TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY: Hmmm!!! i can smell d Aroma...bitch burning as am ROASTIN hiz ass lyk chief HOST/time 2 bring d g^h^o^s^t outta him cuz i hate seein bitch niggaz BOAST/
Haha,i murdered thiz bitch n made hiz ghost chase him AWAY/i've told u b4 dat anywhere anytime we meet i'll play u home n AWAY/now shld i say ^anyway^ or BY D WAY?/if only u understand d difference btwn ^REAL-MEN^ n ^MEN^ u'll then know dat am d AMEN/
Ur skillz still ^ITTY^BITTY^/lyk M.J, kid ^BEAT^IT^/don't push me ^SON^/don't make me ita^lian^ate cuz i'll ELI^MIN^ATE/ma viruz iz air ^BORN^(borne)/don't in^furi^ate me cuz i'll make sure ur dick don't EJA^CUL^ATE/u're jst a product of pre^ma^ture eja^cu^la^tion dropin math wit d wrong CAL^CU^LA^TION/take ma linez as rap ela^bo^ra^tion it comez wit no CO^LLO^CA^TION/i drain life out of bitchez witout co^lla^bo^ra^tion datz y smarty couldn't find ma LO^CA^TION/bitch, I^SO^TO^PEE^(isotope)am a 4ukin DEU^TE^RIUM/i broke ur glass life in2 pieces n burn ur CE^RIUM/4uk detox, there iz nobody 2 de^to^xi^fy d maggots i left in ur belly so 4uk DE^TO^XI^FI^CA^TION/join d class, i cla^ssi^fy bitchez on how much dinero they made n ur sisterz are cool wit dat CLA^SSIFI^CA^TION/wat a bad month thiz month gon b 4u wit thiz rap RE^VO^LU^TION/sure it got u n ur generation diss^organ^iced(disorganized)wit new RE^SO^LU^TION/ma chick lookin fly ever since i gave u 2 her 2 wear as WEAV^ON/in 2wap am a legend dat LIVES^ON/u n other weaklinz can bring ur DISS^ON/
Tragedy!!! man u're killin me seriously. ur shxt tight.