To see parsley in your dream represents success. Your achievements will soon be recognized. Alternatively, it symbolizes purification. You need to rid yourself of the negativity and things that are weighing you down.
To see a partner in your dream suggests that you need to seek the help of others in order to accomplish a mutual goal. Alternatively, a partner symbolizes the duality of your personality. Also consider your waking relationship with your own partner.
To see a partridge in your dream signifies independence. The partridge highlights your leadership abilities. Alternatively, it represents deception and temptation.
To dream that you are at a party suggests that you need to get out more and enjoy yourself. If the party is a bad one, then it indicates that you are unsure of your social skills. If you dream that you are at your own birthday party, then it represents appreciation of the life you have.
To discover secret passageways in your dream parallel to something new and/or exciting that is occurring in your waking life. It refers to a new opportunity, a new relationship, or a new attitude toward life. If you wake up before fully exploring these passageways, then it suggest that you may not know how to take advantage of these opportunities or how to move forward with a relationship. Perhaps the newness and uncertainty of this discovery also makes you a little more cautious. Overall, this is a positive dream.
To dream that you are a passenger suggests that you are not in control of your life. You are letting others decide for you. To see other passengers in your dream indicates that you are spending too much energy pleasing others. Perhaps, you feel that others have been leeching off of you.
To see or eat a passion fruit in your dream represents your spiritual connection. You are in tune with your spirituality. Alternatively, it signifies fertility, good health, life and longevity. The allure and invitation of sex is also implied. The dream may be a metaphor for a project (fruit) that you are "passionate" about.
To drink passion fruit in your dream signifies life or vitality.
To see a passport in your dream represents your identity and your ability to traverse through various situations. You are experiencing new found freedom to do what you want and go where you want. You may be going through a period of self-discovery.
To dream that you lose your passport indicates that you are trying to find yourself and get a sense of who you are. Alternatively, the dream means that opportunities are closing off to you.
To dream that your passport is getting stamped represents approval. You are given the green light to go ahead with a new project or journey.
To see a password in your dream represents access and control. You hold the key to unlocking your inner feelings and emotions. Analyze the letters and/or numbers within the password for additional significance. It could be a hidden message.
To dream that you forget your password indicates a loss of control in some aspect of your waking life.
To dream of the past suggests that a current waking situation is paralleling a past situation. You need to learn from the past and not make the same mistake again. Alternatively, the dream may represent unresolved issues from the past. Or that you need to stop living in the past and look forward toward the future.
To make or eat pasta in your dream represents your need for energy. Also consider the shape of the pasta and how it relates to a waking situation. Penne signifies your narrow perspective. Spaghetti noodles symbolize an entangling situation. Elbow shaped pasta represents your need to focus on yourself more. And corkscrew pasta means that some aspect of your life is out of control.
*Please See Glue
To dream of pastel colors indicate that you are not fully recognizing and dealing with some part of your emotions. There is some ambiguity in your life.
To see a pastor in your dream suggests that you are in need of spiritual guidance and advice. You may be experiencing feelings of guilt.
To see or eat a pastry in your dream refers to indulgence, sensual pleasure and satisfaction. You are enjoying life and reaping its rewards.
To dream that you are applying for a patent signifies your successes and your many accomplishments. It also means that you need to be more methodical in how you pursue your goals.
To walk through an open path in your dream signifies clarity of thought and peace of mind. It also symbolizes your progress.
To see a blocked or windy path in your dream denotes that you need to give serious attention to the direction you are heading in your personal and/or business life. You need to take time out to consider and rethink the consequences before acting on your choices.
To dream that you are a patient suggests that you are going through a healing process. Alternatively, this dream may be a pun on your need for patience. Remember that good things come to those who wait.
To dream that you are in the patio represents your openness toward a particular situation.
To dream that the doors to the patio are opened refer to your receptive state of mind. If they are closed, then it indicates that you are not being open to a situation. Patio doors symbolize the merging of your mental and spiritual state.
To see a pattern in your dream suggests that your life has become monotonous and repetitious. You need to break free from the routine.
To see or work with a dress pattern in your dream indicates that you are trying to emulate somebody. The dream may be a metaphor that you are trying to "pattern" yourself after someone you look up to. Or perhaps you are lacking your own identity.
To dream that you are a pauper suggests that you are not utilizing your inner talents and full potential. You are not acknowledging your own self-worth.
To see or walk on pavement in your dream suggests that you have a clear understanding and grasp of a situation. You are standing on solid ground. The dream may also indicate that you have paved and laid out a firm path toward your life goals.
To see an animal paw in your dream suggests that you need to trust your intuition and animal instincts. The dream may also be a pun on your "Pa" or father.
To see bloody paw prints in your dream represents a repression of your animalistic desires.
To see or be in a pawnshop in your dream suggests that you are depleting your resources, either physically, spiritually or emotionally. You need to be more careful with how you are allocating these resources or risk spreading yourself too thin and ending up with nothing. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are not really dealing with your problems in the best of way.
To see your paycheck in your dream symbolizes the results of your hard work and the fruits of your labor. It is an indication of your level of confidence and strength. The dream also serves as encouragement and motivation for you to continue working hard. You will be rewarded for your efforts. Consider the amount on the check. If it is higher than expected, then it means that you are being well rewarded. If it is lower than expected, then you are being undervalued. It may also refer to money worries and your concerns about making ends meet. Perhaps you are lacking confidence and suffering from low self-esteem. You are unsure about your work performance.
To dream that you are paying for something indicates the price you pay for your decisions and actions.
To use a payphone in your dream represents a message or advice that comes with a price. It may also mean that your communication with others is having a toll on you in some way, either directly or indirectly.
To dream that the payphone is out of order indicates that you are being shut out. You are experiencing difficulties in getting your thoughts and feelings across. Or you are having difficulties connecting to others.
To dream that you are in PE class indicates that you need to lay a better foundation for a healthier lifestyle. Your own personal experiences in PE class will play significantly in the interpretation of the dream. Something in your waking life maybe causing you to flashback to your experiences in PE. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you need to be more of a team player. Learn to work together.
To dream of peace and tranquility indicates a resolution to some emotional issue or inner conflict. It may signal the end of a cycle and the pause before the beginning of a new endeavor. It also suggests that you have reached a new level of stability and calmness. Alternatively, the maddening quietness may refer to the calm before the storm.
To see a peach in your dream represents pleasure and joy. You take pleasure in the simple things in life. The dream may also imply that something in your life is just "peachy" and going well. Alternatively, a peach may be indicative of virginity, lust and sensuality. Consider how it may be a metaphor for your sweetheart or loved one.
To see a peacock in your dream represents spring birth, new growth, longevity, and love. It is a good omen, signaling prestige, success and contentment in your relationship or career. Alternatively, the peacock signifies pride, confidence and vanity. You may be showing off too much or are overly arrogant with your success and achievements. A peacock may also suggest that many eyes are watching you.
To dream that you are at the peak of a mountain symbolizes your successes and achievements. You will go far in your life. Alternatively, the dream may also be a pun on "peek". Perhaps you saw something that you should not have. Or perhaps you are curious about something.
Peanut Butter
To see or eat peanut butter in your dream suggests that you are having difficulties communicating your thoughts and ideas. It may also indicate a misunderstanding; your words are coming out all wrong.
To see or eat peanuts in your dream symbolize the need to get to the truth or core of something. You may also need to start pushing yourself and utilizing your full potential. The peanuts in your dream may be a metaphor for money and what little you have of it. Are you experiencing financial difficulties?
To see a pear in your dream symbolizes the womb and fertility. Thus, it may refer to some female in your life. It is also often associated with the Virgin Mary. The dream may also be a pun on a "pair" of something.
To see a pear tree in your dream represents new opportunities.
To see pearls in your dream symbolize the human soul, inner beauty, perfection, purity and chastity. Alternatively, it represents tears and sadness.
To see a string of pearls in your dream represents conformity and sameness.
To see a black pearl in your dream denotes bad luck. There is a flaw in your thinking.
To see peas in your dream symbolize some minor problems and annoyances that are continually bothering you.
To see a pebble in your dream represents minor difficulties and annoyances in your life.
To dream that you are throwing pebbles suggest that you are feeling hurt by the little things that may seem insignificant. It is symbolic of criticism and gossip.
To dream that you are on a pedestal indicates recognition and honor. You are the object of admiration and are being made an example. Alternatively, it may suggest that your ego is becoming over-inflated. You are showing off.
To see a pedestal in your dream refers to something or someone that you look up to.
To dream that you are getting a pedicure indicates that you are moving in the right direction. You are progressing through life with great confidence, poise and integrity. Perhaps you are also seeking for some recognition for your progress. Alternatively, the dream represents your need to be pampered. You need to kick off your shoes, sit back and relax.
To dream about a pedophile signifies your ultimate fears. If you have come in contact with a pedophile in your waking life, then the dream may be an indicator of some post traumatic stress and professional counsel is recommended.
To dream that you are a pedophile signifies a transitional phase in your life. You want to explore and experiment. This dream may leave you extremely disturbed, ashamed or embarrassed, but it does not necessarily mean that you have pedophilic tendencies. Perhaps you are feeling ambiguous or insecure about your own sexuality.
To dream that you are peeling something represents the shedding away of old ways, habits and conditions. It may also mean that you are finally getting rid of and discarding unneeded exterior pretenses.
To look through a peephole in your dream indicates that you have a narrow perspective on a situation. You need to have all the facts before you can make an informed decision. Alternatively, the dream signifies a non-reciprocating situation. Someone has the upper hand.
To dream that you are peeping on someone signifies mistrust and insecurities. You are feeling uneasy about a situation. Alternatively, the dream indicates your fear of commitment. You are afraid of getting close to some relationship or situation.
To dream that you are being watched suggests that you are feeling confined in your work environment or personal relationship. You feel you are lacking a sense of privacy.
To see Pegasus in your dream symbolizes swiftness and agility. You are able to brave through a stormy relationship.
To see a pelican in your dream represents nurturance, sacrifice, and charity. It indicates your selflessness and how you put others first before yourself. You are always caring for others.
To see your pelvis in your dream represents sexual issues and you sense of masculinity and femininity. You may be dealing with issues of creativity and self-expression.
To see a pen in your dream signifies self-expression and communication. Consider also the phrase of how the pen is mightier than the sword.
To see a pencil in your dream indicates that you are making a temporary impact in a situation. It may also suggest that a relationship will not last long.
To dream that you are sharpening a pencil suggests that you need to be more flexible in your way of thinking. Listen to what others have to say; don't be so quick to reject their views and opinions. Alternatively, to sharpen a pencil means that you need to make your best offer in some business deal. Perhaps the dream is trying to offer you some professional advice on how to close a deal.
To see or wear a pendant in your dream represents your relationships and the desires for unconditional love. You are feeling connected so someone. The dream may also indicate that you are feeling emotionally touched by some situation or by someone.
To see the back and forth swinging of a pendulum suggests that you are experiencing some difficulties or confusion in making an important choice in your life. You are afraid of change. People around you are anxiously awaiting your decision.
To see a penguin in your dream signifies that your problems are not as serious as you may think. It serves as a reminder for you to keep your cool and remain level-headed. Alternatively, seeing a penguin in your dream suggests that you are being weighed down by your emotions or by a negative situation. You need to find some balance and inner harmony.
To see a penis in your dream signifies sexual energy, power, aggression, and fertility. To see an exceptionally large penis suggests doubts and anxieties about your sexual drive and libido.
To see a penny in your dream indicates your fears of poverty or financial loss. Alternatively, the dream is often connected with your talents, energies, and perseverance. Do not underestimate your ability. If the penny is shiny, then it signifies luck.
To find a penny in your dream suggests that you are discovering your hidden talents and are ready to unleash your potential. Consider the common phrase "a penny saved is a penny earned" and how the dream may be telling you to save money.
To see a pentagram in your dream represents humanity and protection. The five points of the pentagram symbolize the connection of your spirit to the earth, air, fire, and water. These elements contribute to various aspect of your well-being. It signifies protection.
To see an inverted pentagram (where the point is facing downward) signifies conflict, negativity and aggression. It is often associated with Satanism and evil. Are you feeling guilty about something? Alternatively, it represents the physical world and your preoccupation with materialistic gains.
To dream that you are in a penthouse represents the creative and spiritual aspect of yourself. You are looking at life from a new perspective and accessing your highest potential.
To see a peony in your dream represents your well thought-out plans and ideas. You need to draw wisdom from your past experiences. Alternatively, a peony represents shyness or bashfulness. Perhaps, you are being overly cautious in your pursuits.
To see people you know in your dream signifies qualities and feelings of them that you desire for yourself. If these people are from your past, then the dream refers to your shadow and other unacknowledged aspects of yourself. It may represent a waking situation that is bringing out similar feelings from your past relationships.
To see people you don't know in your dream denotes hidden aspects of yourself that you need to confront or acknowledge.
To see or taste pepper in your dream indicates that you need to put a little more spice and variety in your life. Alternatively, there may be something that is bothering or irritating you. Your dream may lend a clue to the source of the irritation.