DEATH ARENA {BLOOD BATH EMPIRE} by Resphanto2012/01/25 10:30 yeah yeah yoh!!! Shaev7 and El-jay lets nail all 'em diss bitches upside down to da Cross wit bones.
Sippin 'em bloods with Straws! You got Brawl? Settle it Here.
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Yungboss2012/02/14 10:41 GAY^LEVEL/ u've mess with the DARE^DEVIL/,an when im done with u, u 4ever stuck in da HOE^LEVEL/(low level)moda4ka im retarded u cant even match ME/i got diamonds on ma dick ur mother suckd it ICY/ from GRASS to GRACE/I've won alota big RACE/(diss) i call urs a RAT^RACE/u stuckd in 1 PAGE/ while i'm up to da 10th PAGE/so im shxttin on u boi cum eat ma FAECES/ma flow bacte~rium suffa d DEATH^FLOW^DISEASES/yes boi im a back stabber, i stabb ur FAMILY/ they bleed HEAVILY/Lucky u werent there cuz u wnt live to tell d STORY/im a dead man WALKIN'/and i am, bitch! i got no SOUL/im ur worst nightmare WALKIN'/ and im cumin for ya SOUL/and nobody can save u, nt even ur dick~headed~MOTHER/ or ya pussy~headed~FATHER/im a zombie eat u alive n pluck out ur DUCK^BLADDER/ u tink u got flowz boi, u must be KON^FUSE/wen i shoot these beta hide ur ass cuz im just like TOM^CRUISE/or betta still get ur ass COVERD/cuz u jst a one ass PERVERT/u cnt even match with on ma CREWZ/take a battle with the Sleek^est^gurl, n go home with a bunch of WOOOOOOOZ/boi i built a porn industry in ya mum PUSSY/i realize more money so i buy me a GUCCI,wen u saw money in ma biznes u decided to turn ursef into a HOE^GAY^STUPID/Respect my Con^glo^mer^ate bitch, Cuz we forever will Boss YOU/u just a lost chicken in d desert waitin for them to Eat YOU/... Sucker
Y.B.S.G d Reallest with Double S.
narcoticz3132012/02/14 13:12 Humpty dumpty sat on the wall...god dammit
Quote: GhoSTRiDeR: All those who fits the parameter
COWARD's Statement
SLEEKGURL2012/02/15 07:39 The room is on fire and now I don laff tire.
Laughter gotten muscles that can tear ones attire.
I won't stop laughing am ain't gonna retire.
Watching the room films like shrek mike myres.
Jaylevel2012/02/15 13:45 [quoteYungboss]GAY^LEVEL/ u've mess with the DARE^DEVIL/,an when im done with u, u 4ever stuck in da HOE^LEVEL/(low level)moda4ka im retarded u cant even match ME/i got diamonds on ma dick ur mother suckd it ICY/ from GRASS to GRACE/I've won alota big RACE/(diss) i call urs a RAT^RACE/u stuckd in 1 PAGE/ while i'm up to da 10th PAGE/so im shxttin on u boi cum eat ma FAECES/ma flow bacte~rium suffa d DEATH^FLOW^DISEASES/yes boi im a back stabber, i stabb ur FAMILY/ they bleed HEAVILY/Lucky u werent there cuz u wnt live to tell d STORY/im a dead man WALKIN'/and i am, bitch! i got no SOUL/im ur worst nightmare WALKIN'/ and im cumin for ya SOUL/and nobody can save u, nt even ur dick~headed~MOTHER/ or ya pussy~headed~FATHER/im a zombie eat u alive n pluck out ur DUCK^BLADDER/ u tink u got flowz boi, u must be KON^FUSE/wen i shoot these beta hide ur ass cuz im just like TOM^CRUISE/or betta still get ur ass COVERD/cuz u jst a one ass PERVERT/u cnt even match with on ma CREWZ/take a battle with the Sleek^est^gurl, n go home with a bunch of WOOOOOOOZ/boi i built a porn industry in ya mum PUSSY/i realize more money so i buy me a GUCCI,wen u saw money in ma biznes u decided to turn ursef into a HOE^GAY^STUPID/Respect my Con^glo^mer^ate bitch, Cuz we forever will Boss YOU/u just a lost chicken in d desert waitin for them to Eat YOU/... Sucker
Y.B.S.G d Reallest with Double S.[/quote]haha...wot a fool yu are. U antagonising yourself flop, u said yu are retarded, yu are a dead man walkin and yu ain't gat soul.
Jaylevel2012/02/15 14:15 Listen...u entered wit no *MANNER* nd I know u inherited it from ur dildo fuckin *MAMA*. Spitting "NONSENSE" flowz without "SENSE" makes u a *LOSER*. Yea, dats d *LOGIC* nd it ain't no *MAGIC*, my flows gonna make u go crapper coz their *FANTASTIC*. Rap battlez is not for losers lik yu Young *FLOP*. U should be in the farm working hard to grow a furkin *CROP*. Yu don't need to tell me coz I *KNOW*. Spitting insane flows like a *PSYCHO*. I think I should let yu know what i'm made *OF*. I'm a guy that doesn't retreat nd I'm so *TOUGH*. Ur moma's always fucking a *DILDO*. God saved "ME" when she tried to rape "ME" Coz I can't fuck the mother of a retarded in her *BURROW*. With her pawpaw like breast she likes *SEX*. Always asking for more coz her pussy is *COMPLEX*. Yu need not to say yu are *RETARDED* coz we know yu should be in the sick *BED*. Yu souless being of a dildo furkin mother with ur hammer like *HEAD*. Dead man walkin indeed, yu do not belong this *WORLD*. A flop has no usefulness even in another *WORLD*. U think u *SCARY* but ur tales are *FAIRY* lik tom and *JERRY*. When I'm done cooking yu, yu'll go *WEARY*.
Quote: Jaylevel: Listen...u entered wit no *MANNER* nd I know u inherited it from ur dildo fuckin *MAMA*. Spitting "NONSENSE" flowz without "SENSE" makes u a *LOSER*. Yea, dats d *LOGIC* nd it ain't no *MAGIC*, my flows gonna make u go crapper coz their *FANTASTIC*. Rap battlez is not for losers lik yu Young *FLOP*. U should be in the farm working hard to grow a furkin *CROP*. Yu don't need to tell me coz I *KNOW*. Spitting insane flows like a *PSYCHO*. I think I should let yu know what i'm made *OF*. I'm a guy that doesn't retreat nd I'm so *TOUGH*. Ur moma's always fucking a *DILDO*. God saved "ME" when she tried to rape "ME" Coz I can't fuck the mother of a retarded in her *BURROW*. With her pawpaw like breast she likes *SEX*. Always asking for more coz her pussy is *COMPLEX*. Yu need not to say yu are *RETARDED* coz we know yu should be in the sick *BED*. Yu souless being of a dildo furkin mother with ur hammer like *HEAD*. Dead man walkin indeed, yu do not belong this *WORLD*. A flop has no usefulness even in another *WORLD*. U think u *SCARY* but ur tales are *FAIRY* lik tom and *JERRY*. When I'm done cooking yu, yu'll go *WEARY*.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This guy means no joke at all but still I'll laugh
Bring it straight if you really wanna fight me/Ya little pinches doesnt bother me you think you can bite me/You motha I make it all clear/Just leave the damn floor if you have any fear/If you wanna hide just close ya door-slider/You are gonna scream cos here comes GhoSTRiDeR/wHEn i give little respect dont think it's cowardy/just bring it on straight & dont show off ur poverty/My level is up and standards are high/my flows tell everything & you rhyme just lie/You dont even stand anywhere infront of me/Its next to impossible to get & hunt off me/Im humiliaiting reality of ur endangered species/I'll make you face truth and come out of ur fantacies/Dont make me angry ever cos it wont be nice/M gonna make ur azz sing like Akon Ft. Obie trice/think about 100 times before you mess with me/You black piece of shxt wanna play chess with me/Just quit begging like bitch cos you've got no game/mess with me once & you gonna remember my name/You are like a baby playing with her toys/Dont enter the place it's hell of hardcore boys/Go back to change your diaper till you lick ya lollypop/Dont wander around me cos i know the hIpHoP/You are sleek or multinick I dont care cos ur weak/M gonna fuck you in a minute and throw you at the peak/Get ur ass steady cos it's jumping like spider/Quit the challenge before I challenge cos it's the challenge of GhoSTRiDeR!
Quote: GhoSTRiDeR:
Bring it straight if you really wanna fight me/Ya little pinches doesnt bother me you think you can bite me/You motha I make it all clear/Just leave the damn floor if you have any fear/If you wanna hide just close ya door-slider/You are gonna scream cos here comes GhoSTRiDeR/wHEn i give little respect dont think it's cowardy/just bring it on straight & dont show off ur poverty/My level is up and standards are high/my flows tell everything & you rhyme just lie/You dont even stand anywhere infront of me/Its next to impossible to get & hunt off me/Im humiliaiting reality of ur endangered species/I'll make you face truth and come out of ur fantacies/Dont make me angry ever cos it wont be nice/M gonna make ur azz sing like Akon Ft. Obie trice/think about 100 times before you mess with me/You black piece of shxt wanna play chess with me/Just quit begging like bitch cos you've got no game/mess with me once & you gonna remember my name/You are like a baby playing with her toys/Dont enter the place it's hell of hardcore boys/Go back to change your diaper till you lick ya lollypop/Dont wander around me cos i know the hIpHoP/You are sleek or multinick I dont care cos ur weak/M gonna fuck you in a minute and throw you at the peak/Get ur ass steady cos it's jumping like spider/Quit the challenge before I challenge cos it's the challenge of GhoSTRiDeR!
Quote: narcoticz313: sleekgurl ....slaughter this tranny.
Sleekgurl ran away and you came to be fucked alone/Either you are her slave or one of her clone/M gonna fuck you from your browser take care of ur cellphone/be seated in a chair it'll save ur backbone/Last time I announce hea save him anyone/Cos unable saving yaself as ur the tranny one/...Norcotic antic with no attic Critic says ur fanatic/Egoistic overdramatic Ur rhymes are just like pathetic/Ur parasitic life with psychotic think/Nobody admire ur pirated sink/Just don't drop off when nobody ask you/SomeOne gonna trouble you and gonna unmask you/Take a deep breath & sleep in your bed/Think like it's a dream which you never had
Yungboss2012/02/16 20:49 Im dead, im out, blood in ma MIND/Grab ma A.K. n Dagger guess its Hunting TIME/ with the volcany eruptin in my eyez, i cnt c who is TALKIN/that dick is muda4kin small tink i need a MICRO^SCOPIC/i've been busy workin on ma CROP/(flowz),yea bitch nigga i KNOW/ya flowz r as lazy as dat ur SLUT/(mother), so pussy gay im on da GO/u tink ur flows fantastic, wel that means ur MENT^ALLY^DER^ANGE/Ha! Look at ur shxt boy ur goin IN^SA^NE/u so wack, punches r so LAME/I'll 4eva boss u punk LUNATIC/u so loony, so PATHE^TIC/im so GOON/u so WAD/ima eat u like a FOOD/but really u taste BAD/I descend on you like an acient GOBLIN/Eatin u family up like a wasted PUMPKIN/so much flows in ma blood yes boi im goin PHSYCO/im so retarded n wasted, n now im goin LOCO/i cn c why u talk about my MOTHER/cuz u r senseless, Brainless, gay u got nothin to OFFER/i'm on one n thats tearin n stitchin u up with a SICKLE/killin pricks like you makes me GIGGLE/Shootin these punches like a NEEDLE/Makin u hide unda ur mother's NIPPLE/shxt boi u so AFRAID/i havnt even started n u are DEAD*in ya BED/no dildo to play with so u wet on ya BED/u talk fairies NIGGA/and ima kill u n hang u in ma Door NIGGA/u 4eva gon stuck on da Low NIGGA/ima smoke u up n make d kush writing Doom NIGGA/
Jaylevel2012/02/18 09:02 Here I sit in my dissin outfit spittin shxt at this meat as we meet.
I slit without mercy as i'm been served ur meat bit by bit while I eat ur body down to the de^FEAT (the feet).
My flow was too deadly so I destroyed it but here I am again makin another one to destroy and bury yu in the bottomless pit.
I cast a death SPELL upon yu so that yu can die and live in HELL.
I spill blood everywhere I go.
I know yu'd be like is that so.
Don't be afraid and lets settle this in a battle where it is just we two.
I'm thinkin of how good it's gonna be slaying yu this wanna be.
With your foul flows I'll slay you like a fowl.
Making other weak rapper like you bow.
Dissing to the fullest in the contest i'm the best.
Jaylevel the slayer and no other rest.
Quote: GhoSTRiDeR:
Bring it straight if you really wanna fight me/Ya little pinches doesnt bother me you think you can bite me/You motha I make it all clear/Just leave the damn floor if you have any fear/If you wanna hide just close ya door-slider/You are gonna scream cos here comes GhoSTRiDeR/wHEn i give little respect dont think it's cowardy/just bring it on straight & dont show off ur poverty/My level is up and standards are high/my flows tell everything & you rhyme just lie/You dont even stand anywhere infront of me/Its next to impossible to get & hunt off me/Im humiliaiting reality of ur endangered species/I'll make you face truth and come out of ur fantacies/Dont make me angry ever cos it wont be nice/M gonna make ur azz sing like Akon Ft. Obie trice/think about 100 times before you mess with me/You black piece of shxt wanna play chess with me/Just quit begging like bitch cos you've got no game/mess with me once & you gonna remember my name/You are like a baby playing with her toys/Dont enter the place it's hell of hardcore boys/Go back to change your diaper till you lick ya lollypop/Dont wander around me cos i know the hIpHoP/You are sleek or multinick I dont care cos ur weak/M gonna fuck you in a minute and throw you at the peak/Get ur ass steady cos it's jumping like spider/Quit the challenge before I challenge cos it's the challenge of GhoSTRiDeR!
Lets Go!
When I met your mom,she was just a cheap stripper.
I was like wow wow wow,get a diaper.
Hairy ass that needs to get a clipper.
Poisonous fluids,strong enough to kill a viper.
When I met your dad,he was a gay ass licker.
I was like hahahaha,get a filter.
Cos he drink gay cums in liter.
Like a malaria drug quack administer.
When I met your sister,he pussy was in stitch.
She fuck any long thing like a switch.
She loves dick like she's such a dick witch.
When I pounced on you,you&ur mom were making PORN.
My dogs were like wow wow wow wow SON.
Let me give you a translation.
Your brain is on hibernation.
I know you have fished but feed on worms.
And you had your mouth only washed once.
Sick son of a dildo fucking mother.
So many of your kind that I have to murder.
I don't take shxts not even from your father.
Cos thats where he will be,no room to go farther.
I run the hood like you dad's manhood hits the wood!
DR.SWIFT2012/05/07 06:13 u were back slid3rs in d syfer days/having chicks like u never gaged
STR33TZ2012/06/22 04:50 Here's a link to a free beat letz see which cat can kill it better!
El-jay2012/06/30 05:48 here's a link to eat my cum...
i diss any1 who pokes his head outta da wrong hole/
killed a bitch while fucking, damn i hit da wrong hole!/
el-jay street killa each day i get iller/
jay now on a world tour now ain't it great?/
getting money no plans of escape/
if ur bitch pass my estate, i got a hard dick for her to skate/
haha, still sick in da head the hood be ma clinic/
dumping body bags in ma clit-pit... damn dats a mean one
shout out to shaev7 da illest butch in dis bitch/
we still teach y'all how ta rap and u dont gettit!/
words so hard,stand a mile away and u still get it/
stand ashore or bay, da water still flowing/
da river in ma yard...still da drown spot/
ma victims die b4 they see me... just another jay rhyme for y'all to think about/
fucking faggots in diz zone, got a dick in they mouth/
i hate fags and amma keep dissing till they all die/
haha, damn! sleezy shxt, eat clit, load clips and BOOM in yar face niggazzz!!
Liptea212012/07/28 08:37 Hey.yo yo ok.i know i own u a ciggerate not even a job.u rape lyk a dog.forget a bout rape u speak lyk a 1. Will challange dam..just a freesytle.haha
Rebellion2013/03/23 15:56 I sought the hell in me FOR^U/ I'd be the one man to decide what'd be ya FORTUNE/ M the most famous personality in the world I'v been featured in THE^TRIBUNE/ M standing still in the ring and you're jumpin' like A BABOON/ Take ya time Prepare urself motherfuckin well Dnt be satisfied SO^SOON/ M gonna punch u like Mike tyson & that wud be ma moment you wont RUIN/ I rap with ease and play in 6'9 position like we're havin' HONEYMOON/ M the holiest person on earth Certified by every historian & I drink blood with APOSTLE^SPOON/ Ma bloodiest movie coming soon...