outlaw =the person who is thrown out of law realy u deserve it congrate
missu 2013/06/14 15:21
u said right we should do now other thing do not weep dr
Musafir 2013/06/14 15:22
DEBATE" HAHHAHA (that's how you

First let me laugh on your reverse logic which you are trying to use on me -hahaha- now, SHOW ME WHEN I SAID THAT YOU SAID " I LOST" this is what I said to you, that you lost. But do me, you said Kashmiri muslims as terrorist for which i challenged you to prove it. Its not challenge for me to show you when you said you lost but it is impossible for you to show when or where i said KASHMIRI MUSLIMS BECOMING TERRORIST FOR REVENGE.

So yeah, i never said i lost. I agreed that
you never used the exact words, but
that's exactly what you meant.

Challenge was to prove your statement of which you said and got in hunt. If still you cant prove its vary to say you are looser.

I believe anyone who hurts innocent
civilians is a terrorist. Whether it
happens to be a muslim, a christian, or
an indian army soldier. That's a fair
minded opinion. You on the other
hand blame only one side, and refuse to accept that a muslims can ever be a
terrorist. That's an extremely naive
and biased opinion.

Getting nerves? What is this a fist-
fight? You amuse me, bro. Most of what
you say doesn't make any sense. The
way you write is extremely immature for
your age. Going totally off-topic and
trying to claim victory by throwing stupid challenges. That's just childish. Back to the topic, if the point of all these
childish rants is that no true muslim can
be a terrorist, then let's cut to the chase
and i will accept your argument. But
then when i use your logic and apply it
to the pastor, it reveals your hypocrisy. That's the whole point of this debate

Thanks atleast you agreed that not only muslims but others are also terrorists, but still you cant prove Muslims as terrorist by your such sweat logic of fooling in words

missu 2013/06/14 15:25
Yeah very bit wit u have beards of hindu gurus also have but pastors r ladies and ladies do not have broom/beard
missu 2013/06/14 15:29
why r u hiding yourself outlaw
Musafir 2013/06/14 15:33
Quote: outlaw: Musafir is a kid in front of me. I am the undisputed champion. My highest score in gali cricket is 563 not out. I've also won 5 tournaments in FIFA 2009. Musafir can't beat me at anything, bro.
Can you prove this what you said -hahaha- its nothing but you are now going offtopic because you are not able to debate more.
I say, i won title against khali and i can fly in sky will not makes me winner here.

missu 2013/06/14 15:34
keep your funny weep continue
Musafir 2013/06/14 15:36
Quote: outlaw: I have a suggestion musafir. Why don't you go to Social zone now and open a topic begging staff to close this topic because "boohoo muslims are being insulted boohoohoo". I'm sure that's how you end your debates.
This shows your loosing point, now you are trying to run /smiley

Musafir 2013/06/14 15:36
Quote: outlaw: Whoever leaves first will lose. You will have to leave for namaz and i will claim victory! /smiley muahahahaha! I bet that will be a real dilemma for you. Win an internet debate and peace allah off OR read the namaz and lose the debate.
Good drama to run away from field -hahaha-

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