Extraterrestrial: I think if Muslims really want to change the image of Islam, then instead of making general claims like"Islam is the religion of peace","not all Muslims are bad","jihad means inner struggle", they should clarify their stance on specific issues like homosexuality, status and rights of women, freedom of speech, apostasy, marital rape, barbaric punishments for adultery prescribed in sharia, etc. The devil lies in the details, like they say. Those"bad apples"who twist the scripture aren't the only problem, the religion itself has some ideas which are incompatible with modern society. Christianity abolished slavery while Islam refuses to change at all. That's one of the reasons for the negative image. If some Muslim organization were to support homosexuality, for example, Islam would receive a lot of good press and opinions would start to change. The thing is most Muslims will say they are peaceful people who never hurt anyone, and on face value i will believe them, but once you hear their opinions on specific issues, you begin to wonder how peaceful they really are. Supporting Islamic punishment of death for apostasy, to use just one of the many examples, isn't exactly the sign of a peaceful person.
to know about Islam, read Qur'an.. Dont search anti-Islamic websites. It wont help in understandin, rather it will misguide n misinterpret and take u nowhere.
To know a Book, u must read that book and understand it, u shudnt directly go for the question-answer sessions. It will only give u half the knowledge, and anything which is half can be misleading..