Dreams - P by EloraM23 2012/04/12 04:42
For Other Dream Meanings from A-Z topic id: 2902032

* Around 400+ Dream Meanings For P *


To see the letter "P" in your dream is a pun on "pee" or urine. You need to better express your emotions.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 05:16

To smell or taste peppermint in your dream suggests that you are feeling calm, soothed and relaxed. Some aspect of your life is having a soothing effect on you. You are undergoing a positive change. On the other hand, the dream could be saying that you need to be more calm. Don't get too wound up over minor issues. Consider your own personal associations with this smell and how a waking situation may have triggered these same associations.

To see or eat a peppermint candy in your dream represents a sweet reward. It also denotes festivities, pleasure and joy.


To see or eat pepperoni in your dream indicates that you need to add a little pizzazz and spice to your life. Alternatively, it denotes wholeness and completeness.


To see or hear a percolator in your dream suggests that you need to take things a little slower. You need to think things through before taking any action.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 05:17

To dream that something or someone is perfect represents your unrealistic expectations and idealistic notions.


To dream that you are spraying or wearing perfume suggests that you are seeking for more pleasure in your life. It is also symbolic of your sexuality, sensuality, and indulgence.

To smell perfume in your dream represents memories and nostalgia. You are reminiscing about the past.


To see a peridot in your dream signifies good company and long lasting friendship.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 05:17

To see a period in your dream symbolizes the end to something.

*Please Also See Menstruation.

Periodic Table

To see the periodic table in your dream indicates that you need to get to the core of some matter. If one element on the table stands out, then consider the significance of the letter or the letters. It may represent initials for someone. Perhaps you need to get to know this person on a deeper level. If the periodic table appears out of the ordinary, then it means that something or someone is preventing you from seeing the truth.


To see or use a periscope in your dream indicates that you need to rise above your current situation in order to get a better perspective on things. Sometimes you need to take yourself out of the situation so you can gain a different view. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you need to stop being so linear in your thinking.


To dream that that you are getting a perm signifies a change in your outlook and way of thinking. You need to start to look at things from another point of view. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for some "permanent" change in your life.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 05:17

To dream that you are applying for a permit represents your rights. Consider what sort of permit it is for additional significance. If it is a gun permit, then the dream indicates that you feel your anger or acts of aggression are validated. If it is a building permit, then it suggests that you are seeking approval to move ahead toward your goals or onto the next phase in your life.


To dream that you are asking for or need permission represents your lack of power and freedom. You are feeling stifled. Alternatively, the dream signifies self-doubt in your own abilities. You are second-guessing your decisions and are looking for validation or approval.

To dream that someone is asking for your permission represents your authoritative power. You are in full control of a situation or relationship.

Perpetual Motion

To dream of perpetual motion indicates that you are experiencing general anxiety and nervousness over a situation. You need a change from the repetitive and the predictable nature of your job, relationship or daily life.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 05:18

To see or eat a persimmon in your dream symbolizes joy, glory and victory.


*Please refer to the type of person, i.e. boy, girl, ex, mother, etc

Personal Trainer

To see or dream that you have a personal trainer suggests that you need to push yourself to do better. Do not take the easy way. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are seeking guidance and help in some area of your life.


*Please see Sweat.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 05:19

To see a pervert in your dream suggests that you are having issues with closeness in some relationship. You are trying to keep your distance in order to avoid getting hurt.

Pet Food

To see or buy pet food in your dream represents the development of some skill. Remember that it takes time and effort to hone and improve your skill. If you are feeding pet food to a pet in your dream, then it refers to disloyalty in some area of your life.

To eat pet food in your dream suggests that you need to address some animalistic or primitive thoughts.

Pet Store

To see or dream that you are at a pet store represents the responsibilities that you are undertaking. Consider also the symbolism of the pet that you see or purchase and how you may need to incorporate certain qualities of the animal into your own self.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 05:19

To see petals in your dream indicate a broken relationship or a rift in a friendship. It also refers to regret and guilt.

Peter Pan

To see Peter Pan in your dream represents your desires to escape from your daily burdens. You want to retreat back to a time where you were free of any responsibilities, deadlines, or problems. Alternatively, the dream may be a variation of a flying dream. Perhaps, you need to look at things from a different perspective.


To dream that you are signing a petition suggests that you are ready to make a major change in your life. You want to see progress.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 05:19

To see petroleum in your dream symbolizes an aspect of your life that is potentially volatile and explosive. Alternatively, petroleum represents your vitality, enthusiasm and energy.


To see a pet in your dream represents civilized instincts. You are keeping your temper in line. Alternatively, seeing a pet indicates a need for love and acceptance. Perhaps, you are lacking attention from others and are feeling neglected. The pet may also be a pun for "petting" as in some sexual behavior.

To dream of a dead pet suggests that something that you had thought was left in the past is coming back to haunt you. Similarly to seeing your childhood home, a past pet serves the same function as trying to bring you back into that particular time period. A situation in your waking life may parallel a situation from your past and the dream is providing a means of resolving it.


To dream that you are wearing a petticoat represents your reluctance in revealing something about yourself. You are being modest or conservative about some aspect of your life.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 05:20

To see or sit on a pew in your dream suggests that you need to stop and reflect on your past mistakes or issues before you can move forward. You need to question the decisions and choices that you are making. Perhaps it is time to acknowledge your former wrongdoings.


To see items made of pewter in your dream suggests that you are holding on to the past. Your ways of thinking may be outdated.


To see a phantom in your dream represents guilt, fear, and/or repressed memories. Your dream is serving as a medium for you to face your fears and thus it is important to pay attention to what message the phantom is trying to convey.

*Please see also Ghost.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 05:20

To see or dream that you are a pharaoh indicates that you are acknowledging the authoritarian within yourself. Alternatively, the dream serves as a connection to your spirituality and the divine.


To dream that you are in pharmacy suggests that you need to correct your thinking and readjust your attitude. You need to look within yourself for the solution to a problem instead of relying on outside help.


To see a pheasant in your dream symbolizes motherhood and nurturance.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 05:20

To dream that you are a philanthropist represents your generosity and giving nature. Or perhaps you need to be more giving in your waking life. The dream may also mean that you are ready to share an important part of yourself.


To dream that you have a phobia suggests that you need to confront your fears. Do not let your fears control your life. Consider the specific phobia for additional clues in interpreting your dreams. For example, if you dream that have a phobia of heights, then it may mean that your position at the top is a precarious one. You are afraid that you may fall from grace.


To see a phoenix in your dream symbolizes transformation, immortality and renewal. You are moving toward a new phase in your life. It may also mean that your past continues to haunt you.


*Please see Telephone.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 05:21
Phone Number

To see a phone number in your dream suggests that you need to make contact with someone and reach out for help.

To dream that you cannot remember or find a phone number means that you need to start being more independent and responsible.

To dream that you cannot dial a phone number correctly suggests that you are having difficulties in getting through to someone in your waking life. Consider whose phone number you are trying to dial. Perhaps he or she is not taking your advice or listening to what you have to say. The message is not getting through.

To dream that you are giving someone your telephone number means that you need to take the initiative and reach out to others. You need to make the first move.

Photo Album

To dream that you are looking through a photo album suggests that you are unwilling to let go of your memories and the past. You are idealizing about the past.


*Please See Copier.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 05:21

To see a photograph in your dream indicates that there is a relationship that needs your attention. You are not looking deep enough into the problem. Alternatively, the dream means that you are clinging on to the past or to some false hope. Consider who or what is on the photo. The image may be trying to take you back to a particular moment in time.

To dream that you are altering a photo suggests that you are putting out a false image. Or something is not what it seems to be.

To dream that you rip up a photo indicates that you are letting go of the past and living for the future.

*Please see also Picture.


To dream that you are a photographer represents your desire to hold on to a certain image, time or period in your life.


*Please see Doctor.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 05:22

To dream that you are playing a piano indicates a quest for harmony in your life. Consider where the piano is placed as a clue as to what aspect of your life needs accordance. If no sound is coming out of the piano, then it implies a lack of confidence. You are not sure about how to express yourself and how to voice your beliefs.

To dream that you hear the sound of a piano suggests harmony in your life. You are pleased with the way your life is going.

To dream that the piano needs to be tuned indicates some aspect of your life is in discord. You need to devote more time to a relationship, family duties, project, or other situation.


To see or use a pickaxe in your dream represents a level of sexual aggression or sexual tension. You need to loosen up.


To see or eat a pickle in your dream signifies some anxiety and fear of coming trouble. Alternatively, a pickle may be seen as a symbol for the penis. Sexual messages from the unconscious are usually disguised in symbols.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 05:22
Pick-up Truck

To see a pick-up truck in your dream represents hard work. You need to return to the basics. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for something that you need to "pick up".


To dream that someone picks your pocket suggests that you are reluctant in sharing your ideas with others for fear that they will get the credit.

To dream that you are a pickpocket indicates that you are willing to go to any lengths in order to get the information you need.


To dream that you are at a picnic signifies a joyful and tranquil domestic life. You prefer the simpler things in life.

To see a picnic basket in your dream indicates an opportunity to share your ideas and opinions with others. You are receptive to different viewpoints.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 05:23

To see a picture in your dream symbolizes a mental imprint that remains persistent in your mind. Your actions are irreversible. There is no turning back in what you do. Also consider the pun on "picture this" or "seeing the big picture" in a situation. In particular, if the picture is in black and white picture, then it indicates that you need to consider opposing viewpoints. Alternatively, it may mean that you need to add more color and pizzazz to your life.

To dream that you are hanging a picture represents acceptance the image that is depicted in the picture. You have come to an understanding or compromise regarding the situation.

To dream that you are taking a picture suggests that you need to focus more attention to some situation or relationship. Perhaps, you feel that you need to recapture some past moments in a relationship. Alternatively, taking a picture refers to your desires to hold onto a certain moment in your life.

To see a blurry picture in your dream suggests that your memory of the depicted event, incident, or people, is fading. Perhaps you need to let go of the past and stop holding on to what was and concentrate on what is. On the other hand, you are attempting to disguise a situation and refusing to see it as it really is. You need to learn acceptance.

*Please see also Photograph.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 09:12
Picture Frame

To see or place a picture in a picture frame in your dream represents a wish to have a current situation or relationship remain the same as it is now. You dread change. Perhaps you are reminiscing of the past. Consider what is depicted on the picture for additional significance. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on "being framed" for something. Is someone in your walking life undermining or working against you?


To see a pie in your dream symbolizes the rewards of your hard work. Perhaps you are reaching beyond your abilities. Alternatively, the pie may also have the same meaning as a circle. Or the pie indicates sharing and getting your fair share, as in your "piece of the pie".


To see or make piecrust in your dream indicates broken promises. You or someone is not keeping their word.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 09:12

To see or dream that you are on a pier represents self-reflection and introspective into your unconscious. You are ready to explore and grow as an individual. The dream signals emotional and spiritual growth.


To dream that you are getting your tongue or lip pieced refers to regret over some stinging remarks and hurtful words that you said.

To dream that you or someone is getting their eyebrow pierced may be a metaphor for your "piercing eyes". Alternatively, the dream is drawing your attention to something disturbing or significant that you saw. Perhaps you saw something you that shouldn't have.

To dream that you or someone has a navel piercing denotes your deep connection with your mother. Perhaps the dream is telling you to reconnect with your mother. Or that you need to be more in tune with your maternal instincts.

To dream that you are getting your ears pierced represents some stinging remarks or insults.

To dream that you or someone has a nose piercing implies that you need to pay closer attention to some issue. Focus!

Less symbolically, dreams of getting pierced may just be your waking desire or anxiety on getting pierced.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 09:13

To see a pig in your dream symbolizes dirtiness, greediness, stubbornness or selfishness. Alternatively, the pig may represent gluttony, opulence and overindulgence. Perhaps it refers to someone who is dirty or someone who is chauvinistic.

If you like pigs and think that pigs are cute, then your dream about a fat dirty pig represents your misconceptions about certain things. What you believe and what is reality may be two different things. This pig may be analogous to a relationship or a man in your life. You think that the pig will be a certain way, but in actuality reality is not at all what you had imagined.


To see a pigeon in your dream suggests that you are taking the blame for the actions of others. Pigeons also represent gossip or news. Perhaps the pigeon refers to a message from your unconscious. Alternatively, the dream may be expressing a desire to return home.


To dream that you are giving someone a piggyback ride symbolizes your supportive role. You literally feel that you are carrying the weight of others. Perhaps you are feeling overwhelmed of being the responsible or dependent one.

To dream that you are riding piggyback on someone represents your lack of power or control in a situation. You are just going along with whatever decisions are being made. Alternatively, being on piggyback points to issues of codependency.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 09:13

To see a pigsty in your dream symbolizes a messy situation. The dream is making a commentary on your waking life. You need to organize and sort out some life issues so you can progress forward. Alternatively, the dream indicates an attack on your character.


To dream that you are wearing pigtails indicates a regression into childhood, where times were more innocent and carefree. You are displaying a "don't-care" attitude and don't want to be weighed down by responsibilities.


To see a pile of something in your dream signifies some overwhelming burden or excess in your life. In particular, to see a pile of papers in your dream represents your overwhelming responsibilities and stresses that you are having to cope with. You are not effectively dealing with the issues at hand.

To see a pile of debris or trash in your dream represents the rejected or unwanted aspects of yourself. To see a pile of wood in your dream symbolizes your overwhelming passion.

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