"ISLAM" is not a barbaric religion by saahir 2012/09/20 03:58
Islam means peace. It condemns all barbaric actions. Those who try to disturb the peace and hamoney they are crimnals. Islam gives security to all living beings on the surfae of the planet earth. Those who choose barbaric way to take revenge, they all should be punished as per the law of retaliation God has given in his Holy books. Islam also teaches to respect all humanbeings, what ever religion they follow.

KingFISHER 2012/09/20 04:19
True words. Bt now adays sum peoples,sum news agency and sum media explained the real situation by wrong way for impliment their ill intention which go against Islaam.
Trax 2012/09/20 04:35
thats discriminated type topic bcoz ur divided our religion in the case their cast and sex....all religion are equal
saahir 2012/09/20 05:35
Quote: shubham_sinha: thats discriminated type topic bcoz ur divided our religion in the case their cast and sex....all religion are equal

Division between the men is done by the politicians who hired the scholars and they ask to interpetret the massages of all regious books as they wished. And it is done with all religious books. All religious books teach the lesson to keep and maintain peace and harmoney between all humanbeings.

aprillia 2012/09/20 07:11
if we all understand what the mean in Al-qur'an may no war in this world.
bt everything happening in this world all written in there.
n don't blame interfaith abt whom the causes of war.

Doncle 2012/09/20 08:12
In all is one God
Manal 2012/09/20 17:34
Quote: saahir: Islam means peace. It condemns all barbaric actions. Those who try to disturb the peace and hamoney they are crimnals. Islam gives security to all living beings on the surfae of the planet earth. Those who choose barbaric way to take revenge, they all should be punished as per the law of retaliation God has given in his Holy books. Islam also teaches to respect all humanbeings, what ever religion they follow.
But some mindless non believers think negative abt muslims/smiley

Manal 2012/09/20 17:35
Quote: KingFISHER: True words. Bt now adays sum people,sum news agency and sum media explained the real situation by wrong way for impliment their ill intention which go agaiost Islaam.

Manal 2012/09/20 17:41
Im proud to be muslim and thats I belong too/smiley
saahir 2012/09/20 17:44
Quote: mAnAl: But some mindless non believers think negative abt muslims/smiley

Let the people react as per their mind set. There are ppl who drive their car breaking all signals n rule.

saahir 2012/09/20 17:58
Quote: mAnAl: Im proud to be muslim and thats I belong too/smiley
Muslim means a SUBMISSIVE. The person who submit his all the wills in a way the God has ordained him.
Ref: (17/37- Al-Qur'an) Don't walk on the surface of the Earth in arrogance, behold! You can't tear the land, nor you can become Tall as the mountains are in their hights.

Manal 2012/09/20 22:53
Quote: saahir: Muslim means a SUBMISSIVE.
Muslim or Moslem is someone who follows the religion of Islam

Kumz 2012/09/21 00:32
"islam" may not be a barbaric religion, but most people following it are barbaric?
saahir 2012/09/21 09:03
Quote: Kumz: "islam" may not be a barbaric religion, but most people following it are barbaric?

Yes itz true, there are some bed bugs, who spoil the real image of Islam.
"ISLAM" means peace, submission, security. But most of the followers do not understand the true meanings. And itz most unfortunate.

saahir 2012/09/21 09:07
Quote: mAnAl: Muslim or Moslem is someone who follows the religion of Islam

As I asume u r born Arab. If not then go to arabic dictionary to find out real meanings of "Islam" and " Muslim".

Kumz 2012/09/21 11:35
Quote: saahir:
Yes itz true, there are some bed bugs, who spoil the real image of Islam.
"ISLAM" means peace, submission, security. But most of the followers do not understand the true meanings. And itz most unfortunate.
It definitely is an unfortunate matter... But WHY is it that most followers of Islam are finding it difficult to understand that simple fact? Even people who claim to prefer the peaceful path, expect certain individuals who talk against Islam to be killed. Shouldn't the punishment be left to god to deal with?

Why is it that Muslims go for revenge?

saahir 2012/09/21 14:08
Quote: Kumz: It definitely is an unfortunate matter... But WHY is it that most followers of Islam are finding it difficult to understand that simple fact? Even people who claim to prefer the peaceful path, expect certain individuals who talk against Islam to be killed. Shouldn't the punishment be left to god to deal with?

Why is it that Muslims go for revenge?

This is because most of the muslims, instead of following Qur'an, follow their religious leaders and scholars who miss lead them.

Kumz 2012/09/21 15:23
Quote: saahir:
This is because most of the muslims, instead of following Qur'an, follow their religious leaders and scholars who miss lead them.
perhaps people like you should educate these mislead Muslims... Maybe through a blog or forum? These people are really destroying the image of their own religion. And it's not just a few bad apples, in this case. It's so very many bad apples. The so called leader, Zakir Naik is spreading hatred towards non Muslims and filling good people's heart with vengeance, instead of promoting peace and harmony. This should be stopped by people who know that they are wrong, if you really care about your religion. Don't you reckon?

saahir 2012/09/21 16:05
Quote: Kumz: perhaps people like you should educate these mislead Muslims... Maybe through a blog or forum? These people are really destroying the image of their own religion. And it's not just a few bad apples, in this case. It's so very many bad apples. The so called leader, Zakir Naik is spreading hatred towards non Muslims and filling good people's heart with vengeance, instead of promoting peace and harmony. This should be stopped by people who know that they are wrong, if you really care about your religion. Don't you reckon?

Yes I do, but I'm not a religious leader. I try to approach how much I can. The people only listen to their religious leaders only. And this is the case with all the religion.

Trax 2012/09/21 16:08
Quote: saahir:
Division between the men is done by the politicians who hired the scholars and they ask to interpetret the massages of all regious books as they wished. And it is done with all religious books. All religious books teach the lesson to keep and maintain peace and harmoney between all humanbeings.
oh ur right but will u agree with hindu religion

Extraterrestrial 2012/09/21 16:31
I think if Muslims really want to change the image of Islam, then instead of making general claims like "Islam is the religion of peace", "not all Muslims are bad", "jihad means inner struggle", they should clarify their stance on specific issues like homosexuality, status and rights of women, freedom of speech, apostasy, marital rape, barbaric punishments for adultery prescribed in sharia, etc. The devil lies in the details, like they say.

Those "bad apples" who twist the scripture aren't the only problem, the religion itself has some ideas which are incompatible with modern society. Christianity abolished slavery while Islam refuses to change at all. That's one of the reasons for the negative image. If some Muslim organization were to support homosexuality, for example, Islam would receive a lot of good press and opinions would start to change.

The thing is most Muslims will say they are peaceful people who never hurt anyone, and on face value i will believe them, but once you hear their opinions on specific issues, you begin to wonder how peaceful they really are. Supporting Islamic punishment of death for apostasy, to use just one of the many examples, isn't exactly the sign of a peaceful person.

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