"ISLAM" is not a barbaric religion by saahir 2012/09/20 03:58
Islam means peace. It condemns all barbaric actions. Those who try to disturb the peace and hamoney they are crimnals. Islam gives security to all living beings on the surfae of the planet earth. Those who choose barbaric way to take revenge, they all should be punished as per the law of retaliation God has given in his Holy books. Islam also teaches to respect all humanbeings, what ever religion they follow.

Eternal_Knight 2012/11/13 05:36
Quote: haris: yes

i dont quite get what you mean by this Yes ..

Spoon 2012/11/13 05:43
Quote: haris: (plz make use of punctuations). Most of the times i dnt get ur posts.
pardon me if i misunderstood ur post again.
I didnt say menstruation is sickness, i said women fall sick n weak durin menstruation.
And what are you sayin on that wife part post? /smiley
u really dnt know much about women at all and there cycles, yes it can make women moody at times and it can cause sum pain as well but not all women get that at those times. and as for the wife part my point was it doesnt matter if ur married to the person or not if u (male or female) say no to sexual intercourse its RAPE, AGAIN IT DOESNT MATTER IF UR MARRIED AND IF U R ITS MARTIAL RAPE. Is that clear enuff for u? and is there enuff puntuation for u to understand?

Spoon 2012/11/13 05:45
oh and by the way as a women i know about a womens menstrual cycle and how they can differ, and also as a victim of MARITAL RAPE i also know first hand that it exsists
Spoon 2012/11/13 05:59
ok now this is from a islamic counselling and tips - happy muslim husband and wife in islam.

Experts all over the world agree that having uninhibited sex after a spat is a common way for couples to resolve conflict.
In Islam a married woman must respond to her husband's call to have sex with him, even if she is not in the mood, even if they just had an argument, even if she is menstruating she has to fulfill his sexual need of her in other ways (non-vaginal). If she is extremely sick she has an excuse but otherwise she has no excuse to refuse. She is considered a major sinner (Nushuz) if she doesn't respond but isn't that barbaric? According to Islam and also according to experts in resolving conflict it isn't barbaric. Sex is like the glue that keeps a marriage intact.

haris 2012/11/13 06:01
Quote: Spoon: u really dnt know much about women at all and there cycles, yes it can make women moody at times and it can cause sum pain as well but not all women get that at those times. and as for the wife part my point was it doesnt matter if ur married to the person or not if u (male or female) say no to sexual intercourse its RAPE, AGAIN IT DOESNT MATTER IF UR MARRIED AND IF U R ITS MARTIAL RAPE. Is that clear enuff for u? and is there enuff puntuation for u to understand?
much better now.. Thanx.
Yes it's a personal thing if one's wife isnt in mood for sex yet her husband forces her to have.
Wonder what it has to do wid muslims only or Islam? /smiley /smiley

haris 2012/11/13 06:03
Quote: Spoon: ok now this is from a islamic counselling and tips - happy muslim husband and wife in islam. Experts all over the world agree that having uninhibited sex after a spat is a common way for couples to resolve conflict. http://www.askmen.com/feeder/askmenRSS_article_print_2006.php?ID=910025 In Islam a married woman must respond to her husband's call to have sex with him, even if she is not in the mood, even if they just had an argument, even if she is menstruating she has to fulfill his sexual need of her in other ways (non-vaginal). If she is extremely sick she has an excuse but otherwise she has no excuse to refuse. She is considered a major sinner (Nushuz) if she doesn't respond but isn't that barbaric? According to Islam and also according to experts in resolving conflict it isn't barbaric. Sex is like the glue that keeps a marriage intact.
this is wrong.. I can quote you hadeeths which clearly say opposite to what u pasted here. Plz make use of authentic scriptures to know abt Islam.. Dnt post frm any othr source.. Thank you

haris 2012/11/13 06:05
Quote: Spoon: oh and by the way as a women i know about a womens menstrual cycle and how they can differ, and also as a victim of MARITAL RAPE i also know first hand that it exsists
sorry to hear abt that.. as i said it may exists. And it depends upon person to person. Has nothing to do wid any religion or community..

Spoon 2012/11/13 06:22
Quote: haris: sorry to hear abt that.. as i said it may exists. And it depends upon person to person. Has nothing to do wid any religion or community..
u had stated that marital rape doesnt exsist, im stating it does and the fact a wife isnt allowed to refuse her husband sexual intercourse of any sort is rape or at the very lest sexual assult.

haris 2012/11/13 07:22
Quote: Spoon: u had stated that marital rape doesnt exsist, im stating it does and the fact a wife isnt allowed to refuse her husband sexual intercourse of any sort is rape or at the very lest sexual assult.
in Islam it doesnt exist.. Thatz what my point is.

Eternal_Knight 2012/11/13 08:13
Quote: haris: sorry to hear abt that.. as i said it may exists. And it depends upon person to person. Has nothing to do wid any religion or community..

Quote: haris: in Islam it doesnt exist.. Thatz what my point is.

Aren't you contradicting yourself in here??

Spoon 2012/11/13 08:37
Quote: Eternal_Knight:

Aren't you contradicting yourself in here??
he is very much so he also said theres no such thing as marital rape and i think u quoted him with that as well as me

haris 2012/11/13 09:23
Quote: Eternal_Knight: Aren't you contradicting yourself in here??
no i'm not.. I thought u ppl assume that Islam allows forceful sex even wid wives.. But it's not like that. In Islam there is no room for marital rape.

Kumz 2012/11/13 11:27
Quote: haris: no i'm not.. I thought u ppl assume that Islam allows forceful sex even wid wives.. But it's not like that. In Islam there is no room for marital rape.
Absolutely... I totally agree with haris on this matter about Marital Rape.

There's no such thing in Islam. The Muslim women simply don't SAY no to their husbands. Therefore, it is not rape.

You see... Islam encourages and insists on charity and fidelity. It prohibits and condemn illicit sexual relations, extra marital affairs, adultery, prostitution, pornography and promiscuity. It is for this reason that a wife is BOUND to fulfill her husband's sexual desires, so as to prevent him from straying.

So you see... Just to make sure that these perverts won't break the rules(commit sin), the poor women have to spread their legs, when ever their husbands get horny. And since it's a SIN for the woman to say NO, they do it. And thus... Marital Rape is not an issue for them. Yes?

Kumz 2012/11/13 11:36
Here are a couple of Hadiths I found regarding this.

Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol. 4 Hadith No. 460 and Sahih Muslim Vol. 2 Hadith No. 3368;
Allah's messenger said "If a husband calls his wife to his bed (i.e.to have sexual relations) and she refuses and causes him to sleep in anger, the angels will curse her till morning"

Al Tirmidhi Hadith No. 1160 and Ib Ma'jah Hadith No. 4165;
Allah's messenger said "When a man calls his wife to satisfy his desire, she must go to him even if she is occupied at the oven."

I realise this is rather off topic, but didn't see the need to open a new topic to continue the discussion.

Kumz 2012/11/13 11:53
Quote: Kumz: Here are a couple of Hadiths I found regarding this.

Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol. 4 Hadith No. 460 and Sahih Muslim Vol. 2 Hadith No. 3368;
Allah's messenger said "If a husband calls his wife to his bed (i.e.to have sexual relations) and she refuses and causes him to sleep in anger, the angels will curse her till morning"

Al Tirmidhi Hadith No. 1160 and Ib Ma'jah Hadith No. 4165;
Allah's messenger said "When a man calls his wife to satisfy his desire, she must go to him even if she is occupied at the oven."

I realise this is rather off topic, but didn't see the need to open a new topic to continue the discussion.
Oh well... It is only very slightly off topic(if at all) cz not allowing a woman to say NO (taking away her freedom of speech-in a way) IS somewhat barbaric.

haris 2012/11/13 12:06
Quote: Kumz: Absolutely... I totally agree with haris on this matter about Marital Rape. There's no such thing in Islam. The Muslim women simply don't SAY no to their husbands. Therefore, it is not rape. You see... Islam encourages and insists on charity and fidelity. It prohibits and condemn illicit sexual relations, extra marital affairs, adultery, prostitution, pornography and promiscuity. It is for this reason that a wife is BOUND to fulfill her husband's sexual desires, so as to prevent him from straying. So you see... Just to make sure that these perverts won't break the rules(commit sin), the poor women have to spread their legs, when ever their husbands get horny. And since it's a SIN for the woman to say NO, they do it. And thus... Marital Rape is not an issue for them. Yes?
thanks for understandin my post atleast partly.
Let me clear the remainin part which u cudnt understand. Islam doesnt allow men to force their wives for sex, btw it's a mutual thing wid both the persons consent. curses are for those women who dont wanna fulfil their husband's desires for some othr reasons. Nothin like they have to have sex even when they are not well by health. And u must know that Islam prohibits men from having sex wid their wives during menstruation.

haris 2012/11/13 12:09
Quote: Kumz: Here are a couple of Hadiths I found regarding this. Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol. 4 Hadith No. 460 and Sahih Muslim Vol. 2 Hadith No. 3368; Allah's messenger said"If a husband calls his wife to his bed (i.e.to have sexual relations) and she refuses and causes him to sleep in anger, the angels will curse her till morning"Al Tirmidhi Hadith No. 1160 and Ib Ma'jah Hadith No. 4165; Allah's messenger said"When a man calls his wife to satisfy his desire, she must go to him even if she is occupied at the oven."I realise this is rather off topic, but didn't see the need to open a new topic to continue the discussion.
can you post hadeeths which prohibits men to have sex wid menstruatin women?
No.. Coz you're not interested to post that.. U will get the answer in this hadees.. Coz it's clear, we cant have sex wid women who're not feelin well by health..
And if you talk abt mood, i wonder how can i man enjoy sex wid his wife if she is disinterested.. As far as i knw. Sex is a mutual play..lol

haris 2012/11/13 14:14
During pre-Islamic days, arab was full of illteracy. Those days women were treated just to fulfil their desires and works. Women were beaten up badly, days were full of domestic violence. But Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) restricted men, he said the most you can do is u can hit ur wife wid a miswak stick. Miswak is a tooth brush stick wid which Muslims clean their teeth. U will hardly get any notice by it's hit. However Prophet Muhammad didnt say you must beat your wives or encouraged doin so. It's well and good if you dont harm ur women at all. He only put limits to it.
My parents are Muslims, i have never seen my dad beating my mom.. He gets angry at times. But didnt beat her. Doesnt mean he has to beat his wife. It depend upon mutual love and understandin..

Kumz 2012/11/13 14:16
Quote: haris: can you post hadeeths which prohibits men to have sex wid menstruatin women?
No.. Coz you're not interested to post that.. U will get the answer in this hadees.. Coz it's clear, we cant have sex wid women who're not feelin well by health..
And if you talk abt mood, i wonder how can i man enjoy sex wid his wife if she is disinterested.. As far as i knw. Sex is a mutual play..lol
It need not be written down in hadith or any other way, to show that having sex with a woman on her period is unethical. /smiley And a woman is not UNWELL when she's on her period. Duh!

And yes of course I read that Muslim women can turn down their husband's request if they're sick. Did I say otherwise? But what you don't realise is that women don crave for sex as much as men, but according to Islam, it doesn't matter whether or not the woman is in "the mood" for sex, if the man is, then the woman has got to let them do as they wish.

And as far as you know about sex being a mutual play, you reckon that a woman get turned on as and when her husband wants her to? Shows how FAR you know about women. /smiley Hadith and quran and what ever else were all written by men, FOR men. People who know very less about women and their point of view. You EXPECT the women to enjoy sex every time, just to justify that you haven't forced yourselves on them. Perhaps if it wasn't a SIN to say no to the husband, you'd be hearing that word ever so often.

Kumz 2012/11/13 14:20
Quote: haris: thanks for understandin my post atleast partly.
Let me clear the remainin part which u cudnt understand. Islam doesnt allow men to force their wives for sex, btw it's a mutual thing wid both the persons consent. curses are for those women who dont wanna fulfil their husband's desires for some othr reasons. Nothin like they have to have sex even when they are not well by health. And u must know that Islam prohibits men from having sex wid their wives during menstruation.
SSDP. Same Shyt Different Post. /smiley

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