_ONLY D FITTEST SURVIVES_-_DO U GOT WHAT IT TAKES? by TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY2012/10/24 00:25 Here jUst prove that u're d best in d game..remember! ANYONE can sing,rhyme n rap but few are talented 2 keep it right .so prove that u're d talented one by showing ur skills.
.....NOW LET D BATTLE BEGIN..........................
STUNNER2013/01/28 00:01 men!!! i just love ur rap. Am waitin 2 see ur oral rap bro...i know u'll keep it tight.
Icyboi2013/01/28 20:32 ,Im goin innnnn!!!!!!! So Icy, No broda in da jungle thats the fact
When nigga spit diz he call it RAP/bt really if im to judge that ima giv him a dirty SLAP/this world on flesh n blood have urz bottled like HARP/like electric fish ma flow goes with a SPARK/sum nigga tink they r the limit 4 otherz to REACH/wel iv pass such limit guess its 4 diz BITCH(Tragedy)/this the Pinnacle bitches copying sum FLOWZ/they b stuck on repetition still aint betta than dizz HOEZ/ma flow BAR^BE^RIC/DE^MO^NIC/lyrically ur DEL^PHIC/get a dictionary hoe ma punchline Defrag ya PEL^VIC/diz nigga spitin demonic barz that is lyrically SOFT/put diz bullet (flowz) in ma gun (punchline) shootin like LARA^CROFT/I'll be blowin dia kush in d AIR/Causin strange cloud in d AT^MOS^PHERE/bin 4ukin with these Delhi bitches got me tinkin its UN^FAIR/I bring STA^PHY~LO~CO^CUS/and make'em lose FO~CUS/I've bin lookin at dia flows thot of eatin it with ma ANUS/Eleto is back on da BIZNESS/bt i dnt knw if hez back to WITNESS/How i murder diz motherfucker via d drop 4rm ma SICKNESS/well, happy bad year nigga u'll be facin ya worst 9ite~MARE/If dizz is a physical Punch fist ima use a Hand^BARE/Diz aint a cum fiesta gave mine to ur cumless FATHA/take a look @ urself ur entire life has bin a DRAMA/all d way 4rm hell spitin sumtin softa than EAR~DRUM/thot it'll be more TIGHTA/cud it b u bak 4rm SLUM/u cud grow more ILLER/bt really i lov to battle with u,it kipz me up n IMPROVED/tired of these low~liferz they nid to be SCHOOLD/sum broke says he z TRAGEDY/with no STRATEGY/tot the world is of comedy,bt i rain em with different series of CALAMITY/betta watch out 4 ya dia LIFE/I killd ur generations husband n WIFE/,
Rebellion2013/01/29 14:00 Imma drink Cola can Who's this Haiti man?
It seems bitches got no vocabulary, Repeating the damn Dictionary
They joined a missionary & thought they could DiSS ...Really?
I got a fist for ya, Take a rest oH YEAH
I'mma fuck ya wifey,I don need any trophy
Ya @&& has no value in the market, I dont give a damn u just barkED
My Rhymes has a Quality, Itz limit iz infinity
Shame Shame I gave u a Damn NAME "asslicker" It's a BALLGAME I'm in HALL of FAME Byname I'm INSANE check da List-Names I'm there in TOP10s Don't need any NICKNAME I Dnt reclaim the SAME NAME again N again Cuz Im unique without a SURNAME Now I realise what I BECAME ,,Dont even beflame the GAME again Cause' I won't take the BLAME of the SHAME u get infront of these LAMES .. Dont deframe my name on the name of RIVALRY ,I CAme for the GAME not the FAME OBVIOUSLY, To teach a lesson to these IMPRISONED PERSONS Wisely , But my work of MASON isn't enuff for this session of the SEASON The reason comes respectively!!!
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY2013/01/29 21:31 leave d bitch 2 me. Due to technical prob i'll reply ur shxt tomorr....Lousyboi.
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY2013/01/30 14:22 Some kindergarten kid askin me 2 get a dictionary..Lol.
He said he's ICY/but turnd out 2b LOUSY/here is no club house bitch stop being NOISY/
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY2013/01/30 15:17 Some kindergarten kid askin me 2 get a dictionary..Lol.
He said he's ICY/but turnd out 2b LOUSY/here is no club house bitch stop being NOISY/^ICY^BOI^...^LOUSY^TOY/got ur mama pussy boucin on ma dick b4 she got EMPLOY(d)/Ok,lets go wit MULTIES/fool don't ignore THIS/this iz no BEEF/u're not up 2 ma STANDARD/am a rap CHIEF/till end of time u won't b among d rap VANGUARD/WHO^KILL^I^AM/YOU^WILL^I^AM/this iz no dick SUCKIN/pour me a skull of wine wit ur SKULL/real niggaz act but bitchez do d TALKIN/i ate ur dick try n RECALL/now ur brain got it RE^CO^LLEC^TED/it's time 2 get ur life DIS^CO^NNEC^TED/u're d same ^GENTILE^i converted in2 a ^REPTILE^/follow ma rap lawz strictly lyk a^PHARISEE^n i will change u 4rm a sad kid 2 a^SADDUCEE^/am a SADIST/whoppin ur ass lyk BATIST(batista)/afta teachin u dis lesson u gon announce me as d reignin champion lyk John d BAPTIST/d blood of ur alcoholic father runz in ya VEIN/u faced me rememba? so y are u pleadin "i don't wanna die IN VAIN"/ur blood taste gud lyk d French wine n ma promise iz 2 make sure none REMAIN.
^Get^ ^lost^ this iz no ORPHANAGE/chest ^get^ ^burst^ datz how i DAMAGE/^Bet^ am ^first^ am a 4ukin SAVAGE/this iz no OSENTATION/take this as an ORIENTATION/i curse u wit OSTEOAR^THRI^TIS/no doctor can TREAT^THIS/got u lockd up wit OSTEOPOROSIS/ma rap so ^OSMOTIC^ kill u in d system of OSMOSIS/u came 2 try a ^RAPPAHOLIC^ whom God made a R^A^P MOSES/i replied 2 ur shxt cuz i don't want u 2 feel OSTRACIZED/2wap iz lyk Israel but bitch u're not yet CIRCUMCISED/ur life iz in ma POCKET/i got ma phone plugged in ya ass as ma SOCKET/ma ^Barz^ n ^Linez^ comez lyk d ^Sound^ n ^Lightnin^ of THUNDER/lyk ^DEAD^SEA^ i've passd d plimsoll ^line^ of ur boat but 4 ^mine^ u're stil UNDER/here iz ur bday gift,SARCOPHAGUS/don't get me wrong an not ^SARDONIC^ jst dat ma tune iz ^DEMONIC^ n ma barz are ^SATANIC^/i got u a new style of shxtin,shxt wit ur PHALLUS cuz i've burn ur ANUS.
STUNNER2013/02/01 00:24 hahaha!!! men! i really missed this.Trage iz smokin canabiz.
Nice one Icy, u got gud linez.Karma 4U2.
Rebellion2013/02/02 21:19 Put yo karmas in ur f0ukin azz m0fukker & leave thiz plaze cuz ur a burden on 2wap
Quote: GhoSTRiDeR: put yo karmas in ur f0ukin azz m0fukker & leave thiz plaze cuz ur a burden on 2wap
Real talk
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY2013/02/03 12:27 D nxt bitch to drop shxt here will b facin me directly. Ryder n stunner thiz zone iz not 4 ur comics...i got u two a zone to battle it off but ur shxt remainz.we need real niggaz here ...go n settle ur scorez in ur own zone.
N yungbitch stop screamin "Beast! Beast!!" when u see me cuz i warned u earlier dat am gon b ur worst nightmare....jst d beginin u haven't seen worst yet.
Mikoto-Suoh2013/02/03 16:37 i guess i'll be the only one to survive
& u'll strive
cuz i've got the guts
to attack a beehive
with a kitchen knife
& spend a night
naked, with ur wife
& after f**king her cu||t
that f**kin' sl**ty runt
Rebellion2013/02/03 17:54 Dude dnt act Granpa here ... I'm here since ages, if u want to teach some1, Translate it to ur newbie Stunner...
No further discussions please...Peace out!
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY2013/02/03 19:21 Now get this straight...
Don't bring Tragedy upon ur ^ass^ cuz u'll get detention till u die in this ^CLASS^/i won't jst eat u lyk ^rice^ d destruction i'll bring upon ur generation will b ^MASS^/i gve no shxt about how long u've been HERE/u only march d brake while i shift d GEAR/how kum a host bn actin lyk a GAY/i got hungry goats ready 2 eat u lyk HAY/yes! u n i are buddy so no hard feelinz afta THIZ/i hate seein ur peom so try n learn how 2 DISS/ma linez are ^scornful^ cuz am SINFUL/2day iz BLISSFUL/iz beta 4 u 2 get on ur bike n r^i^d^e AWAY/join stunner n b on RUNAWAY/i don't joke wit rap battle i dissd ma own fada right 4rm d DAY/ma dick iz fresh^outta ya mama's pussy kum n take a SUCK/am a bad Shepherd hitin u wit iron rod as one of ma FLOCK(s)/ i just ^ROAST^RIDER^ lyk a chicken FOWL/i luv rap game cuz u can murder soul n get no card cuz d shxt iz no FOUL/
Thiz iz no BaTTle. I jst wanna teach u sm lesson so drop sth if u're fit...LEGGO!
Rebellion2013/02/05 14:16 Oooh...I'm scared,,,What you gonna do?? Change my name from rave to raven?
Rebellion2013/02/05 14:52 Just droppin a bar for u to remind u the actual situation..,.,.,.,
You know kid what u dunno/ You'll fall die the moment I hit u like a Rhino/ I've seen enuff of ur name changing song Which makes u Name-Changer/ But the shxt u know about me Imma Game-Changer/ What u gonna do? What u gonna doo?? Wanna change ma name?/ Whoever messed with me, Ended up in Vain/ You've been repeating ur ass off/ I've seen too much that I dont even laugh/ Four or Five u've got/ Better join some Escort/ Hey man! u cant give me detention/ U never saw any school Didnt I mention?/ Don't be Jealous cos I can do anything/ Either it's rap or poem or singing/ I'm allrounder and ur not/ I've the versatility in every Milliliter of the BLOoD i got/ I'm hot ur zealot/ Im more dangerous while Im shot/ U attacked me--What u thought/Im not a robot/ I put bitchez in their slot / Leaving them with a blot/ Which is permanent as hell/ And they dont even get a get well CARD cuz I discard their ability to heal back/ Now u again forgot,Take a snapshot Before I disappear like air,.,.,.,.,Cuz I fight only against real MCees and no autopilot,.,....,.,.,. Just for the info