jamolus2003: hey bro, i aint gay bt amma let u knw dat i like U.
I bet u wonderin y, so amma tell U
cos wen u came in2 2wap durin dat rap battlE
u encouraged me, made me feel like a pro and sure it did boost ma IQ.
I hope u nw undastand d reason y i HYPE U.
M tellin u all these nt cos i need a thank U
bt 2 let u knw dat every1 here wants 2 stand as a pple nd not TWO
Oh ok that's good to knw bt dude nw ure making me afraid/scared for my tushy right nw I've gotta find a tree and hide it in the shade lol/wheres all the brawling?we are here to entertain,can't you hear 2wap calling ?/ive got my beef and I intend to finish it/so if ure not happy with it go get ur self a replica/cus this narcoticz doesn't step down frm anything/i only put my penis into everything...come on challenge me ill take use on mentally/break your spirit that ul hurt urself physically,pulling a miz and qoute my shxt with "REALLY"/im barely sane I can't even see straight so that's why wen I rap all I see is that pricks face(RESS)/hate me if use wanna bt remember this at the end of the day ill take my stress out in ur mother/im uncontrolable,I'm somebody u cannot tame,I came in this game alone and ill be all alone wen I decide to hang up the mic and take my ass home,call me wack call me shxt I dnt give a fuck cus after all of this use loved my stuff.so beware watch ur back cus out of nothing ill go in with a full attack