DEATH ARENA {BLOOD BATH EMPIRE} by Resphanto 2012/01/25 10:30
yeah yeah yoh!!! Shaev7 and El-jay lets nail all 'em diss bitches upside down to da Cross wit bones.
Sippin 'em bloods with Straws! You got Brawl? Settle it Here.
Pin and Submit.

Yungboss 2012/01/26 18:00
Why his mum pussy got covered by cobweb.
[/quote]nw that would be an ancient pussy, hahahaha you guyz r killin me /smiley

Resphanto 2012/01/26 20:53
am still on a Skimpy...movin slow-MO/all diss are jst ma DEMO/bitch spit evrything u've got to SAY/cos wen i fully RETURN//u gonna be beggin to STAY/wen u see me dnt even try to RUN//or HIDE/cos am so WILD/i have ma EYEZ/all over d SKY/like STARS/yr brain is so NUMB/u can barely talk cos u re damn DUMB/SickyGal u had better keep yr HEAD^LOW/cos ma nocturnal VISIT//will make yr fuckin HEAD^ROLL/u fuckin NIT-WIT/2WAP knows dat i hav got a real KNACK/for KILLIN//bitches like u and make u feel SMACKED/after yr blood SPILLIN//MUR'FUCKER!!!.....i hav walked through d VALLEY//of shadow of DEATH/bitchass ama slay u up make u REALLY//REGRET/SickyGal is just tryin to be HOT/but u re NOT/so y dnt u just keep yr fuckin mouth SHUT/or i block it wif Narcoticz cork,u fuckin IDIOT/ u cant even RAP//or RHYME/....i wonder wat u re doin in rapbattlez on 2WAP//at diss TIME/i dnt battle..i jst do freestyles wit lame bitches like u cos u gat a lot to loose,yr life is nofin but a catalogue of DIS^A^STER/so hard u try to DISS^A^STAR/so y not find yr way FORWARD/u fuckin COWARD/

i gat ma eyes on Yungboss...fuckin back
i gat ya'll on ma palm...jst waitin for da right time to DISS da WORLD...dats my JOB


narcoticz313 2012/01/27 02:36
Quote: Resphanto: am still on a Skimpy...movin slow-MO/all diss are jst ma DEMO/bitch spit evrything u've got to SAY/cos wen i fully RETURN//u gonna be beggin to STAY/wen u see me dnt even try to RUN//or HIDE/cos am so WILD/i have ma EYEZ/all over d SKY/like STARS/yr brain is so NUMB/u can barely talk cos u re damn DUMB/SickyGal u had better keep yr HEAD^LOW/cos ma nocturnal VISIT//will make yr fuckin HEAD^ROLL/u fuckin NIT-WIT/2WAP knows dat i hav got a real KNACK/for KILLIN//bitches like u and make u feel SMACKED/after yr blood SPILLIN//MUR'FUCKER!!!.....i hav walked through d VALLEY//of shadow of DEATH/bitchass ama slay u up make u REALLY//REGRET/SickyGal is just tryin to be HOT/but u re NOT/so y dnt u just keep yr fuckin mouth SHUT/or i block it wif Narcoticz cork,u fuckin IDIOT/ u cant even RAP//or RHYME/....i wonder wat u re doin in rapbattlez on 2WAP//at diss TIME/i dnt battle..i jst do freestyles wit lame bitches like u cos u gat a lot to loose,yr life is nofin but a catalogue of DIS^A^STER/so hard u try to DISS^A^STAR/so y not find yr way FORWARD/u fuckin COWARD/

i gat ma eyes on Yungboss...fuckin back
i gat ya'll on ma palm...jst waitin for da right time to DISS da WORLD...dats my JOB

and this bitch says I cnt ryhme or rap bt listen to this ....I gat yall on my palm....just waiting for the right time to diss the world...that's my job".nw tell me does that even ryhme ?thts this slut ressys rhymes Lol amazing hw u cn give a idoit a forum that says rap battles n he thinks hz a hardcore mc who cnt even ryhme B with E...thanx for listening FUCK YOU LATER

Yungboss 2012/01/27 03:47
ooh ma teacher got his eyez on me lol.
Resphanto 2012/01/27 06:55
Quote: narcoticz313: and this bitch says I cnt ryhme or rap bt listen to this ....I gat yall on my palm....just waiting for the right time to diss the world...that's my job".nw tell me does that even ryhme ?thts this slut ressys rhymes Lol amazing hw u cn give a idoit a forum that says rap battles n he thinks hz a hardcore mc who cnt even ryhme B with E...thanx for listening FUCK YOU LATER
omg Narcoticz yr da biggest fool have ever come acrossed in ma life..damn it...those part was jst a note and nt rhymes ,were u so fuckin blind to see dat rhymes ends wit bars like dis /
bitch check the pinned u will see ''skollin ya'' go and learn rap battlin from da ridument b4 u spit a word here....aarrggghh

Resphanto 2012/01/27 07:00
Quote: Yungboss: ooh ma teacher got his eyez on me lol.
still watchin..aint movin on wit snitches...

narcoticz313 2012/01/27 07:41
Quote: Resphanto: omg Narcoticz yr da biggest fool have ever come acrossed in ma life..damn it...those part was jst a note and nt rhymes ,were u so fuckin blind to see dat rhymes ends wit bars like dis /
bitch check the pinned u will see ''skollin ya'' go and learn rap battlin from da ridument b4 u spit a word here....aarrggghh
ok mr transexual keep telling yourself that,I must learn to rap hahaha so me rapping underground winning contests n opening da show for locnville in stellenbosch means I cnt rap plzzzz I've got a future indis game ur just some prick rapping over the web with ryhmes so lame dat dnt even make sense most of the time..

Yungboss 2012/01/27 07:46
Quote: Resphanto: still watchin..aint movin on wit snitches...
ey man hope i aint b d 1 snitchin' am i?

SLEEKGURL 2012/01/31 22:50
Quote: Resphanto: am still on a Skimpy...movin slow-MO/all diss are jst ma DEMO/bitch spit evrything u've got to SAY/cos wen i fully RETURN//u gonna be beggin to STAY/wen u see me dnt even try to RUN//or HIDE/cos am so WILD/i have ma EYEZ/all over d SKY/like STARS/yr brain is so NUMB/u can barely talk cos u re damn DUMB/SickyGal u had better keep yr HEAD^LOW/cos ma nocturnal VISIT//will make yr fuckin HEAD^ROLL/u fuckin NIT-WIT/2WAP knows dat i hav got a real KNACK/for KILLIN//bitches like u and make u feel SMACKED/after yr blood SPILLIN//MUR'FUCKER!!!.....i hav walked through d VALLEY//of shadow of DEATH/bitchass ama slay u up make u REALLY//REGRET/SickyGal is just tryin to be HOT/but u re NOT/so y dnt u just keep yr fuckin mouth SHUT/or i block it wif Narcoticz cork,u fuckin IDIOT/ u cant even RAP//or RHYME/....i wonder wat u re doin in rapbattlez on 2WAP//at diss TIME/i dnt battle..i jst do freestyles wit lame bitches like u cos u gat a lot to loose,yr life is nofin but a catalogue of DIS^A^STER/so hard u try to DISS^A^STAR/so y not find yr way FORWARD/u fuckin COWARD/

i gat ma eyes on Yungboss...fuckin back
i gat ya'll on ma palm...jst waitin for da right time to DISS da WORLD...dats my JOB


Lets Go!
Twinkle Twinkle Ressy's star.
Now you know what you are.
In case you don't know what you are.
Psychartric Hospital is not far.
I always though you had brain or you're smart.
Now you've proved you're just a worthless mat.
And we're all gonna match you till you're flat.
Ressy-fool always acting like a hopeless rat.
Bad son from the stables of bad parent.
I heard your mom sold her pants to pay house rent.
My flows gonna choke you,make no comment.
Cos I know you dad was shocked by an electric fish current.
And your illiterate there thought it was an earthquake.
I've got messages for him when he is awake.
Let him put his bald head down and try MICHAEL JACKSON's MOON WALK.
Or take that bald head to a barber for MOHAWK.
I told you am big and large just like collosus.
They'll have caught me but SLEEKGURL is so dangerous.
Killing Resphanto's family as if am spartacus.
Am not that merciful,am not JESUS.
Don't even move a muscule claiming you wanna DISS US.

narcoticz313 2012/02/01 04:39
Ressys penis is like a peanut/they say men come frm mars but bitch u hail frm venis like a female with big nuts/u all up here dissing ppl so freely/bt wen we diss you u end up having ur periods through ur penis/hating on sleek cus she's got flow and rythme/u diss ur own crew player,ur like dat small snake inda grass whose supposed to bite bt bitch u cn hardly even spit venom/ I bet you sport that short mini denim/like a real woman getting all dressed up getting ready for her first threesome/ure like a real wannabee mc/u spit lines then get ppl to karma it and get em against eres a message to you bitch leave sleel alone or we will skin you n ur entire crew into pieces n leave u naked inda cold with just bone yo.WHITEDAWGETEM TD.warning shot to ressy the undercover female mc
SLEEKGURL 2012/02/01 07:53
Quote: narcoticz313: Ressys penis is like a peanut/they say men come frm mars but bitch u hail frm venis like a female with big nuts/u all up here dissing ppl so freely/bt wen we diss you u end up having ur periods through ur penis/hating on sleek cus she's got flow and rythme/u diss ur own crew player,ur like dat small snake inda grass whose supposed to bite bt bitch u cn hardly even spit venom/ I bet you sport that short mini denim/like a real woman getting all dressed up getting ready for her first threesome/ure like a real wannabee mc/u spit lines then get ppl to karma it and get em against eres a message to you bitch leave sleel alone or we will skin you n ur entire crew into pieces n leave u naked inda cold with just bone yo.WHITEDAWGETEM TD.warning shot to ressy the undercover female mc

hahahaha Narc leave that beast suffering from brain tumor.
Dumb shaev7 called him heavyweight,to me its a rumour.
If he's lies let him tell his mama more.
I've always been there,as the world class glamour.
I LAUGH AT YOU,ressy heavyweight feather.
Guess what you are,bad son of many fathers.
You can survive much claiming you're a wack rapper.
But you can keep blooming being a wine tapper.
Ressy call askari,lemme kill you both.
Words got you down like 6000volts.
Words ain't just enough am thunderbolt.
You're just a dead meat,thats why I gat you quote(d).

SLEEKGURL 2012/02/01 08:12
One Two Three!
I Still Thrill.
Ressy come here lemme fix your billz.
Too much murder thrills,shaev7 I slaughter stillz.
And you know its till death before ma baller chillz.
Oh yeah,am never stopping till the room is clear.
So every haterz sit down in your own chair.
The game has just began,its getting HOT-HERE.
Ressy can't beat me,impossible NOT-HERE.
With his cold flow,narc give him HOT-AIR!
Rap is my way,I was born to do it.
To serve your family hot cookies to eat.
Ressy can't rap,he's just a novice.
No wonder his dad is a ventriloquist.
Your mom keep chasing penis like she's oliver twist.
Don't cry ressy,just click to quit.
I went to school of rap and I got Ph.D.
Just Like Michael Jackson,I am B.A.D.
Rapping is so easy don't take it muscularly.
Sex your mom and make it cardiovascularly.

Resphanto I'll be back on your fathers bald head very soon.

narcoticz313 2012/02/01 08:46
Quote: SLEEKGURL: One Two Three!
I Still Thrill.
Ressy come here lemme fix your billz.
Too much murder thrills,shaev7 I slaughter stillz.
And you know its till death before ma baller chillz.
Oh yeah,am never stopping till the room is clear.
So every haterz sit down in your own chair.
The game has just began,its getting HOT-HERE.
Ressy can't beat me,impossible NOT-HERE.
With his cold flow,narc give him HOT-AIR!
Rap is my way,I was born to do it.
To serve your family hot cookies to eat.
Ressy can't rap,he's just a novice.
No wonder his dad is a ventriloquist.
Your mom keep chasing penis like she's oliver twist.
Don't cry ressy,just click to quit.
I went to school of rap and I got Ph.D.
Just Like Michael Jackson,I am B.A.D.
Rapping is so easy don't take it muscularly.
Sex your mom and make it cardiovascularly.

Resphanto I'll be back on your fathers bald head very soon.
lol!hahahaha! Shxt babe u killed dat bloke yo,u must come to south africa and get hold of EMI or PIPELINE records day will love ur talent

Resphanto 2012/02/01 09:08
u both are wacko's.....aint gat time for ya.
narcoticz313 2012/02/01 09:10
Ressy ure dads to bald and edgy/he want some hair? Here pull out a pube or two,there...nw I cn diss you like a true MC/fucking with sleeky,noooo I dnt mean sleek da female mc/ I'm tawking about that thingy that looks like a dicky/ that you stick between ur pussy after uve just being dissed/shxts so depressing it even makes me wana slit my wrists/n I bet wen u do it ur fake apple crumbley ass will not be missed!/read everybody! Dis punks once again just being dissed by narcos iron fist/hahaha oliver twist dam sleek that shxt was brutal/stop acting rich PHANTO we all knw u grew up in the rural/hit up the local library to use a pc/ nw ure sleeping on us,ur lame ryhmes we missed, ZEE ... ZEE ZEE ZEE ZEE /stil nt showing ur face ho?!,its under-stan- da- ble /we all knw u lack the fi-nan-cial.....where's your big mouth nw slut come on step up and try to strut your stuff
Resphanto 2012/02/01 09:20
Quote: narcoticz313: Ressy ure dads to bald and edgy/he want some hair? Here pull out a pube or two,there...nw I cn diss you like a true MC/fucking with sleeky,noooo I dnt mean sleek da female mc/ I'm tawking about that thingy that looks like a dicky/ that you stick between ur pussy after uve just being dissed/shxts so depressing it even makes me wana slit my wrists/n I bet wen u do it ur fake apple crumbley ass will not be missed!/read everybody! Dis punks once again just being dissed by narcos iron fist/hahaha oliver twist dam sleek that shxt was brutal/stop acting rich PHANTO we all knw u grew up in the rural/hit up the local library to use a pc/ nw ure sleeping on us,ur lame ryhmes we missed, ZEE ... ZEE ZEE ZEE ZEE /stil nt showing ur face ho?!,its under-stan- da- ble /we all knw u lack the fi-nan-cial.....where's your big mouth nw slut come on step up and try to strut your stuff
u ar jst fuckin wack for my liking...sorry i dnt deal wit wacko's...go and stuck yr lil dick into Sleekgurl's ear hole.. /smiley

SLEEKGURL 2012/02/01 09:20
Quote: Resphanto: u both are wacko's.....aint gat time for ya.

why will you when you've lost the rap battle.
No cup for a loser but you can have this water bottle.
Console yourself and don't kill yourself.
Cos there are already too many skeleton in my shelve.
Moron stop crying,Go call your boss shaev7.
If he can beat eight,he can never beat eleven.
Fire on the mountain,run ressy run!
Don't show your rotten ass again cos I already won.
You should be ashamed,you're nothing but a riffraff.
Your words are bent,your flow is in zigzag.
Coming to me is just showing you're a real fag.

Resphanto 2012/02/01 09:23
why will you when you've lost the rap battle.
No cup for a loser but you can have this water bottle.
Console yourself and don't kill yourself.
Cos there are already too many skeleton in my shelve.
Moron stop crying,Go call your boss shaev7.
If he can beat eight,he can never beat eleven.
Fire on the mountain,run ressy run!
Don't show your rotten ass again cos I already won.
You should be ashamed,you're nothing but a riffraff.
Your words are bent,your flow is in zigzag.
Coming to me is just showing you're a real fag.
lost which battle...ha ha ha u make me laugh...dis aint no battle? Dis is jst beef arrangemen for battle,but am sowi i dnt battle wacko's...d last time i checked,i was battling a heavy weighter,is nt dat am braggin but yr rap are like look for yr class../smiley

narcoticz313 2012/02/01 10:40
Quote: Resphanto: u ar jst fuckin wack for my liking...sorry i dnt deal wit wacko's...go and stuck yr lil dick into Sleekgurl's ear hole.. /smiley
lol you are classic"go stuck yr lil dick into sleekgurls earhole "damit u cnt spell ryt u uneduacated fuckbag y dnt u come play with my asshole maybe then ill take u seriously

SLEEKGURL 2012/02/01 11:13
Quote: Resphanto: lost which battle...ha ha ha u make me laugh...dis aint no battle? Dis is jst beef arrangemen for battle,but am sowi i dnt battle wacko's...d last time i checked,i was battling a heavy weighter,is nt dat am braggin but yr rap are like look for yr class../smiley

the fool keeps running!

Replies: 125

#49 Rap BattleZ
Engage in lyrical battles with other 2wap rappers. Not for the easily-offended.