"Result of bad deeds" by Musafir 2013/04/30 05:59

Father of America who insulted Prophet Mohammad s.a.w and Quran died with high electric shock, you can download this image and see properly result of his bad deed :)

i hope this topic will not change in war, i hope all users do respect of others ?

missu 2013/06/13 12:57
NO,not even a single question confused me u may have been confused
missu 2013/06/13 13:01
ask this question to yourself becoz in your very first post u did not condem the act of the pastor
missu 2013/06/13 13:05
Be just but how can u when u people could not understand and crucified him u do not like truth
missu 2013/06/13 13:10
i posted later it was u whose post i saw and in that post if u had condemned the act of pastor,i would have thought
missu 2013/06/13 13:12
over your request and now as u have condemned
missu 2013/06/13 13:14
r u agree pastor's act is condemnable
missu 2013/06/13 13:18
killing people hurt feeling of some people but burning scripture of any religion hurt sentiments of whole community
missu 2013/06/13 13:21
As u have agreed now i too agree the killing any innocence person is not only condenable but also the killer should be
missu 2013/06/13 13:24
hanged whether he is a muslim or non muslim this teach us the holy quran the prophet muhammad
missu 2013/06/13 13:27
In my locality there only 5 houses of non muslims but we live with them as brothers although we r in majority
missu 2013/06/13 13:30
As before me u have agreed i too i feel no shame in condeming any such incident carried out by anyone
missu 2013/06/13 13:34
it u see by biased attitude so u think this like patting my back but if we tease them u would post a post here against
missu 2013/06/13 13:37
muslims what a double faced person u r and moral never depends other
missu 2013/06/13 13:41
yeah u r right civilized people carry out jalianwalabag mascare,civilized people throw dead body of someone in the sea
missu 2013/06/13 13:45
Now my namaz time after sometime u can post your post more if u wish i reply next time insh Allah
missu 2013/06/13 13:50
No i am not defending him i am only telling u defination of your so called civilized people whom u r praising
missu 2013/06/13 13:54
i do not think there is need of replying in yes or no as u consider it stupid arguement then what is the benifit or loss
missu 2013/06/13 13:56
of replying u can end if u wish
missu 2013/06/13 13:59
Others wrong deeds do not diminish others sins
missu 2013/06/13 14:03
ha ha ha still civilized then why did tony blaire appolozised for this civilized act of civilized people.Now my namaz ..
Replies: 571

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