School memories by Barbiecute 2011/05/14 17:13
school MEMORIES:
Onesided love...
Silent mode Mobiles...
Bus stand comedies..
Escape from Seminars...
Last period cuts..
Birthday treat's...
Last minute prepration...
Over ight study 4next day Exam..
Friend's family functions..
Internal marks problem..
Mass bunk 4 a film..
Eager wait 4 feb14..
shortage of pocket money
nd attendance..
Thse day's will nvr come again :)

_ShAnE_StArK_ 2013/09/21 12:39
very nice keep it up.../smiley
Smarty 2016/11/17 21:40
Not really that much. Thank you for your kindness. I am so glad you find this amusing, .
saahir 2016/12/10 16:09
Me also trapped in one sided /smiley
Quote: Barbiecute: school MEMORIES:
Onesided love...
Silent mode Mobiles...
Bus stand comedies..
Escape from Seminars...
Last period cuts..
Birthday treat's...
Last minute prepration...
Over ight study 4next day Exam..
Friend's family functions..
Internal marks problem..
Mass bunk 4 a film..
Eager wait 4 feb14..
shortage of pocket money
nd attendance..
Thse day's will nvr come again /smiley

Barbiecute 2016/12/10 16:28
Quote: saahir: Me also trapped in one sided /smiley
whoz dat grl?

saahir 2016/12/12 17:50
Quote: Barbiecute: whoz dat grl?

Hmm! Secret itz.

Replies: 45

#53 Creative Work
Poetry, stories, lyrics, quotes, life lessons and more. Prepare to be moved and inspired.