DEATH ARENA {BLOOD BATH EMPIRE} by Resphanto 2012/01/25 10:30
yeah yeah yoh!!! Shaev7 and El-jay lets nail all 'em diss bitches upside down to da Cross wit bones.
Sippin 'em bloods with Straws! You got Brawl? Settle it Here.
Pin and Submit.

Resphanto 2012/02/05 10:01
Nice One!
I thought dissing is over.
yeah but i still love u spittin yr rhymes over again /smiley

SLEEKGURL 2012/02/05 10:08
Everyone follow ma translation cos we're gonna take over the whole nation.
Make nigga's work on our plantation.
Train this dudes,like young teams in play station.
Step into the kitchen,the boss want corn.
And follow my leads when I say come.
When I started this rap,I was bout fifteen.
One touch's number one rap rating.
Trying all ma best to join the fifth team.
Cos ma flows are clean,and ma words supreme.
I met 2wap rap dudes this year.
I was like guys lets make it clear.
Leaving all dissing game outta here.
And the rooms gonna do great,I SWEAR!

SLEEKGURL 2012/02/05 10:12
Quote: Resphanto: yeah but i still love u spittin yr rhymes over again /smiley

you know am a die hard too.

Yes I eat beef but right now,am fasting.
I don't even want any dude,while hacking.
If you want drama,ama holla when am acting.
Am evergreen everready,everlasting.

Resphanto 2012/02/05 10:48
yeah going in

dirty games KEEPs^PUSHIN/am sick,i dnt feel fine bt i KEEP^BLUSHIN/am a BOSS witout PASSENGERS/too high to see ma friends,i call 'em STRANGERS/i could despise YA'LL/bt i wouldnt wanna hate YA'LL/cos i miss YA'LL/like da desert miss da RAIN/jail full of broken CHAINs/its time to burst FREE/together we stomp diss nd da emenies FLEE/like da were casted out like demons into da SWINE/wats yours is MINE/hard core rappers hits rapbattlez hood nd war broke out in da EAST/now we all try to kill da BEAST/we all love peace lets gather up our PIECES/like Rihanna nd brown we leave diss DUECES/Sleek Gal is one of her KIND/i gat no hate for Narcotics on ma MIND/Yungboss is da faster learner EVER/always green u rep FOREVER/Jamol da peace MAKER/da first Mod KILLER/witout ya'll there will be no ME/i could diss da world dat i dnt MEAN/2wap made me TO^DAY/to love all nd nt TO^SLAY/


narcoticz313 2012/02/05 12:48
Plzzzzzzz bitches
jamolus2003 2012/02/05 13:18
Quote: narcoticz313: plzzzzzzz bitches
hey bro, i aint gay bt amma let u knw dat i like U.
I bet u wonderin y, so amma tell U
cos wen u came in2 2wap durin dat rap battlE
u encouraged me, made me feel like a pro and sure it did boost ma IQ.
I hope u nw undastand d reason y i HYPE U.
M tellin u all these nt cos i need a thank U
bt 2 let u knw dat every1 here wants 2 stand as a pple nd not TWO

narcoticz313 2012/02/05 16:30
Quote: jamolus2003: hey bro, i aint gay bt amma let u knw dat i like U.
I bet u wonderin y, so amma tell U
cos wen u came in2 2wap durin dat rap battlE
u encouraged me, made me feel like a pro and sure it did boost ma IQ.
I hope u nw undastand d reason y i HYPE U.
M tellin u all these nt cos i need a thank U
bt 2 let u knw dat every1 here wants 2 stand as a pple nd not TWO
Oh ok that's good to knw bt dude nw ure making me afraid/scared for my tushy right nw I've gotta find a tree and hide it in the shade lol/wheres all the brawling?we are here to entertain,can't you hear 2wap calling ?/ive got my beef and I intend to finish it/so if ure not happy with it go get ur self a replica/cus this narcoticz doesn't step down frm anything/i only put my penis into everything...come on challenge me ill take use on mentally/break your spirit that ul hurt urself physically,pulling a miz and qoute my shxt with "REALLY"/im barely sane I can't even see straight so that's why wen I rap all I see is that pricks face(RESS)/hate me if use wanna bt remember this at the end of the day ill take my stress out in ur mother/im uncontrolable,I'm somebody u cannot tame,I came in this game alone and ill be all alone wen I decide to hang up the mic and take my ass home,call me wack call me shxt I dnt give a fuck cus after all of this use loved my beware watch ur back cus out of nothing ill go in with a full attack

Resphanto 2012/02/05 23:23
Quote: narcoticz313: Oh ok that's good to knw bt dude nw ure making me afraid/scared for my tushy right nw I've gotta find a tree and hide it in the shade lol/wheres all the brawling?we are here to entertain,can't you hear 2wap calling ?/ive got my beef and I intend to finish it/so if ure not happy with it go get ur self a replica/cus this narcoticz doesn't step down frm anything/i only put my penis into everything...come on challenge me ill take use on mentally/break your spirit that ul hurt urself physically,pulling a miz and qoute my shxt with "REALLY"/im barely sane I can't even see straight so that's why wen I rap all I see is that pricks face(RESS)/hate me if use wanna bt remember this at the end of the day ill take my stress out in ur mother/im uncontrolable,I'm somebody u cannot tame,I came in this game alone and ill be all alone wen I decide to hang up the mic and take my ass home,call me wack call me shxt I dnt give a fuck cus after all of this use loved my beware watch ur back cus out of nothing ill go in with a full attack
its like u want it hard..okay i gat it all for ya

Yungboss 2012/02/06 08:37
Hey hey man, wats hannin, hey Phanto put a match with N.A.C n let me drink d loser's blood
Resphanto 2012/02/06 09:18
Quote: Yungboss: Hey hey man, wats hannin, hey Phanto put a match with N.A.C n let me drink d loser's blood
ok but dats if da lame ass is ready for battle..

narcoticz313 2012/02/06 09:33
First u come out of nowhere and diss me for da past few weeks n nw u wanna kiss my ass as if its something there something wrong with you ?
jamolus2003 2012/02/06 10:46
^Attention^ y'all cos am abt 2 drop a ^high tension^ on sum nigga's name m nt gonna ^mention^... Jst like a hungry vampire/ m seekin a victim right here in blood empire/ ready 2 hang a tire/ on him nd ignite him with fire/ break his head in2 numerous ^places^n^pieces^ like broken ^plates^n^dishes^. There aint tym 4 ^disses^ jst one thread nd i'll grant u ur deadly ideath ^wishes^....... Hahaha no 1 shld get it twisted/ dis is jst a freestyl instead/ though m sumtyms so wicked/ ma lyrics r dreaded/ cos its metaphorically treated./ M so gifted/ handsome guy hangin aut wit fresh guys, our glasses beautifully tinted/ if u cnt fit in ma crew, we'll have u evicted/
[jamolus] m holdin ma ^cutlass^ waitin 2 ^cut ass^

SLEEKGURL 2012/02/06 12:21
Quote: narcoticz313: First u come out of nowhere and diss me for da past few weeks n nw u wanna kiss my ass as if its something there something wrong with you ?

Let me face him alone,let someone create a topic "SLEEKGURL VS NARCOTICZ".I love to see a predator becoming a prey.

narcoticz313 2012/02/06 12:46
Let me face him alone,let someone create a topic "SLEEKGURL VS NARCOTICZ".I love to see a predator becoming a prey.
lol sleekgurl nw u wanna beef me too

Resphanto 2012/02/06 13:44
Quote: narcoticz313: lol sleekgurl nw u wanna beef me too
u fuckin suck...which of 'em do u want cemetary or grave(YungBoss or SleekGal) choose one..asshole!

Resphanto 2012/02/06 13:48
Let me face him alone,let someone create a topic "SLEEKGURL VS NARCOTICZ".I love to see a predator becoming a prey.
i got u

narcoticz313 2012/02/06 14:01
Go die of malnutrition you starving piece of hungry shxt.hw about you
narcoticz313 2012/02/06 14:11
I've got an idea! Little slut aka resphanto. Y don't you take on sleek gurl cus it seems to me as if ure scared of her and trying to avoid da battle,uve being a bit to much up her arse lately.I have no reason to battle sleek she is my frend I dnt knw wat her prob is with me buuuuuut yeah who gives a I call u n sleek to battle use had beef so verse each other n prove me wrong n show me u aint scared.bitch

narcoticz313 2012/02/06 14:12
Nt nice hey ress wen other ppl call a match up for you is it.
SLEEKGURL 2012/02/06 15:11
Quote: narcoticz313: lol sleekgurl nw u wanna beef me too

we all agreed on peace but you seem to be the odd one out.

Replies: 125

#49 Rap BattleZ
Engage in lyrical battles with other 2wap rappers. Not for the easily-offended.