School memories by Barbiecute 2011/05/14 17:13
school MEMORIES:
Onesided love...
Silent mode Mobiles...
Bus stand comedies..
Escape from Seminars...
Last period cuts..
Birthday treat's...
Last minute prepration...
Over ight study 4next day Exam..
Friend's family functions..
Internal marks problem..
Mass bunk 4 a film..
Eager wait 4 feb14..
shortage of pocket money
nd attendance..
Thse day's will nvr come again :)

_-FiRe-PhOeNiX-_ 2011/05/14 19:25
Yeah nice one..n really missng thse daY's /smiley
_rOcK_ 2011/05/14 19:32
those days were golden days for me.......i will never forget those days
Rana_csd 2011/05/14 19:50
Yea..those r the sweet memories..except "silent mode of mobile" bcos then there was no mobile in my area....
Yungboss 2011/05/14 20:06
kinda cool
lIVINg_fOSSIl 2011/05/15 05:59
Silent mobiles was d stupid part /smiley
_roshan_ 2011/05/15 06:30
But this happens me in collage life. . . . .
_roshan_ 2011/05/15 06:32
Quote: TheMouse: Silent mobiles? Oh dear, in my school days, they were even invisible! /smiley
-hahaha-in my school also

Friendship_slambook 2011/05/15 06:44
best life ;;;school life
Kalpesh_89 2011/05/15 06:58
Wat if lyf has ctrl + z? Dan we cn enjoy those days again. . . /smiley
_FunteNer_ 2011/05/15 07:04
Bus stand c0medies i miss him those days! Wher we waiting for bus! ?Nice topic barbie! /smiley
teri-to 2011/05/15 09:12
no assignments. . . .
Ashif123 2011/05/15 13:10
kazzy 2011/05/15 17:20
This one 4 you babi
Tapas 2011/05/16 03:36
School mamari is batar and beutifui in tha lief
Whizzy 2011/05/16 08:51
Yeah they will neva come again,bt i reali miss them.
shakti 2011/05/19 19:35
I miss my School days
Rohit 2011/05/22 10:25
Mobile in indian schools .duh.
stacey1 2011/05/22 20:12
lol so true, but that was the best days but we do have our memories and that what makes it so special
Gerald24 2011/05/23 21:39
Last min. prepration/smiley
LOVELY_GURL 2011/05/24 00:41
nice sis/smiley
Replies: 45

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