Dreams - P by EloraM23 2012/04/12 04:42
For Other Dream Meanings from A-Z topic id: 2902032

* Around 400+ Dream Meanings For P *


To see the letter "P" in your dream is a pun on "pee" or urine. You need to better express your emotions.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 09:48

To see a plug in your dream represents power, potential and untapped energies. You need to draw from within in order to move forward. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun that you need to stay "plugged in" about some information or news. There is something that you need to be aware of.


To see or eat a plum in your dream symbolizes youth and vitality. The plum may also represent you self-image and the way you feel about your body. Perhaps the dream is a pun on being "plump".

To see a plum tree in your dream represents youth, vitality, and innocence. The dream also indicates that you will overcome some difficulties.


To notice plumage in your dream signifies a need to feel protected and shielded from the elements. It also symbolizes an outward display of strength, triumph and power. You are being a little show-offy.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 09:49

To see a plumber in your dream suggests that there is some emotional issue that you need to deal with instead of letting it clog up within you. Perhaps you need to turn to a friend or even professional help in order to deal with your problems effectively.


To see plumbing in your dream symbolizes the flow of emotions. If the plumbing is clogged up, then it signifies repressed or pent up emotions that needs to be released and expressed. Seeing plumbing may also be a metaphor for your body and its internal working. Thus the dream may point to health concerns.


To dream that you are plunging into something indicates that you are facing some uncertainty in your waking life. You need to be willing to take a risk in order to move forward toward your goals.

To dream that something is plunging in your chest or someone else's chest suggests that you are ignoring some obvious truth. You are refusing to acknowledge and confront the truth.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 09:50

To see a plunger in your dream suggests that you need to force yourself to confront certain emotions. It is hindering your progress and preventing you from moving forward in your life.


To see Pluto in your dream symbolizes death and destruction. You are undergoing a rebirth an a transformation. Your hidden potential will also be unveiled.


To see plywood in your dream represents flexibility and creativity in your way of thinking. Alternatively, it also symbolizes warmth.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 09:56

To see a pocket in your dream represents your hidden talents and undeveloped abilities. You are not utilizing your strengths to the fullest potential. Did you find anything in the pocket? Consider the significance of what is inside the pocket. If the pocket is empty, then it symbolizes the womb and your desire to isolate yourself from others. Alternatively, a pocket symbolizes secrets. If there is a hole in the pocket, then it implies that your resources or abilities are being drained.

Pocket Watch

To see or wear a pocket watch in your dream suggests that you are too overly concerned with time. You are being chained down by time. Be more spontaneous. Alternatively, the dream represents your old fashioned thinking and outdated attitude. You are living in the old ages. The pocket watch may also symbolize the ticking of the human heart and thus is indicative of the emotional side of your life.


To see a pocketknife in your dream suggests a good friend is hiding his or his true feelings.

*Please See Also Knife.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 09:56

To dream that you are standing at a podium suggests that there is something important that you need to say and get out. You need to be heard. Perhaps you are having difficulties conveying your message and it is weighing on your mind. Just let it out! Alternatively, dream that you are at a podium denotes your position of prominence and status. You are an influential figure.


To see or read poetry in your dream signifies inspiration and idealistic notions. It also suggests that you need to improve the lines of communications with someone.

Pogo Stick

To see or play with a pogo stick in your dream represents life's ups and downs. If you do not have control of your pogo stick, then it indicates that you are all over the place in your emotions and thinking. You need to focus and zero in on one issue at a time. Alternatively, being on a pogo stick may be analogous to sex.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 09:57

To see something pointed in your dream represents action, urgency and completion. The dream suggests that you have arrived to a decision or common understanding. Alternatively, the dream may also be a metaphor that there is a point to your dream. Or you need to get your point across.


To dream that you are pointing at someone or something indicates that you need to pay more attention to that particular person or object. The dream may be showing you the way to solving a problem in your waking life.

To dream someone is pointing at you suggests feelings of self guilt or even shame. You are being accused of some wrongdoing.


To see poison in your dream denotes that you need to get rid of something in your life that is causing you much sickness and distress. You need to cleanse and purge away the negativity in your life.

To dream that you ingest or inhale poison indicates that you are introducing something into yourself that is harmful to your well-being. This may be feelings of bitterness, jealousy or other negative feelings that are consuming you.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 09:57
Poison Ivy

To see poison ivy in your dream refers to your vengeful or devious thoughts. It is indicative of resentment, jealousy, and revenge. Alternatively, poison ivy represents a situation, behavior or condition that you need to avoid. Perhaps you need to avoid certain food, habit, person, situation, etc.


To dream that you are being poked represents something that needs your attention. Perhaps the dream is giving you a poke or a nudge to move forward. Thus, the dream may be a pun on being "pokey" or slow. You need to stop sitting around and start accomplishing your goals.


To dream that you are playing poker suggests that a situation in your waking life requires strategy and careful planning. You need to think things through before carrying out your actions. Alternatively, the dream may also be a pun on "poke her". Are you trying to get a girl's attention?

EloraM23 2012/04/12 09:58
Poker Chips

To see poker chips in your dream symbolize the uncertainty of life. Sometimes you need to take a chance.

Polar Bear

To see a polar bear in your dream signifies a reawakening. Alternatively, the polar bear symbolizes your frigid and cold emotions.


To see a pole in your dream represents security and stability. The dream is a reminder that you always have something or someone you can lean on. Alternatively, the dream may also be a phallic symbol.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 09:58
Pole Dancing

To dream that you are pole dancing symbolizes your sexual expression. You need to be more open and expressive with your sexuality. The pole is a phallic symbol. Thus the dream may be analogous to some that you have wrapped around your finger.

Pole Vaulting

To dream that you are pole vaulting indicates that you are trying to overcome some sexual issue.


To see the police in your dream symbolizes structure, rules, power, authority and control. You need to put an end to your reckless behavior or else the law will catch up to you. Alternatively, the dream refers to failure in honoring your obligation and commitments.

To dream that you are arrested by the police suggests that you feel sexually or emotionally restrained because of guilt. The dream may also be a metaphor that you are feeling apprehensive about something.

To dream that you are a police officer represents your own sense of morality and conscience. The dream may serve to guide you down a straight path. If you have recurring dreams that you are a police officer, then it may mean that your past actions are leaving you with guilt. Consider your behavior and actions as the cop. If your

To dream that you are having difficulties contacting the police suggests that you have yet to acknowledge your own authoritativeness in a situation. You need to take control and be in command of the direction of your life.

To dream that you are pulled over by the police suggests that you need to slow down and take things down a notch.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 09:58
Police Car

To see a police car in your dream indicates that help is on the way for you. You are experiencing some inner turmoil and need intervention.

Political Party

To dream of a political party suggests that you need to stand up and defend your beliefs. Be prepared for any dissent and backlash.


To dream that you are a politician indicates that you are being deceptive and manipulative. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are trying to persuade others to support your views and ideas. Perhaps you are abusing your position in some situation in your life.

To see a politician in your dream suggests that you need to choose and take a side. The dream parallels a decision that you need to make in your waking life. Alternatively, the politician may reflect your desires for political office or your interest in world affairs.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 09:59
Polka Dots

To see polka dots in your dream symbolize routine and monotony.

Poll Booth

To see or dream that you are at a poll booth represents your desires to make a difference in your community or society. You want to leave an impact on others. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are feeling boxed in or cornered.


To see or inhale pollen in your dream represents the annoyances in your life. You are feeling irritable. Alternatively, it signifies the sharing and spreading of new ideas.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 09:59

To dream of pollution indicates that you need to clean up your words and thoughts.


To dream that you are playing polo signifies a life of wealth, access and prestige. Alternatively, the dream refers to a patriarchy. You feel that you are living in a male-dominated world.


To see or hear a poltergeist in your dream signifies a lack of control in your life. You are experiencing some disruptions that are hindering your goals.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 09:59

To dream that something is made of polyester suggests that you are just getting by in life. You are satisfied with mediocrity.


To dream of polygamy indicates some unresolved sexual issues. Perhaps you need to be less prudish and explore your sexuality.


To see a polygraph in your dream represents your lack of confidence. You are experiencing a loss of faith in others.

To dream that you are taking a polygraph suggest that it is time to face the facts. You are trying to hide from the pain. Stop being in denial.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 10:00

To see or wear a pomander in your dream signifies protection. You are expressing your concerns about your health.


To see a pomegranate in your dream signifies fertility, good health, life and longevity. The allure and invitation of sex is also indicated. Alternatively, it represents blood.


To see pompoms in your dream symbolize the spirit of competition. The dream is offering you motivation and encouragement to proceed with some endeavor. You need to forge ahead. Alternatively, to see pompoms waving in your dream indicate that you are moving forward in the right direction. Keep doing what you're doing.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 10:00

To see a pond in your dream represents tranquility. You need some more quiet time to yourself. It is a time to reflect on your situation and what is going on in your life. Alternatively, a pond suggests that you keep your feelings contained and in check. You are and emotionally calm.


To see a pony in your dream signifies the playful aspects of your life. It is representative of your unexplored, underdeveloped, or undisciplined power.


To dream that you are wearing a ponytail symbolizes a casual and carefree attitude.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 10:00

*Please See Feces.


To see a poodle in your dream symbolizes an upper class attitude.


To see a pool of water in your dream indicates that you need to acknowledge and understand your feelings. It is time to dive in and deal with those emotions. Alternatively, a pool indicates your desire to be cleansed. You need to wash away the past.

To dream that you are playing or shooting pool represents your competitive nature. You need to learn to win or lose gracefully. Alternatively, shooting pool means that you need to concentrate harder on a problem in your waking life.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 10:01
Pool Table

To see a pool table in your dream suggests that you need to show more cooperation. Perhaps you need to "pool" your efforts together.


To dream that you are poor refers to feelings of inadequacies. You are not utilizing your full potential or are underestimating your self worth. Alternatively, to dream that you are poor symbolizes neglect of your sexual nature. You may be taking on too many responsibilities and working too hard that you are not catering to your sexual self.


To eat or make popcorn in your dream suggests positive growth. You are full of ideas. Some important fact or truth is being made aware to you through the dream. If the popcorn is unpopped, then it symbolizes potential.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 10:02

To see a pope in your dream represents your spiritual guidance, beliefs, and spiritual self. The dream serves to be an inspiration. Alternatively, it may indicate your own self-righteousness, narrow-mindedness, and holier-than-thou attitudes.


To see Popeye in your dream indicates that you have overstepped your boundaries. Perhaps you are forcing your opinions or beliefs on others.


To see a poplar in your dream symbolizes life and vitality.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 10:02

To see a poppy in your dream symbolizes fertility, and abundance. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you need to learn to forget or forgive. You need to let go out the past and look forward to the future.

In particular, if the poppy is red, then it represents a sacrifice that you need to make or have made. It is also symbolic of remembrance.


To see or eat a popsicle in your dream suggests that you need to cool off and not let your temper get out of hand. Alternatively, a popsicle may represent the phallus.


To dream that you are popular signifies your desires to be liked and recognized. You want others to look up to you. Alternatively, the dream represents your insecurities. You are looking for some reaffirmation, encouragement and approval from others.

EloraM23 2012/04/12 10:02

To see or touch porcelain in your dream symbolizes smoothness. Things are going well for you. Alternatively, the dream may also represent some delicate situation. You need to treat it with care.


To dream of a porch represents your personality, your social self, your facade and how you portray yourself to others. Consider the condition and size of the porch. In particular to dream of an enclosed porch suggests of your tendency to distance yourself from others and your desires for privacy. If the porch is open, then it signifies your outgoing nature and welcoming attitude.


To see a porcupine in your dream suggests that you need to look out for yourself and protect yourself from emotional or psychological harm. Trust and honesty are important qualities. Alternatively, a porcupine indicates that there is a situation which you need to approach with openness. Someone in your waking life may be on the defensive and are not be exposing their vulnerabilities.

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