_ONLY D FITTEST SURVIVES_-_DO U GOT WHAT IT TAKES? by TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY2012/10/24 00:25 Here jUst prove that u're d best in d game..remember! ANYONE can sing,rhyme n rap but few are talented 2 keep it right .so prove that u're d talented one by showing ur skills.
.....NOW LET D BATTLE BEGIN..........................
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY2013/02/05 23:27 Damn Ghost what iz this? I got u roasted already wit 1 post? Damn!!! i was hopin 4 a real battle men am totally disappointed.Anyway i'll reply ur shxt tomor, i lkie teachin goats how to boast...lol
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY2013/02/07 06:25 Hmmm!!! i can smell d Aroma...bitch burning as am ROASTIN hiz ass lyk chief HOST/time 2 bring d g^h^o^s^t outta him cuz i hate seein bitch niggaz BOAST/
Haha,i murdered thiz bitch n made hiz ghost chase him AWAY/i've told u b4 dat anywhere anytime we meet i'll play u home n AWAY/now shld i say ^anyway^ or BY D WAY?/if only u understand d difference btwn ^REAL-MEN^ n ^MEN^ u'll then know dat am d AMEN/
Ur skillz still ^ITTY^BITTY^/lyk M.J, kid ^BEAT^IT^/don't push me ^SON^/don't make me ita^lian^ate cuz i'll ELI^MIN^ATE/ma viruz iz air ^BORN^(borne)/don't in^furi^ate me cuz i'll make sure ur dick don't EJA^CUL^ATE/u're jst a product of pre^ma^ture eja^cu^la^tion dropin math wit d wrong CAL^CU^LA^TION/take ma linez as rap ela^bo^ra^tion it comez wit no CO^LLO^CA^TION/i drain life out of bitchez witout co^lla^bo^ra^tion datz y smarty couldn't find ma LO^CA^TION/bitch, I^SO^TO^PEE^(isotope)am a 4ukin DEU^TE^RIUM/i broke ur glass life in2 pieces n burn ur CE^RIUM/4uk detox, there iz nobody 2 de^to^xi^fy d maggots i left in ur belly so 4uk DE^TO^XI^FI^CA^TION/join d class, i cla^ssi^fy bitchez on how much dinero they made n ur sisterz are cool wit dat CLA^SSIFI^CA^TION/wat a bad month thiz month gon b 4u wit thiz rap RE^VO^LU^TION/sure it got u n ur generation diss^organ^iced(disorganized)wit new RE^SO^LU^TION/ma chick lookin fly ever since i gave u 2 her 2 wear as WEAV^ON/in 2wap am a legend dat LIVES^ON/u n other weaklinz can bring ur DISS^ON/
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY2013/02/09 19:10 Ghost don't b scared now,am still waitin 4 reply.
Rebellion2013/02/10 19:14 Hmm... Hahhaahahaha . . Here we go..
Scared ur ass, Im juz checkin treble N bass
I don't wanna get in a fyt with children,Ppl would start accusin me of harrasin the minors
Im on the side of finers My enemies are niners I eat them in dinners And they call us winners
So, listen nigga, Numba 1 I'm perfect Numba 2 I talk in dialect Nuba 3 I've been in violent acts numba 5 I'm totally devil infact
#33 is my Especiality,You'll see that in my pic's vicinity
If u can't see, Then u got bowls in place of eyes,
And u know what lies,Under the size of a man like me
If u cant see,Again I'll make u feel like a seal
Who's tryin to heal
But not possible
When Im here being fair still killin bitches in their face AND there family wont even find their TRACE
Cuz it's a case of harassment, of a lil baby Tragedy in the basement
Cuz he was scared of a ghost, Who wanna eat him with toast
And baby tragedy won't run, Cuz he is just STUNNED He peed in his pants,But the Ghost was no saint
He took his soul outta his petty body, And while he shouted "Daddy"
But daddy won't come2rescue l'il Tragedy,
Cuz the tragedy happened with him was a bit heavy,
And now he's called a Gay_fly,And he continuosly tells ppl it's 'Stay_fly"
But the ppl won't trust,Cuz he was a sucker first
On the second he was dead,When he tried to mess with his Dad
IT IS so bad when u had a fight with ur dad and u won't even accept that u were red while he was mad AND TO ADD i was in the sad part of a story when I showed my Glory to a kid with no ADVISORY that .... IT COULD BE DANGEROUS TO FIGHT WITH FIRE WHEN U DON"T HAVE IT !
trevern2013/02/10 23:46 i'm the best rapper..T.larry
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY2013/02/11 18:23 LMFAO!!!
only ur ghost remain, now u know d real definition of TRAGEDY Haha.
Yungboss2013/02/11 19:20 ,I made diz nigga lyin in ma bed of sorrow with his eyez wide OPEN/bless him with grief, n lyrically curse his family TOTEM/Cum in here moda4ka bout to burst ur ass n eat ur SCRO^TUM/lukin 4 ma rhymes bt i knw gayz like u got'em STOLEN/ i knw u hate ME/cuz u cnt mic^test ME/Hit diz punchline make you c like BAIR^LY/nt ICY/fuk HAITI/neva change ma Origin hoe i'll b RAPIN(reppin)/wen u c me thow a salute n RESPECT^ME/cuz wen im SPITIN/bodies i'll b SCRAPIN/pussy comes 4rm LON^DON/bitch fakin were he cums FROM/i bet love bt it yield HATE/if u cum here wit sumtin in ya mind den knw that i eat FAITH/ive battle Real ass niggaz bt i saw u as one~ass~FAKE/got u jump in read ma shxt n jump OFF/bitch i tot in beef(diz)world thiaz ntin u r SCARE^OFF/cuz u knw that ima put ma 2 feet on u like wayne ima SKATE^OFF/flowz givin u a WEIGHT^LOSS/got ur pussy BAKE^OFF/i spitin diz shxt wit no MASK^ON/cuz even though u hide behind d Barz d show still GOES^ON/all ya family like Bitch FAMILY/like khale im born n raised in Dead^COUN^TY(dade county)/so quit ^FRONTIN^wit ur watery cum n get POP^OFF/shoot diz glockz n made u REST^OFF/ur bitch mum she a nobdy, karry ass till she SLEEP^OFF/,i murdad ur family got'em blood stored in ma blood BANK/im a daywalker, i kill bitches like u day n nite so i aint here to play PRANK/,
Rebellion2013/02/12 05:04 Real MCees dont talk shxt
I doubt if that stunner was ur own id to praise urself cuz he's gone and ur doing his job now
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY2013/02/12 09:25 I see nobody talkin HERE/only TWO bitch niggaZ wit CHIT^TER^LINGz/wat iz this DEAR?/iz thiz how u say hi DARLING?/well i've already cut-off ur STEM/u faild ur 1st year welcome 2 2nd TERM/u thnk thiz iz OLD-TRAFFORD?/play lyk Chicharito n i'll drnk ur blood lyk new CALYPSO/4uk d bluez,i've bridged d STARM-FORD/it'z time u get ur ass low lyk Eleto/if ma vocalbulary iz strong 4u get ur ^DICK^SHUN^ARY^(dictionary)...OXFORD/i kill n bury alone,squeeze ur life out evn if u're wit NATO/
Am no HUMANITARIAN/evn though am a NIGERIAN/am up wit d BRITIAN/datz y i got u RETAIN(d)/do U C Y facin me iz lyk facin PAIN?/u claim 2b a crazy rapper but u're ^dickly^ INSANE/no atom of fittness in u anymore ur ^weakly^ REMAIN/haha,drop ur normal peom n hide in ur mama's pussy 4 a WEEK/come out wit all d cum i left in her pussy on ur head n talk about dick lyk u're SICK/d same bitch nigga dat got hiz dick cas-tra-ted by ME/gave u a frustrated live n now u're hailin TRAGEDY!!!/d same pest i got pes-tra-ted ^way-me^(wayne) n said "I'ME"/oh! yes,jst d same way i blew air through ma Anuz ur mouth got it ^in-ges-ted^ n ur kidneys got it ^di-ges-ted^(digested) am d worst DADDY/it's ur soul food, d one u've ever WANTED/am generous in murder datz y am MURDEROUZ/d rap seraph iz talikn, God got ma vote COUNTED/ma unbeatable linez n flowz got me receivin karma dat iz KARMAROUZ/now ma point iz POINTED/don't face me if u're not COURAGEOUZ/i came in as a BOSS/u made urself ma servant by rmovin ur cloth n then cleand ma DESK/i gave u a COURSE/u faild ma exam n now u're left wit TASK/u know nothin about ^rap^ sit ur ass down n ASK/don't evn make d mistake of tryin 2 copy ma linez it electrocutes as it SPARKS/u're not UP^TO^DEBATE cuz u're still an unborn FEO^TUS/ur linez are not UP^TO^DATE am SHEER^CUz.../we are d ones dat do UP^DATE cuz am a nigga wit STA^TUS/here n in UP^STATE don't try to FACE^US am DA RAP FES^TUS/
Here iz new AZONTO/i just came back 4rm LONDON/bitch nigga datz d KOKO/killin yunbitch wit rider chasin hiz ghost on da run lyk LONG-JOHN/got me 4ukin no other girl but TONTO/two bitch wit no dick...HOW U GON GET UR CUM-DONE? haha
Yungboss2013/02/12 20:10 Bitch u fly b4 ur jst Maggot/i got ur head choppd eat it like an unriped Carrot/flow weak yabbin mouth like a lost Parrot/like football kick u out 4rm d brigde like john ^Stancrot/ma flow so humble bt it attacks like a Li^on/ur mum sniff ma cum like cocain so she cn High^on/nw shez insane n her pussy is where evbody Spit^on/ma heart Bitter/cnt sweetn it even if u add honey or Sugar/listen here mtf we knw u worst than a Hoe^in^Vain(Hiv)/bt ima kill u like Cain/make u love Pain/then put ya soul in Chain/i cn hear ma flowz laffin bang! Bang! Like a Gunshot/nigga u scare like rider wearin his fat ass mama Bump^short/to me u tiny like ur half inch D**k/slim like a Broom^Stick/n get blown Away/cuz in here u r doomd to Fail/no love in Air/ur blood gushin on d wall, spartakus Evwhere/molt u in ma hot Oven/bitch i cn handle yall if u r in Tripple Dozen/i murderd ur Cauzin/destroy u Family/cuz im ur Calamity/eatn up ur Destiny/im born so wild raizd in 2wap Cementry/neva practice Sorcery, bt flowin more darka than d incantations from a Sorcerer/way 2 many here got'em restin in dia own Grave/bitch ur ma flow Slave/dnt tink u did Shaev/so watch with ur Con^cave/cuz dizz aint a kid^Stage/we kill with full Rage/
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY2013/02/12 22:23 Yeah nigga. 4rm ur 18th bar down is cool i luv it. Waitin 4 ghost to drop if rider have not chased him away so dat i can u weaklinz 2geda.
ghost don't get roasted cuz am waitin......................
Rebellion2013/02/13 16:35 You think WE^R^TELLING^A^LIE / While ur just a T^R^A^G^E^D^Y / You're a mofockin tragedy of a livin B^E^I^N^G/ But you don't know im a PRODIGY/ My CHEMISTRY/ with the BIOLOGY/ Is far better than ur Philosophy/ Ur verses r just an apology/ I treat u like I study Zoology/ cuz ur noMo than a monkey2ME/ Dont tryna get funky2me/ Just view^me/ And fuckin watch yaself^now/ U can't even shout for help^now/ DREAM^ON boy ur vocabulary is fukin lost/ You're just a repeater who'z tryin to boast/ Ya mama is lost ya papa is lost^You remained orphan who can't even buy a toast/ You've grown up by eatin FROST/ I did ur POST^MORTEM & u got a MORTEM^POST/ I destroyed ur place & ur now livin in EASTERN^COAST/ ur wife is LOST ur love is LOST/ I bought her at a higher COST/ She was a hoe/ I showed her DOOR/ after fuckin her pussy/ Then she told her name SUzy/ Afta fuckin her I felt like BOOZY/ She told me u was IMPOTENT/ and u always faced the ABASEMENT/ But the thing that happened in ya BASEMENT^^...(Don't worry I won't tell anybody)^^Well I know nigga what u can do & what u CAN"T/ Yet at PRESENT^I am no SAINT/ But the RENT has to be payed by the RAT and that is YOU/ Don't look SCREWED/ Crowd just BOOED/ ur FOOD and Im damn RUDE on my FOOD & ur not ALLOWED to ask ABOUT ya future CONDITION due to my NUCLEAR FISSION and the TESTS carried out on such PESTS like u and all the REST/// It's BEST 4u N ur GUESTS that u stay shut and SILENT,And don't show any INVOLVEMENT Im gonna fuq ya FRANTERNITY so quick N EASY It's my song Featuring Yung JE2, cuz Um Eminem was buzy and lil wayne was FIZZY / So, We two are AVAILABLE while akon Released NO LABEL /AND ya level is no match to MINE/ u can go N catch a pine/ Is it fine or not/ Don't say anything faggot/ All the fake niggas here are maggot/ Only I & Me are here RED^HOT/ U just had a BEDSHOT/ Don't wander around like a MAD^GOAT/ ur counter attack wasn't so GOOD/ and u wanna show me whats BROTHERHOOD/ This shxt gonna chase u till ya DEATH/ Go back to ya school & practice ya MATH/ Before u get yaself killed in a WRATH here/ U can go N join some DRAMA or play by SHAKESPEAR /// // ha ha ha @tchu
Yungboss2013/02/13 18:16 whats that gosh! r u writing your life story
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY2013/02/13 19:37 LMFAO[laugh my 4ukin ass off]
Me...n a kid gon be a kid all i see now is d damn ghost no need to murder again. Yungkid am impressed wit wat u dropd.now lets do this...
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY2013/02/13 19:47 Don't look 4 me am here,Tragedy Da ^serial^ KILLER/time 4 ^buriel^ where iz ma DIGGER?/killin SEE^REA^LLY(serially)so dat u can SEE^REA^LITY/^so-energetic^,^Flow-bombastic...am rap ALMIGHTY/shld i kill? Ok i need ma TOOLZ/i mean ma APPARATUZ/thiz gon b an unforgettable APOCALYPTIC/too late 4 apologiez i gve u anaemic ass decayin SEPTIC/no antiseptic niether do u need ANALGESIC/breakin ur bonez gves me joy cuz it remindz me of d drum used in OLYMPIC/
don't omit a word evn if itz OMNIBUS/am an ^Alian bacteria^ too harmful 4 d lykz of HUMAN/a post 4rm me iz a real bad OMEN/i need a septet challenge so dat i can gve y'all SEPTICAEMIA/y'all are dropin wack shxt lyk septuagenarians is it bcuz i gave y'all ANAEMIA?/
Haha,d series getz SERIOUZ/ma query got em QUERULOUZ/perish while u're PEEVISH/thiz iz ma PARISH n i 4uk attitude dat iz CHILDISH/are u ^APATO^SAURUZ or ^BORN^TO^SAURUZ^(brontosauruz)?/flipped ya bottle head n drink u lyk ^GAY^ROUZE^(fayrouze)/
In rap i weigh over thousand tonnes APIECE/datz y eva since u met me u've no PEACE/now stand attention wit no AT^EASE/i gave u a fowl brain n u said "AT^LEAST he peeld ma skin b4 he broke ma WRIST(...lol)/what a fool u must BE/otherz improvd but u're still a WANNABE/lose ur sight as u luk at this line cuz am ^DA RAP OLYMPIAN^ u CAN'T BE/join d NEWBIEZ/or get smokd off lyk CANABIZ/b4 ur heart beat SIEZE/respect d rap JEZUZ by sayin JEEZ/or get ur whole dream lost lyk ATLANTIS/i have ur skullz in ma hand ^cheerz 2 ur blood,relax while i take a picture of ur skullz n bonez...CHEEZE/
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY2013/02/13 23:24 haha. i don't need a judge to tell me u suck nigga. It's not about how long u've been here iz about who's rollin d dice n gettin ace in d card sucka.