"ISLAM" is not a barbaric religion by saahir 2012/09/20 03:58
Islam means peace. It condemns all barbaric actions. Those who try to disturb the peace and hamoney they are crimnals. Islam gives security to all living beings on the surfae of the planet earth. Those who choose barbaric way to take revenge, they all should be punished as per the law of retaliation God has given in his Holy books. Islam also teaches to respect all humanbeings, what ever religion they follow.

Manal 2012/09/21 16:33
Quote: saahir:
As I asume u r born Arab. If not then go to arabic dictionary to find out real meanings of "Islam" and " Muslim".
In Arabic, the word Islam means submission or surrender – however, it was derived from the root word salam. From this root word, you can also derive the words peace and safety. Many people feel that Islam implies some sort of enslavement to Allah, but others find it more helpful to define the word Islam as surrender.
and Muslim means one who has embraced Islam, a follower of Muhammad...and I born arab not India tnx!

saahir 2012/09/21 16:40
Quote: shubham_sinha: oh ur right but will u agree with hindu religion

We are Indians, we all live here with freedom to follow religion of our choice. We should respect every religion. Islam doznt allow to humiliate any religion. Plz ref:chapter: (06/108) Al-Qur'an: "Do not revile those whom they call upon besides The God, lest they out of spite revile The God in their ignorance". Now you ask your self, how can one should hate any other religion, while he takes guide line from Qur'an.

saahir 2012/09/21 16:54
Quote: mAnAl: In Arabic, the word Islam means submission or surrender – however, it was derived from the root word salam. From this root word, you can also derive the words peace and safety. Many people feel that Islam implies some sort of enslavement to Allah, but others find it more helpful to define the word Islam as surrender.
and Muslim means one who has embraced Islam, a follower of Muhammad...and I born arab not India tnx!

I knew that u r born Arab. I had been in gulf and having some understanding of Qur'an too. I feel pain wen I saw all muslims in ignorance over look the true massages of Qur'an.
Plz ref:6/108. I've given reference with translation some where in my reply to any quote.

Manal 2012/09/22 05:32
Quote: saahir:
I knew that u r born Arab. I had been in gulf and having some understanding of Qur'an too. I feel pain wen I saw all muslims in ignorance over look the true massages of Qur'an.
Plz ref:6/108. I've given reference with translation some where in my reply to any quote.
all muslims in ignorance?????????????Then come to mecca and say this infront of all preachers and muslims/smiley

saahir 2012/09/22 05:39
Quote: mAnAl: all muslims in ignorance?????????????Then come to mecca and say this infront of all preachers and muslims/smiley

Sorry for using the word "all", I mean to say many of muslims are in ignorance.

Manal 2012/09/22 06:12
Quote: saahir:
Sorry for using the word "all", I mean to say many of muslims are in ignorance.
those muslim in ignorance they just defend their religion but thr real ignorant when some religion pray with Allah creatures..thats the real ignorant/smiley

haris 2012/09/22 07:07
Quote: Kumz: "islam"may not be a barbaric religion, but most people following it are barbaric?
same goes with other major religions.
Buddhism and christianity followers are the latest of confirmers..

haris 2012/09/22 07:10
Quote: Kumz: perhaps people like you should educate these mislead Muslims... Maybe through a blog or forum? These people are really destroying the image of their own religion. And it's not just a few bad apples, in this case. It's so very many bad apples. The so called leader, Zakir Naik is spreading hatred towards non Muslims and filling good people's heart with vengeance, instead of promoting peace and harmony. This should be stopped by people who know that they are wrong, if you really care about your religion. Don't you reckon?
any proof about Dr zakir naik spreading hatred and disharmony?? /smiley
If so, he could hav been behind the bars and govt cud hav slapped him wid potas and tadas. Till now he cud have been dealt as a terrorist by indian intelligence and media lol

haris 2012/09/22 07:14
Quote: Extraterrestrial: I think if Muslims really want to change the image of Islam, then instead of making general claims like"Islam is the religion of peace","not all Muslims are bad","jihad means inner struggle", they should clarify their stance on specific issues like homosexuality, status and rights of women, freedom of speech, apostasy, marital rape, barbaric punishments for adultery prescribed in sharia, etc. The devil lies in the details, like they say. Those"bad apples"who twist the scripture aren't the only problem, the religion itself has some ideas which are incompatible with modern society. Christianity abolished slavery while Islam refuses to change at all. That's one of the reasons for the negative image. If some Muslim organization were to support homosexuality, for example, Islam would receive a lot of good press and opinions would start to change. The thing is most Muslims will say they are peaceful people who never hurt anyone, and on face value i will believe them, but once you hear their opinions on specific issues, you begin to wonder how peaceful they really are. Supporting Islamic punishment of death for apostasy, to use just one of the many examples, isn't exactly the sign of a peaceful person.
to know about Islam, read Qur'an.. Dont search anti-Islamic websites. It wont help in understandin, rather it will misguide n misinterpret and take u nowhere.
To know a Book, u must read that book and understand it, u shudnt directly go for the question-answer sessions. It will only give u half the knowledge, and anything which is half can be misleading..

Spoon 2012/09/23 21:51
was reading this and thort how good it was to see a few showing how muslims can prove to b peaceful and seeing the reality of wot is happening then bang sum went and ruined that by doing just wot been saod at start, by listening to misguided leaders and having 1 set of rules for them and another for every1 else. i do praise the topic creator tho for trying to show us and been able to have a decent open conversation with others not of the muslim community he showed wot a true muslim is supose to b
Kumz 2012/09/24 03:08
Quote: haris: same goes with other major religions.
Buddhism and christianity followers are the latest of confirmers..
perhaps... Buddhism and Christianity followers, as you say, are the LATEST confirmers, but Islam followers (muslims) have been doing it for centuries.

Kumz 2012/09/24 03:17
Quote: haris: any proof about Dr zakir naik spreading hatred and disharmony?? /smiley
If so, he could hav been behind the bars and govt cud hav slapped him wid potas and tadas. Till now he cud have been dealt as a terrorist by indian intelligence and media lol
1. Locking him up is going to cause more trouble in a Hindu majority country. Muslim/hindu riots will start all over again. So please, talk sense. Thank you.

2. Naik has already been banned from visiting certain countries.

3. Pointless explaining logic to brainwashed, commonsense-less people like yourself.

Manal 2012/09/24 03:47
Quote: haris: any proof about Dr zakir naik spreading hatred and disharmony?? /smiley
If so, he could hav been behind the bars and govt cud hav slapped him wid potas and tadas. Till now he cud have been dealt as a terrorist by indian intelligence and media lol
she got no idea-rofl-Good post brother/smiley

haris 2012/09/24 06:10
Quote: Kumz: perhaps... Buddhism and Christianity followers, as you say, are the LATEST confirmers, but Islam followers (muslims) have been doing it for centuries.
if so, then you masses only question abt muslims(few of the misleaded ones). ?

haris 2012/09/24 06:30
Quote: Kumz: 1. Locking him up is going to cause more trouble in a Hindu majority country. Muslim/hindu riots will start all over again. So please, talk sense. Thank you. 2. Naik has already been banned from visiting certain countries. 3. Pointless explaining logic to brainwashed, commonsense-less people like yourself.
i asked u to post one such proof which causes/caused trouble or spread hatred and disharmony in the soceity..
Rather than answerin me, u started blabberin and and insultin the questioner. This may be a good n famous trick while debatin, but in my view, only those persons do this who lack knowledge, understandin and reasonin.. Be fair and bold enough to accept truth, debate only to share knowledge, make othrs understand whatever u understood in best possible way..
Mockin is easy to any1, and i can be better than u if provoked/smiley

haris 2012/09/24 06:33
Quote: mAnAl: she got no idea-rofl-
yes it shows, showed, showing..:p

Manal 2012/09/24 07:57
Quote: haris: yes it shows, showed, showing..:p
yeah ur ryt like what happen to forum News+Factual-rofl-the only they think abt muslim is killing innocent-hahaha-

haris 2012/09/24 08:06
Quote: mAnAl: yeah ur ryt like what happen to forum News+Factual-rofl-the only they think abt muslim is killing innocent-hahaha-
yep, the sad part of it that they project only such muslims as though Islam encourages them to do say.
By Allah, any1 who kills an innocent being(whether it human, animal, trees etc), he will be questioned for it on the Day of Judgement.
(not sayin this myself, Allah and also Prophet Muhammad said this ).

Spoon 2012/09/24 08:17
Quote: haris: yep, the sad part of it that they project only such muslims as though Islam encourages them to do say.
By Allah, any1 who kills an innocent being(whether it human, animal, trees etc), he will be questioned for it on the Day of Judgement.
(not sayin this myself, Allah and also Prophet Muhammad said this ).
and thats wot kumz had asked in another thread if that was the case and got insulted for asking. its the understanding that he who kills will b questioned at time of judgement yet so many still feels its right to kill whoever disagrees or speaks out against islam

haris 2012/09/24 08:32
Quote: Spoon: and thats wot kumz had asked in another thread if that was the case and got insulted for asking. its the understanding that he who kills will b questioned at time of judgement yet so many still feels its right to kill whoever disagrees or speaks out against islam
dont know abt othr threads.. I didnt read..
And whoever disagrees or speaks against Islam is ok. I mean You are free to criticize while talkin abt Islam..but you arent free to mock or insult Islam..
Allah has ordered muslims not to abuse othr religions or their gods, lest they will abuse in return.
So we as a muslims arent allowed to mock or insult othr religions, so we neither want our religion to be mocked and insulted.
and to ur question abt killing innocents in the name of religion?
Well Islam condemns any innocent killings, and Allah knows best who are innocents and who are culprits and criminals..

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