"ISLAM" is not a barbaric religion by saahir 2012/09/20 03:58
Islam means peace. It condemns all barbaric actions. Those who try to disturb the peace and hamoney they are crimnals. Islam gives security to all living beings on the surfae of the planet earth. Those who choose barbaric way to take revenge, they all should be punished as per the law of retaliation God has given in his Holy books. Islam also teaches to respect all humanbeings, what ever religion they follow.

Spoon 2012/09/24 13:32
Quote: haris: dont know abt othr threads.. I didnt read..
And whoever disagrees or speaks against Islam is ok. I mean You are free to criticize while talkin abt Islam..but you arent free to mock or insult Islam..
Allah has ordered muslims not to abuse othr religions or their gods, lest they will abuse in return.
So we as a muslims arent allowed to mock or insult othr religions, so we neither want our religion to be mocked and insulted.
and to ur question abt killing innocents in the name of religion?
Well Islam condemns any innocent killings, and Allah knows best who are innocents and who are culprits and criminals..
so u agree that the 30 or more ppl recentlly killed by muslims in protest was wrong?

Extraterrestrial 2012/09/24 13:47
Quote: haris: to know about Islam, read Qur'an.. Dont search anti-Islamic websites. It wont help in understandin, rather it will misguide n misinterpret and take u nowhere.
To know a Book, u must read that book and understand it, u shudnt directly go for the question-answer sessions. It will only give u half the knowledge, and anything which is half can be misleading..

In my own experience with religious people, I'd say the really peaceful are the ones who don't live their lives by the book. The rules to being a nice human being are actually very simple and don't require the readings of ancient books. There might be exceptions but as a general rule it seems the more literally one interprets the scripture, the more likely they are to be a fundamentalist.

Extraterrestrial 2012/09/24 13:49
To quote a line from one of my favorite movies "Believe in what He tried to teach without the rigmarole. Piety is not what the lessons bring to people, it's the mistakes they bring to the lessons."
Extraterrestrial 2012/09/24 14:09
Quote: haris: If so, he could hav been behind the bars and govt cud hav slapped him wid potas and tadas. Till now he cud have been dealt as a terrorist by indian intelligence and media lol
India is not a religious monarchy. Even though he does cross the line at times when he starts talking about idol worship in Hinduism and stuff like that which is completely unrelated to Islam, what he does is not illegal in itself. We don't have a state religion and there are no blasphemy laws.

Now the question is, could a non-Muslim get away with similar speeches in an Islamic state? Absolutely not! Even Naik understands this hypocrisy and he has been quoted as saying, “regarding building of churches or temples, how can we allow this when their religion is wrong and when their worshipping is wrong?”

haris 2012/09/24 17:18
Quote: Spoon: so u agree that the 30 or more ppl recentlly killed by muslims in protest was wrong?
ofcourse it's wrong if they were innocents.

haris 2012/09/24 17:22
Quote: Extraterrestrial: In my own experience with religious people, I'd say the really peaceful are the ones who don't live their lives by the book. The rules to being a nice human being are actually very simple and don't require the readings of ancient books. There might be exceptions but as a general rule it seems the more literally one interprets the scripture, the more likely they are to be a fundamentalist.
if so, then dont pick out of context verses to misinterpret them. And you dont hav any right to question about the book which you never read..
My last sentence winds up the discussion completely..

haris 2012/09/24 17:24
Quote: Extraterrestrial: To quote a line from one of my favorite movies"Believe in what He tried to teach without the rigmarole. Piety is not what the lessons bring to people, it's the mistakes they bring to the lessons."
you need movies, but not books lol

haris 2012/09/24 17:27
Quote: Extraterrestrial: India is not a religious monarchy. Even though he does cross the line at times when he starts talking about idol worship in Hinduism and stuff like that which is completely unrelated to Islam, what he does is not illegal in itself. We don't have a state religion and there are no blasphemy laws. Now the question is, could a non-Muslim get away with similar speeches in an Islamic state? Absolutely not! Even Naik understands this hypocrisy and he has been quoted as saying, “regarding building of churches or temples, how can we allow this when their religion is wrong and when their worshipping is wrong?”
he quotes about idol worshippin is wrong through whose scriptures?
Through hindu scriptures, namely vedas puarana upanishads etc..
He doesnt quote them himself or by Islamic scriptures..
So what's problm doin so? And how will any of hindus get insulted by this?

Spoon 2012/09/24 22:59
Quote: haris: ofcourse it's wrong if they were innocents.
and thats the whole point we not saying all muslims r like that yet sum r and it effects how the rest of the muslim community is seen. u cant say all muslims not like that because its a false statement just like the rest of us cant say same about our beliefs and religions

haris 2012/09/25 05:38
Quote: Spoon: and thats the whole point we not saying all muslims r like that yet sum r and it effects how the rest of the muslim community is seen. u cant say all muslims not like that because its a false statement just like the rest of us cant say same about our beliefs and religions
yes even we muslims dont say all jews, buddhists, christians, hindus etc are barbaric. But few extremists which are misleaded by their leaders and they kill and harras innocent beings.

Spoon 2012/09/25 05:44
Quote: haris: yes even we muslims dont say all jews, buddhists, christians, hindus etc are barbaric. But few extremists which are misleaded by their leaders and they kill and harras innocent beings.
yet we keep getting told all non muslims are against muslims hmmmm

sisfreak 2012/09/26 21:37
i blame the brainwashing from children ,here in uk we have a choice we arent forced into any faith ,personally i think its all a load of bollocks ,you ultra strict muslims should move forward and enjoy yourselves and each other dont live in the past
chocolate.boy 2012/09/27 18:43
Quote: haris: to know about Islam, read Qur'an.. Dont search anti-Islamic websites. It wont help in understandin, rather it will misguide n misinterpret and take u nowhere.
To know a Book, u must read that book and understand it, u shudnt directly go for the question-answer sessions. It will only give u half the knowledge, and anything which is half can be misleading..
i can not agree more bro /smiley

haris 2012/09/27 22:01
Quote: sisfreak: i blame the brainwashing from children ,here in uk we have a choice we arent forced into any faith ,personally i think its all a load of bollocks ,you ultra strict muslims should move forward and enjoy yourselves and each other dont live in the past
what language is that?
You're more worse than gul n dash../smiley

sisfreak 2012/09/27 23:04
@haris your the 1 staff on here who doesnt deserve the powers your a kok for sure you edit and close topics according to your beleifs ,,SAD 100%
haris 2012/09/27 23:08
Quote: sisfreak: @haris your the 1 staff on here who doesnt deserve the powers your a kok for sure you edit and close topics according to your beleifs ,,SAD 100%
nope, i follow the rules while moderatin forums. Even then i may not be deservin this post, if ur unhappy wid me, u can complain it to any admins of 2wap. Doors are open always..

Extraterrestrial 2012/09/28 00:31
Quote: haris: if so, then dont pick out of context verses to misinterpret them. And you dont hav any right to question about the book which you never read..
My last sentence winds up the discussion completely..

I'll leave the interpretation to you. But when i hear crazy things like homosexuality is a disease, atheism is worse than murder, women are not as smart as men when they are menstruating, there is no such thing as marital rape, then what should I assume? That there is something wrong with the verses, or the Muslims who interpret them?

To reiterate my first point, it's people who hold those crazy 12th century ideas that give Islam, or any religion for that matter, a bad name. Now I'll leave it for Muslims to decide whether those crazy ideas come from the book or some Muslims wrong interpretation, but until the crazy ideas go away, no amount of "omg evrybodys a racist islamophobe muslim hater nazi" is going to help change Islam's public image.

In civilized societies, most people don't care about you religious affiliation. Your label "muslim", "hindu", "jew" or even "atheist" tells people nothing about you as a person. What matters is the stuff that you actually believe in. If you are a sensible person and believe none of that aforementioned crazy shxt, you can call yourself "hitler's mom" for all i care, you'd have my respect.

Extraterrestrial 2012/09/28 00:45
Quote: haris: you need movies, but not books lol

Except that I don't live my life by every dialog in that movie, watch it five times a day, and start flipping shxt every time someone insults the movie.

I can quote plenty of books too but the same thing applies there as well. I don't agree with everything written in a book by my favorite author, much less consider it holy and immutable divine commandment. I take what I like, what inspires me, motivates me, moves me, and reject what does none of that.

Almost nothing ever written in a book or quoted in a movie is worthy of blind devotion.

Extraterrestrial 2012/09/28 01:03
Quote: haris: he quotes about idol worshippin is wrong through whose scriptures?
Through hindu scriptures, namely vedas puarana upanishads etc..
He doesnt quote them himself or by Islamic scriptures..
So what's problm doin so? And how will any of hindus get insulted by this?

The same way you get offended when non-muslims quote islamic scriptures? In fact you told me just now I have no right to judge a book i have never read. I sense some hypocrisy here.

What does criticizing idol worship have to do with propagation of Islam anyway? Does the propagation of Islam need to be based on showing people how Islam is awesome and every other religion sucks?

Extraterrestrial 2012/09/28 01:07
Quote: haris: what language is that?
You're more worse than gul n dash../smiley

Insult someone for their poor English. Then use "more worse" in the next sentence. Classy.

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